Varsity Swimming Introduction and Expectations

Being a part of any Varsity program takes Self Discipline, a Strong Work Ethic, Mental and Physical Toughness

and Commitment. As a part of the Varsity swim program you will be pushed to your limits on a daily basis;

how you respond says a lot about your character. The attributes listed above are reflected in successful

individuals both while participating in sporting events and in the classroom. I am excited that you have

decided to take this challenge. I fully expect this season to be rewarding on multiple levels.

Coaching Staff:

Coach Jones: Head Coach; will oversee all facets of the swim program.

Coach Spangler: Assistant Coach; will work with advanced swimmers and will focus on stroke development and technique for all swimmers.

Coach Seeley: Assistant Coach; will coordinate volunteers, aid in meet setup, data analysis, web page design, bus driving and many other extraneous duties

Coach Meeks: Assistant Coach; will work with other coaches to develop ability appropriate, yet challenging, dry-land and swim workouts.

Equipment Requirements:

*Practice suit – the more drag the better!

*Competition suit – a suit will be selected for purchase by the team. It will range in the $50 - $70 range for

girls and $30 - $40 range for boys. If your family has a hardship when needing to purchase the

suit, let me know. We can work something out and it will be kept anonymous.

*Swim Goggles


*Athletic Bag for storing suit and clothes

*Filled Water Bottle

*Fins, kick boards and pull buoys will be supplied by SAS/CA

Practice Schedule:

Beginning Monday, November 1st, practices will occur daily (M-F) at the SAS pool. Swimmers are expected to

be on the pool deck and ready to stretch at 3:40pm. Practices will finish between 5:40 and 5:45pm. Parents

should expect to pick their son/daughter up from the SAS pool by 6:00pm.

*Practices and meets WILL be held the first week of Trimester Break (Nov. 15th thru Nov. 19th) and MAY be

held over the winter break. Additionally, sporadic Saturday practices may be added to the schedule.

*Although a stringent Dry-Land regimen will be provided and athletes are expected to follow, swim practices will NOT be held the second week of trimester break (Nov. 20th thru Nov. 28th), Christmas Eve/Day, New Years Eve/Day or on Martin Luther King Holiday (Monday, January 17th).

Meet Schedule: Note: All meets will start with a team warm-up at 4:00 and meet start time of 4:30pm.

Saturday, November 13th = CA @ Forsyth Country Day Invitational (11:30 warm-up and 12:00 start)

Thursday, November 18th = CA Hosts Calvary Baptist and Durham Academy

Thursday, December 2nd = CA Hosts Riverside High School and Grace Christian of Raleigh

Tuesday, December 7th = CA is @ Ravenscroft

Thursday, December 9th = CA Hosts Grace Christian of Raleigh and the Raleigh Hawks swim team

Monday, December 13th = CA @ East Chapel Hill High School at Homestead Park (warm-ups 5:30 meet 6:00)

Friday, December 17th = Homecoming = CA Hosts North Raleigh Christian and Cary Christian

Thursday, January 6th = CA @ North Raleigh Christian Academy

Thursday, January 13th = CA Hosts North Carolina School of Science/Math and Ravenscroft

Thursday, January 20th = CA Hosts Wesleyan Christian and Trinity Academy of Raleigh

Thursday, January 27th = CA Hosts Greensboro Day School and Grace Christian of Raleigh

Thursday, February 3rd = Senior Day = CA Hosts Saint Mary’s School and Trinity Academy of Raleigh

Tuesday, February 8th = TISAC Championship Meet @ Ravenscroft with time TBA

Monday, February 21st = NCISAA Meet @ Triangle Aquatic Center in Raleigh hosted by Ravenscroft, time TBA

Friday, March 25th = Winter Sports Banquet; 5:00 for dinner (optional) and 6:00 start

Team Expectations and Rules:

Practices and Meets: A commitment to the team sets the foundation for every sports program and Varsity swimming is no different. All team members are expected to be at all practices, meets and team “get togethers” including the end of season banquetunless on rare occasions the absence is deemed “excused.”

An absence can be marked excused if…

* the athlete did not attend school that day due to illness AND a note is sent to the head coach,

*a doctor/dentist appointment was set prior to the start of the season and cannot be changed. This

appointment MUST be communicated to the head coach prior to the end of the first week of practice.

*an appointment is set by a teacher for the athlete to meet with the teacher regarding grades or

makeup work. A note must be passed from the teacher to the coach for the absence to be excused.

*a medical emergency occurs

*other incidences may occur which deem an absence excusable but must be reviewed by the coachng


*I have a Dance/Band/Choir rehearsal that has been scheduled. Simply send me a reminder so I can

Check the athletic calendar to verify with the Fine Arts department.

EXCEPTIONS: “Year Round Swimmers”

Individuals participating in a year-round swim program (10-12 months of swimming per year) are

required to attend TWO practices/meets per week of the season. Since our season is 13 weeks long,

these swimmers are required to attend a total of 26 meets/practices. Meets are essential. It is

expected that year round swimmers will attend all 14 meets and meet their requirement of 26 by

picking up 12 practices throughout the season.

Examples of Un-excused absences…

*”I have too much homework, a project or I have to study for an upcoming test/quiz!” An athlete is

expected to manage his/her time by planning ahead for tests, quizzes, projects and heavy homework


*”I have to go celebrate my brother’s birthday with my family.” Practice is over by 5:45pm. This leaves

plenty of time for celebrations afterward.

*”I don’t feel well.” If you make it through the day without going home, you can come to practice. If

you are truly sick you can wait on the side or I may have you call someone to come pick you up. It’s

best to let me know ahead of time!

*”There’s a dance tonight that I want to go to.” That’s great, there will be plenty of time to get ready

after practice.

*”We are going to the beach this weekend and my mom wants to leave Friday after school.” You have

committed to the Varsity swim program. The beach can wait an additional 2 hours.

*PLUS, a variety of many other excuses I have heard throughout my 20 years of coaching!

Penalties: Any athlete having an Unexcused absence will be dealt with in the following manner:

*First Offense – athlete will not swim in the next meet and will be reassigned to timing duties.

*Second Offense – athlete will be dismissed from the team.

*Additionally, multiple Excused absences will be frowned upon and reviewed by the coaching staff.

Team Rules:

1.Swimmers are expected to be on the pool deck and in their groups ready to stretch at 3:40 pm.

Unexcused tardiness will be dealt with as a team.

2.INJURED swimmers need to report to Coach Mac and he will send me a note explaining why you were

not at practice. If you are “hurting” or “sore”, you are expected to be at practice on time.

3.Swimming involves intensive aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. Each swimmer is expected to put forth

a true effort each day at practice.

4.Belittling, teasing or bullying another teammate will NOT be tolerated.

5.RESPECT will be shown to teammates, coaches and the SAS employees and facilities.

6.All other rules outlined in the Cary Academy Student Handbook will apply.

SAS Rules:

1.Students walking to SAS campus should walk in pairs or groups and stay on the sidewalk; do NOT

walk on the grass!

2.Students should carry a CA/SAS security badge with them when they walk/transported to SAS.

3.Lockers within the locker room can NOT be used for swimmers. Swimmers should bring athletic

Bags to store their clothes and tablet – these items will be left on the pool deck.

4.Swimmers should bring/use their own towels.

5.RESPECT the facilities! Locker room area, lobby and pool deck is to be picked up and clean after

every practice!

*penalties for breaking team/SAS rules will be reviewed by the coaching staff and handled case by case.

Earning a Varsity Letter:

Earning a Varsity Letter is a rewarding experience. In order to earn a Varsity Letter/pin for swimming, the

swimmer must follow all team rules as well as expectations for practices and compete in all team meets.

PE Exemption

Varsity swimming qualifies as one of the two sport requirements necessary for PE exemption in grades 10 thru 12. In order to earn this exemption, the swimmer must compete (if qualifies) until the season ends with the NCISAA state meet on February 21st.

Team Activities:

Throughout the season we will hold a number of team activities that swimmers are required to attend. Here is

a list of several examples.

*”Pasta Pump Ups” – these are get together dinners that were graciously hosted by the Udell family last year.

this year we hope to do more of the same. I am looking at four potential dates: Friday, November 12th,

Thursday, December 16th, Monday, February 7th and Sunday, February 21st.

*Support our Fellow Athletes – I believe it is essential that we support each other as well as our sister sports

programs. As a result, as a team, we will attend one boys basketball game, one girls basketball game and

one wrestling match PLUS attendance at other of Homecoming events on the 17th of December – AFTER

our meet. Potential dates = Wed. Jan. 12th Wrestling Match vs. Ravenscroft and Friday Jan. 28th for girls

and boys Varsity Basketball vs. NRCA.

*Homecoming Week – Homecoming is a celebration of the Winter sports. To show our gratitude, we WILL

participate in the Homecoming dress up days. You should also try to involve yourself in other

Homecoming festivities.

*Meet Days – On the days of swim meets (when we are in school), team members are expected to proudly

wear their swim team jacket.

*Meet Day Lunches – Although this can’t be done in the Middle School, it will be done with our Upper School

swimmers. On the days of a swim meet (when we are in school), ALL team members will sit and eat

together at a gathering of tables. If it is an advisory day then 9th and 10th grade swimmers will eat

together and 11th and 12th grade swimmers will eat together.

*Buddy System – we will pair swimmers into a buddy system to help with training and other activities

*”Fist Bumps” – prior to exiting the pool area, after every practice each swimmer will fist bump, high five or

shake the hand of each coach.

*End of Season Banquet – Every swimmer should expect to attend; date is set for Friday, March 25th

Goal Setting

Goals are important! Goals provide direction as well as team and personal satisfaction. During the first week of practice we will take practice time to set our goals. These goals should NOT be all time improvement based.

Important Time Standards

Personal Bests: Coach Seeley will keep a running log of each swimmer’s personal best time on the website!

NCISAA State Qualifying Time Standards: These standards have been revised from last year, here they are.

Boys / Girls
200 Medley Relay / NT / NT
200 Freestyle / 2:19.99 / 2:28.99
200 Individual Medley / 2:35.99 / 2:49.99
50 Freestyle / 26.67 / 29.96
100 Butterfly / 1:12.99 / 1:22.99
100 Freestyle / 1:01.67 / 1:07.15
500 Freestyle / 6:09.98 / 6:24.32
200 Freestyle Relay / NT / NT
100 Backstroke / 1:18.99 / 1:23.99
100 Breaststroke / 1:21.99 / 1:30.78
400 Freestyle Relay / NT / NT

I look forward to a terrific season!

Kevin Jones

*Please note, this document is a preliminary document and items will be slightly revised prior to full distribution at “Meet the Coaches Night.”


The following recommendations have been designed specifically for the Cary Academy swimming team. Because of the intense demands and conditioning required, athletes and parents are asked to read and understand certain cautions and responsibilities designed to improve the safety and enjoyment of the sport.


Choose a suit which fits comfortably and dries easily. Wear supportive undergarments to practices and competitions.

  1. Goggles are highly recommended. They prevent eye irritation and may protect the eyes from “flying arms” or other swimmers during practice.
  2. Earplugs are helpful in avoiding ear infections. Soft wax earplugs can be molded to fit into the ear to keep water out.
  3. A swim cap can help keep hair out of the eyes and keep you warmer during practice by preventing body heat from being lost.
  4. A close-fitting T-shirt put on after showering will also help maintain body heat.
  5. Participants should ingest the equivalent of 4-6 glasses of water each day.
  6. Swimmers with seizure, neuromuscular, renal, cardiac, insulin/diabetic, or chronic skeletal problems, disorders or diseases, must present physician’s approval to the coach prior to participation in any practice session.
  7. No horseplay, rough-housing, hazing or initiations.


  1. Locker room floors are often slippery.
  2. Open locker doors can have sharp edges. Close and lock your locker when away from it.
  3. Secure all personal items in your assigned locker.
  4. Use soap and shampoo only in the shower area.
  5. Be alert to raised thresholds at shower rooms.
  6. No horseplay, rough-housing, hazing or initiations


  1. Look around the facility for notices;
  1. Pool rules posted on the wall.
  2. Deep and shallow pool depths. (Codes and competition rules may prohibit diving from the shallow end – depending on the depth.)
  3. Location of ladders.
  4. Location of safety equipment.
  5. Equipment stored on the deck for use by swimmers - kickboards, pull buoys, hand paddles (use equipment as needed and return appropriately).
  6. Other equipment in the area (tables, chairs, timing equipment, lane lines, lane storage reel, physical education equipment).
  7. Stay off the lifeguard stand at all times.
  8. No horseplay, rough-housing, hazing or initiations.

2.NEVER do a pike/scoop/whip or deep dive in the shallow end of the pool—flat shallow racing dives only.

3.Never attempt to dive or jump over the backstroke flags.

4.Check the water beneath the diving board if entering from the board.


Do all stretching exercises on the deck as directed by the coach(es). Take time to stretch before each swimming practice.


  1. Look before you enter.
  2. No diving into the shallow end other than supervised racing dives during practice or pre-meet warm-ups.
  3. Lanes will be designated for various strokes and conditioning routines. Swim to the right of any designated lane unless the workout calls for alternating opposite circles.
  4. Stay off the lane lines at all times.
  5. Making contact with the diving board or lane lines, pool walls, gutters, or bottom during practice or competition could possibly result in serious bodily injury.
  6. Never hyperventilate during practice or for any race over 50 yards.
  7. No horseplay. rough-housing, hazing or initiations.


Because of the nature of swimming, some injuries will occur. All injuries must be called to a coach’s or trainer’s attention. Most will be minor and can be managed with basic first aid. However, an occasional situation may require more intense management and may also necessitate involvement of squad members as follows:

  1. Be alert. Look around. Get the attention of other people as they may need to help or get out of the water. DO NOT move the victim!
  2. The coach will manage the person in trouble. You may be asked to assist in one of several ways: Assist by:
  1. Helping with the injured person.
  2. Telephoning for additional assistance—phone numbers and information are posted on the telephone.
  3. Obtaining first aid supplies or equipment.
  4. Directing the rescue squad to the accident site.
  5. Keeping onlookers back.

3.Fire or Fire Alarms:

  1. Sometimes there may be time to grab a coat and exit from the locker room
  2. If the situation requires quicker action, athletes will evacuate the pool deck through any exit.
  3. Move and remain 150 feet away from the building.
  4. Be prepared to use the procedures described in # 2 above.

We certify that we have read, understand, and agree to adhere to the cautions, considerations, and responsibilities required for participation on the Cary Academy Swimming Team.


Athlete Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date