Improving the Standards of Resident Training in Europe
In order to provide guidance on ideal standards for training in Orthopaedic Residency programmes, we wish to obtain data on current training objectives as laid down by each National Association. Please would you complete the following questionnaire, this information will then be distributed to give you evidence of the similarities and differences in Training in European |Orthopaedics.
Please tick all boxes which apply: Feel free to add freehand comments at the end.
- Indicate the length of Specialist training in Trauma and Orthopaedics, in years:
2. How are Trainees selected in your programmes?
xBy examxBy interviewxBy ranking
xOther…a jury ( head of training and program directors of different surgical specialties together ) reviews all these datas once a year in all the universiies and selects the candidates. When a resident is “chosen” in one university and there is no position for him or her he may then directly go to another program I nthe country if he or she finds a position ……………..
3.Do your Training Programmes comply with specific Educational Requirements?
xNational CurriculumRegional CurriculumLocal Protocols
None of these
4.Do your curricula assess?
xContent of trainingxLists of operationsxNumbers of operations
xIndividual work plansxTechnical skillsOther………………………
5.How do you regulate Surgical Activity?
xType of operationsxNumber of procedures
Number of hours/sessionsOther……………
6. How do you regulate outpatient activity?
xNumber of patientsNumber of hours/sessions
Overall time allocationxOther…type of outpatient activity ( trauma , pediatrics etc…………
7. How do you assess Emergency/Trauma activity?
xNumber of proceduresxType of procedures
Number of hours/sessionsOverall time allocation
8.Is Research Activity compulsory?
Number of hours/sessions Peer reviewed papers
xNational/International PresentationsAudits
Specific time allocationNot compulsory
9.Are Trainees required to work in other Specialties?
Prior to Orthopaedic TrainingxDuring Orthopaedic Training
Not required
10. Which Specialties are required/recommended?
xGeneral SurgeryxVascular SurgeryxNeurosurgery
xPlastic SurgeryxThoracic SurgeryAnaesthesia/ITU
xEmergency DeptRheumatologyMedical SpecialtiesRadiology
11. Which Orthopaedic Specialties are Compulsory during training?
xArthroplastySpines xHandsPaediatrics
12. Are external educational/instructional courses encouraged?
CompulsoryxVoluntaryFunded by institution
13.Is there regular in-house dedicated training/educational time?
>6 hours/week<6 hours /weekxOccasionalNone
14.Are Training programmes regulated externally?
xBy National Training committeeBy Regional Programme Director
xBy local Academic DepartmentOther…………..
15.Do all Trainees require a logbook?
x NationalRegionalxElectronic
PaperNot compulsory
16. Do all trainees have annual appraisal/assessment?
Not compulsory
17. Is there a mechanism for terminating trainees employment?
Poor annual appraisalxRepeated poor appraisal but very difficult to do
No mechanism
18. Are trainees in difficulty given special consideration?
xCounsellingxOpportunity to repeat year
xOpportunity to change programme
19. Does a trainee’s final assessment include an examination?
xoralClinical exam with patients
OSCENo exam
20. If a final examination is taken, is this regulated/organised externally?
xNational examRegionalexamLocal exam
No examPersonal interview only
21. Do trainees participate in interim/intraining examinations?
xWrittenNo exam
22. What does final Specialist Diploma depend on?
xFinal examInterviewxAnnual assessment
xThesisxOther…a commissio ngives recommendations and the minisry of health gives the diploma……
23. What proportion of trainees are female?
<20%x20 -30%30-40%40-50%>50%
24. Are there opportunities for flexible or part time training?
flexible part timejob sharing NO
25. Does compliance with EWTD affect training?
Formal teaching included in 48hrx Teaching time additional to 48hr
Trainees not compliant/exempt
Further comments please: