MINUTES 18/11/2013


Emma Oglesby- President

David Jones- Vice President

Emily Herbert- Treasurer

Jenny Jones- General Secretary (minuting)

David Lee- Social secretary

Sophie Moore- Duties officer

Rosy Crawford- Training Coordinator


Briony Dean (Memberships and Logistics)

Nabid Bhuiyan (Duties)


The private account balance stands at £913.44

Our members stand at 104- this is the same since the last balance sheet

Committee need to pay for stash- this is £25.08 each

This means our account balance should peak at around £1000

We need to buy USB sticks and T-shirts for our trainers.

We will need at least 5 t-shirts. Potentially get 8 to allow for wer and tear- a few small, a few medium, one large.

We will get the T-shirts in a generic colour, they are to be borrowed for the period of being a trainer, and then returned. We will take a ten pound deposit or a cheque which will not be cashed unless they are not returned to us.

We need 3 or 4 USB sticks for the lead trainers and training coordinator.

DEADLINES- get USB sticks for the next training session, get t-shirts before Christmas.

We have £60 set aside for a committee social.

We have £60 set aside for fundraising prizes- potentially cinema tickets.

We have £820 left in our private account

We have £335 left of our grant


We should be able to subsidise the Christmas meal so members only need to pay £5 each. This estimate is for 40 people- it will depend on how many are going.

David Lee has paid a deposit to the Rope Walk of £120. This will be reimbursed from the grant.

He will pay the bill on a credit/debit card, and get this reimbursed.

It will be on the 6th December at 7:30 pm

We will go on to Ocean or Bopp afterwards

We will be sure to promote this social at tomorrow’s training session.


It will be the new unit manager’s decision as to whether we can take members to London Marathon this year. They might prefer us to cover other duties in our own region.

We will budget it in at the same price as last year, and if it doesn’t happen it just leaves the new committee in a better position.

We could potentially ask members to pay £10 towards transport- although asking them to pay to go on a duty may be questionable.


There is no second grant. We will do hoodies earlier than last year, this will generate some income for the society.

We will ask for interest over the next couple of weeks and start taking deposits.

There is fundraising at Tesco in Carlton on the 22nd of February which we have been asked to attend- as it is difficult to get our members there, we may leave this to the cadets.

We will run the CPR marathon again next term.

We will sell first aid books at £10 each again.


Will be visited by the IPC lead at some point,

All first aiders should carry sanitising gel at all times

Grove Farm needs a deep clean. Rosy Crawford will lead this with 3 other people. David Lee has volunteered.

We need a new mop- we should ask Emily about this.

The floor needs some serious work.

First aiders attending Grove are to make a list on Sundays of what is needed from stores. This will then be picked up on Wednesday.


30th November- HeyHeyHey at Rock City

Potentially bowling beforehand

Pre drinks at David Lee’s house

Jenny to send out an email about this.

There is a Latin and Ballroom event on this night which must be covered.


Our constitution must be updated to reflect the changes to the society this year.

This must be done prior to the AGM.

It must be voted in- Jenny to organise an EGM.

Roles will be changing-

We will need a president, vice president, social sec, gensec, treasuer, logistics officer, events officer, fundraising officer


We want to retain our Gold status this year.


Emma and David have signed up to their silver sessions

Nabid and Sophie need to sign up to theirs

Jenny will be able to sign up in the new year.


We will do a joint social with the scouts

Fundraising with CPR marathon

We could potentially teach first aid in a school for the ‘making a difference’ section

9.  AOB

We will not be allowing people who don’t do duties to do revals

People need to get 50 hours of duties done by the end of the year

David Lee and Dan Harris need DBS checks to be redone