United States History Syllabus 2016-2017
Lewisburg High School
Mrs. Hatchett, Instructor
Course Description
United States history is a core subject taught in the 11th grade.
Course Objectives
- Students will have knowledge of the chronological events of United States History post-civil war era.
- Students will be able to identify major economic, political, social, and technological trends beginning in the 20th century.
- Students will develop critical thinking skills.
- Students will build their reading, writing, comprehension, and discussion skills.
- Students will be able to cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources
- Libby Hatchett. Contact me at
- Best way to contact me is through my email. My office hours are during PT2 on Tuesday and Thursday.
- I update my teacher webpage (accessible through the Lewisburg web page) regularly, so check that for assignments, due dates, notes, etc.
Primary Texts
Holt McDougal, “The Americans”. These will be a class set and NOT issued unless a student would like to check one out on occasion. Also, the students will be given an online code where they can access the entire book and helpful resources ONLINE.
Materials Needed
- A three-hole notebook for handouts and notes, along with some type of calendar (such as your agenda book) to keep track of due dates. Due dates will be posted in advance on the board and on my Lewisburg High School homepage. You will have NOTEBOOK CHECKS.
- Dividers. I break my class down based on time periods (Units)to help the students stay organized and these dividers will help them stay organized.
- Notebook or notebook paper for note taking.
- Pen/pencil
Students will take objective exams covering material from the textbook, supplemental readings, discussions, and lectures. The design of each exam will be multiple-choice, true/false, matching, fill-in-the-blank, etc.
** At the end of the semester, you will take a state mandated end-of-course exam that will reflect your final grade in my class. This is what we will be working towards the entire semester! Each unit test will be a sort of progress monitoring for the final semester exam.
Your grade will be determined by your performance on tests, quizzes, and various assignments.
- Assessments (quizzes, tests, essays) will comprise approximately 70% of your total grade.
- Miscellaneous assignments, participation, homework, and projects will comprise approximately 30% of your total grade.
Makeup Work
You and ONLY YOU are responsible for making up/getting work when absent.
- The FIRST day you are back in class, check the weekly assignments chart for the day (s) you missed and make it up.
- If you miss a quiz/test you will be expected to make that up as soon as possible (next day, patriot hour, end of class, etc). If you do not make it up if a time is scheduled, you will receive a zero.
- Failure to make up work in a timely manner will result in a ZERO. No exceptions.
Classroom Management
- Be Prompt. Please be on time to my class (why wouldn’t you want to be anyways..?). You must be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings in order to NOT be marked tardy. IF you are tardy, you will not be allowed in the room without a white tardy slip from the office.
- Be Prepared. Please bring all materials necessary for class such as your notebook, pen, pencil, notebook paper, notebook, etc.
- Be Polite. Be polite to your teachers, others around you, and yourself.
- Be Productive. While in my class, you will earn your participation grade as well as good citizenship by doing what you are told, working hard, participating in discussions, and being an overall good student.
- Be positive! This is my favorite rule/procedure. Even if you are having a bad day, turn that frown upside down when coming in to my room. I will always have a positive learning environment in my room and I ask that you respect that and act in accordance with it!
- Off limits to students. My “office” i.e computer, file cabinets, closets, and media equipment is off limits to all students. No trespassing unless prior permission is granted.
- Stay in your seat until the END of class.Be in your seat when the bell rings.Class ends when the dismissal bell rings.
- Be Honest. Both the giving and receiving of answers on tests, quizzes, and the copying of homework is considered cheating. And a zero grade and a “1” in conduct will result.
- No cell phones. Cell phones are NOT allowed out during class unless I have told you that you may use them.
**Failure to comply with the above expectations will result in the following course of disciplinary action.
1st offense- Warning
2nd offense- Student/Teacher conference (and confiscation of item/seat moved if applicable)
3rd offense- Detention and parent contact
4th offense- disciplinary referral