School of Health and Life Sciences
Fees for Full Time International students can differ depending on the programme. Please review the website for further details.
Psychology, Social Work and Allied Health Sciences Department
16/17 Programme Fee Standard / Scotland and EU (outside UK) / England / Wales / N. Ireland / International (outside EU)Full-Time / Part-time* / Full-time / Part-time* / Full-time / Part-time*
Undergraduate / £1820 / £1320 / £7000 / £4680 / £11,000 / £7340
Postgraduate / £4850 / £1800 / £4850 / £1800 / £12,000 / £4000
16/17 Programme Fee – Non Standard / Scotland and EU (outside UK) / England / Wales / N. Ireland / International (outside EU)
Full-Time / Part-time* / Full-time / Part-time* / Full-time / Part-time*
Graduate Diploma Psychology / £2640 / £1320 / £7000 / £4680 / £12,000 / £7340
MSc/PgD Social Work / £4415 / - / £4415 / - / £12,000 / -
MSc Physiotherapy Pre- registration and MSc Occupational Therapy Pre-registration / £6510 / - / £6510 / - / £12,000 / -
D.Psy/MSc Counselling Psychology / £5800 / £2900 / £5800 / £2900 / £12,000 / £6000
D.Psy/MSc Counselling Psychology Top Up / - / £1920 / - / £1920 / - / £4000
COSCA Counselling Course / - / £1000 / - / £1000 / - / £2000
16/17 Modular Fee – Standard / Scotland and EU (outside UK) / England / Wales / N. Ireland / International (outside EU)
Undergraduate 20 Credits / £330 / £1170 / £1835
Undergraduate 40 Credits / £660 / £2340 / £3670
Honours Project/ Dissertation / £660 / £2340 / £2310
Postgraduate 15 M Credits / £450 / £450 / £1000
Postgraduate 30 M Credits / £900 / £900 / £2000
Masters Dissertation / £1250 / £1250 / £4000
Dissertation Finalising Fee / £30 / £30 / £30
16/17 Modular Fee – Non - Standard / Scotland and EU (outside UK) / England / Wales / N. Ireland / International (outside EU)
Graduate Diploma Psychology 20 Credits / £330 / £1170 / -
D.Psy/MSc Counselling Psychology 15 M Credits / £480 / £480 / £1000
*Part-time/Distance Learning programme fees are based on an average rate (unless otherwise stated) but will be charged on a module by module basis see standard or non-standard modular fees
All students should read this in conjunction with the Fees and Refund Policy
School of Health and Life Sciences
Fees for Full Time International students can differ depending on the programme. Please review the website for further details.
Life Sciences Department
16/17 Programme Fee Standard / Scotland and EU (outside UK) / England / Wales / N. Ireland / International (outside EU)Full-Time / Part-time* / Full-time / Part-time* / Full-time / Part-time*
Undergraduate / £1820 / £1320 / £7000 / £4680 / £11,000 / £7340
Postgraduate / £4850 / - / £4850 / - / £12,000 / £4000
16/17 Programme Fee – Non Standard / Scotland and EU (outside UK) / England / Wales / N. Ireland / International (outside EU)
Full-Time / Part-time* / Full-time / Part-time* / Full-time / Part-time*
BSc Clinical Physiology – Annual Fee / - / £3675 / - / £3675 / - / -
MSc Dietetics – Annual Fee / - / £2500 / - / £2500 / - / £4000
PgD Dietetics / £3750 / - / £3750 / - / £12,000 / -
MSc Clinical Ophthalmology & Vision Research / £6000 / £2000 / £6000 / £2000 / £12,000 / £4000
MSc Biomedical Science / - / £1000 / - / £1000 / £12,000 / £4000
Remedial Optometric Educational Programme / £9660 / - / £9660 / - / £12,000 / -
16/17 Modular Fee – Standard / Scotland and EU (outside UK) / England / Wales / N. Ireland / International (outside EU)
Undergraduate 20 Credits / £330 / £1170 / £1835
Undergraduate 40 Credits / £660 / £2340 / £3670
Honours Project/ Dissertation / £660 / £2340 / £2310
Dissertation Finalising Fee / £30 / £30 / £30
16/17 Modular Fee – Non - Standard / Scotland and EU (outside UK) / England / Wales / N. Ireland / International (outside EU)
BSc Optometry – EU Students Only 20 Credits (selected modules for GOC recognition) / £1250
MSc Clinical Ophthalmology & Vision Research 15 M Credits / £500 / £500 / £1000
MSc Clinical Ophthalmology & Vision Research Dissertation / £2000 / £2000 / £4000
MSc Biomedical Science 15 M Credits / £250 / £250 / £1000
*Part-time/Distance Learning programme fees are based on an average rate (unless otherwise stated) but will be charged on a module by module basis see standard or non-standard modular fees
All students should read this in conjunction with the Fees and Refund Policy
School of Health and Life Sciences
Fees for Full Time International students can differ depending on the programme. Please review the website for further details.
Nursing and Community Health Department
Scottish/EU and RUK students undertaking controlled Nursing programmes on a Full Time basis apply to SAAS to qualify for a zero fee.
16/17 Programme Fee Standard / Scotland and EU (outside UK) / England / Wales / N. Ireland / International (outside EU)Full-Time / Part-time* / Full-time / Part-time* / Full-time / Part-time*
Undergraduate / £1820 / £1320 / £7000 / £4680 / £11,000 / £7340
Postgraduate MSc / £4850 / £1800 / £4850 / £1800 / £12,000 / £4000
Postgraduate MSc (Distance Learning) / £4850 / £1800 / £4850 / £1800 / £6000 / £2400
Postgraduate Diploma / £3600 / £1800 / £3600 / £1800 / £4000
PostgraduateCertificate / £1800 / £1800 / £1800 / £1800 / £4000
16/17 Programme Fee – Non Standard / Scotland and EU (outside UK) / England / Wales / N. Ireland / International (outside EU)
Full-Time / Part-time* / Full-time / Part-time* / Full-time / Part-time*
BSc Professional Studies in Nursing – See Below**
Return to Practice / - / £1300 / - / £1300 / - / -
PgD Specialist Community Public Health Nursing / £3600 / - / £3600 / - / £12000 / -
16/17 Modular Fee – Standard / Scotland and EU (outside UK) / England / Wales / N. Ireland / International (outside EU)
Undergraduate 20 Credits / £330 / £1170 / £1835
Undergraduate 40 Credits / £660 / £2340 / £3670
Honours Project/ Dissertation / £660 / £2340 / £2310
Postgraduate 15 M Credits / £450 / £450 / £1000
Postgraduate 30 M Credits / £900 / £900 / £2000
Postgraduate 15 M Credits (Distance Learning) / £450 / £450 / £600
Postgraduate 30 M Credits (Distance Learning) / £900 / £900 / £1200
Masters Dissertation / £1250 / £1250 / £4000
Masters Dissertation (Distance Learning) / £1250 / £1250 / £1250
Dissertation Finalising Fee / £30 / £30 / £30
*Part-time/Distance Learning programme fees are based on an average rate (unless otherwise stated) but will be charged on a module by module basis see standard or non-standard modular fees
**The Part Time Professional Studies in Nursing programme has a high degree of flexibility of modules offered. Each module can vary in price. Please contact Tom McAlear or Angela Miller for fee information.
All students should read this in conjunction with the Fees and Refund Policy