Stone Lake Elementary PTO General Meeting Minutes –November 10, 2015
The November meeting of the Stone Lake PTO was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Lisa Mehl.
Attendance: JoAnna Cline, Mark Beard, Kristen Beckner, Lisa Mehl, Christina Strother,Danaa Tateishi, Ashley Lovato, Jennifer Garrett, Ana Galic, Tye Ross, Erica Davis.
Approval of General Meeting Minutes:
Ana Galic asked a question about the school’s profit from the Apex Fun Run. There was some misunderstanding that the profit was only 10% of total funds. The Board explained that the profit was 52% of the total funds. Discussion was held on the overall experience. A motion was made by Danaa Tateishi and seconded by Christina Strothersto approve the minutes for the October13, 2015 meeting. Lisa Mehl called for a vote to approve the motion. All present members were in favor; no objections or abstentions.
Treasurer’s Report/Budget:
JoAnna Cline reported on the September Treasurer’s Report on behalf of Jessica Trudell. Items mentioned: 1)Raley’s - $875.21, 2)Floor Mats–$1056.67 (expense). Discussion was held regarding spirit wear. Tye Ross asked if a pink t-shirt would be sold similar to shirts the staff purchased for Breast Cancer Awareness month. The PTO suggested that she contact the Spirit Wear chairperson. A motion was made by Danaa Tateishi and seconded by Erica Davis to approve the October Treasurer’s Report. Lisa Mehl called for a vote to approve the motion. All present members were in favor; no objections or abstentions.
Future Business:
A: ZBest Coupon Book Sale
Lisa Mehl reported on the coupon book fundraiser. Books will be delivered this week with the prize machine on November 18 during lunch. The fundraiser for A track will be held from November 30 – December 11.
B: Spirit Wear Site Sale
Lisa Mehl reported on behalf of Jasmine Gonzalez. A site sale will be held on Thursday, December 3 after school in front of the library. Current inventory will be sold.
C: Box Tops/Labels for Education
Lisa Mehl reported on behalf of Tonya Boynton. Tonya will be promoting the box tops with a new look in 2016. She is planning to put up a mailbox for collection as well as send home baggies for each student.
D: Restaurant Night
Lisa Mehl reported on behalf of Ebony Wellington. She reported that restaurant nights will be postponed until after the holidays. The next restaurant night will be scheduled in February.
D: Kaia Fit Fundraiser
Ashley Lovato and Jennifer Garrett presented a proposal for a fundraiser with Kaia Fit. The fundraiser would promoted in January. They are offering 10% to the school from each class sign up ($149). Classes are 4 days a week for 5 weeks. Kaia Fit is a fitness program for women over the age of 16 only. The classes would start on the 15th of February. The PTO decided to support this fundraiser. Ashley will email a flyer to JoAnna to put on the website.
Principal’s Report
Mr. Beard reported that the city will be rethinking the stop sign that had been proposed for Lakepoint Dr.
Mr. Beard discussed a lawsuit that is pending against the Elk Grove School District as well as other school districts in the State. PE is the only subject that is mandated by the Education Code for 200 minutes of PE per 10 days. The lawsuit is due to the belief that 200 minutes is not occurring. The EGUSD is trying to get out of the lawsuit. Teachers will be documenting minutes spent at PE and Mr. Beard will oversee.
Mr. Beard reported that the Lexia program trial ends in November. Funding will be provided to cover the next year (November 2015 –November 2016).
Danaa Tateishi asked about a program called Epic. Mr. Beard explained that this program is an e-reader library that is free to teachers. Parents would have to pay $4.99/mo.
Mr. Beard thanked the PTO for sending flowers to his grandmother’s funeral.
Open Forum
Lisa Mehl asked Mr. Beard about the projector for the Science Lab. Mr. Beard will forward the quote to the PTO. Kristen Beckner asked that he ask the entire staff for approval of the projector.
Erica Davis reported that yearbook orders will be accepted through March. She also reported that 6th grade dedications are due in December. She will be accepting pictures until the end of January/first of February.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. on a motion by JoAnna Clineand a second by Tye Ross.