Numerous proposals and reports are written to U.S and foreign agencies, NASA, DARPA, DOD, FAA, for TRW, 1984-1994.

Numerous project assignments, TRW, 1986-1993

Numerous project assignments, XEROX, 1978-1982

Numerous project assignments, UNISYS (BURROUGHS), 1974-1976

·  Chief scientist and principle Investigator: Fault-Tolerant System Design and Fault-Tolerant Test Bed, TRW Space and Defense, 1986-1990.

·  CO-Principal Investigator: Deep Space Relay Network, Ground Station Processing Design, for NASA/JPL, 1991/1992.

·  Principal Investigator: Low Cost Commercial Off-the-Shelf Ground Stations, Internal Research and Development Project, TRW 1991-1993.

·  " Successful SBIR Grant Proposal Preparation," IEEE LA Consultants Network, March, 1994.

·  " Lessons Learned: Running a Technical Consulting Business," IEEE South Bay Consultants Network, April 1994.

·  NSF PROPOSAL : Undergraduate Laboratory Upgrade Grant in the area of Network Technology, November 1994.

·  NSF PROPOSAL : Combined Research - Curriculum Development Network Technology/ Distributed Computing, February - March 1995. NSF Engineering Directorate.

·  NSF PROPOSAL: Undergraduate Laboratory Upgrade Grant in the area of An Innovative Teaching Laboratory in Network Technology, November 1995.

·  Scholarly and Creative Activities Award

Assigned Time: 3WTU, Fall 1995.

·  Principal Investigator: An Innovative Teaching Laboratory in Network Technology, 96-97, NSF Grant, CSULB.

·  NSF PROPOSAL : Combined Research - Curriculum Development "The Use of Network Technologies for Incorporating Advanced Research Into the Engineering Curriculum," May 1996. NSF Engineering Directorate.

·  proposal to Rockwell International: "Use of High Speed Network Technology for Distance Learning," May1996.

·  "ATM LANs and Impacts on Mobile and Wireless Computing Networks"

NSF Grant for Undergraduate Laboratory Development, 1996-1997. Grant # 07-183796.

·  CSULB Foundation Collaborative Grants Award, Fall 1996, Assigned Time : 3WTU.

·  “Wireless via Satellite : Systems for Personal/Mobile Communication and Computation,” invited paper, Applied Microwave and Wireless, 2/97, 2/98 (European Edition).

·  Exploring Grid As a Security Simulation Environment…,” Presentation to NPACI (National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure ) SanDiego Supercomputer Center, 3/19/03

·  “Session Continuity and Security for Mobile Wireless w/ Fast Handover,” with E. Seo. Presentation to SASN 03.

IEEE Distinguished Visitor Program Info

·  “Technology Mediated Instruction: Task Force Report “ 5/99. Dr. Mangir Chaired the Task Force.

·  “Use of Project Work and Project Portfolios ……” Workshop presentation to WASC 2003.