Film Commission Minutes of Meeting
June 13, 2007
Present: Keli Solomon, Susan Hackel, Nina Mack, Joel Spector
Absent Excused: Sue Fogarty, Tom Esposito
Absent Unexcused: Tara Sherry
Public Participation: none
Meeting was called to order 7:15 pm. We approved the minutes of our meeting in May.
Update on films: Nina spoke with Frank Weller prior to the meeting and he said he’s been extremely busy with location scouting for some major film companies. He said he has shown New Milford to a major company (which he cannot yet name) and they liked some of the town’s locations very much.
Keli said the movie “Lovely Bones” which we were hoping to have filmed here in town has decided to film in Pennsylvania.
Joel saw an episode of Pranked on television that was filmed here in Connecticut.
New Business: We discussed the services we provide to filmmakers and how we need to stay within the borders of New Milford. We are not going to spread ourselves thin and go into other towns.
Keli bought a digital camera for us to use to take location shots especially of properties that people will allow filmmakers to use.
We are going to be running four ads in the New Milford Spectrum for the film commission. These ads will help us update our website with actual homes and properties that can be used for filming. We will also keep services that people can offer to filmmakers on file. Another reason for this ad (since things might get busy with filming in the area) is to let our residents know that if they are approached by any filmmakers they should call us first before agreeing to anything. This way, we can make sure that they are protected.
Susan talked about her experience of being in the film “Through Different Eyes”. She said Joe Fremont (the writer of the film) is very excited to have the screening in New Milford.
Foreign Exchange has contacted Keli and said they’re ready to come here and shoot their film this summer.
Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nina Mack