Vicar: The Reverend Ian MacKarill – telephone 01665 830281

Local or visitor alike, we hope that you’ll find something in our worship that inspires, comforts, or stimulates you. If we can help in any way, just ask the people who welcomed you.

There are no formal collections taken in our churches; please place your offering in the collection plate at the back of the church before the service begins. Gift Aid envelopes are available in each church.

Monday 31 July Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, 1556

Tuesday 1 August

12 noon Daily Prayer, Longhoughton

Wednesday 2 August

8.00am Morning Prayer,

12 noon Prayer Group, Alnmouth

Thursday 3 August

9.15am Holy Communion (CW), Lesbury

10.30 am Holy Communion, Longhoughton

12 noon Daily Prayer, Howick

Friday 4 August Jean-Baptiste Vianney, curéd’Ars, spiritual guide, 1859

12 noon Daily Prayer, Alnmouth

Saturday 5 August Oswald, king, martyr, 642

Sunday 6 August 8th Sunday after Trinity

9.15 am Holy Communion (CW), Alnmouth

11.00 am Sunday Worship, Longhoughton

11.15am Holy Communion (CW), Lesbury

5.00 pm Iona, A Service of Songs and Praise,

St Mary’s Church, Lesbury

Readings for next Sunday, 6 August:

Isaiah 55.1-5 Psalm 145:8-9. 15-22

Romans 9: 1-5 Matthew 14: 13-21


The Vicar and the Ministry team are meeting for Morning Prayer at 8.00am on Wednesdays. This will change venue each month and in August we will be meeting in Longhoughton

Anyone is welcome to join us.

3 August Mothers’ Union. Cathedral Service Day.

9 August Mothers’ Union. Mary Sumner Day.

10 August at 9.15 am. Mothers’ Union. Eucharist

in celebration of Mary Sumner, LesburyChurch.


St John the BaptistChurch, Alnmouth

Our Annual Garden Fete takes place on Bank Holiday Monday, the 28th August.

This year for the first time our venue is the Hindmarsh Hall, not the church green.

There will be the usual stalls and attractions, raffle and teas.

We would be extremely grateful for any donations that you could make. Here is a list of stalls and the names and numbers of the folks running them. Please be kind enough to give them a call if you can make a contribution, however small:

Cakes: Joan Davidson 830893

Toys, books andgames: Dorothea Sinton 830784

Bottle stall: Sarah Murphy 830858

Bric-a-brac: Martin Bromham 830706

Garden produce: Calling all gardeners! I would be so grateful for any surplus fruit, vegs, cuttings, foliage, flowers, jams or pickles that you could spare. Please give me a ring if you need help to gather them. Thank you! Judith Williams 830911

We look forward to seeing you there!


If anyone is interested in being confirmed please contact the Vicar 01665 830281. There is to be a service on 17th September 2017 at 3.00pm in Longhoughton; details of preparation classes to follow.


A time for silent prayer with others

Next meeting will be on Thursday 24th August at 11.00 am at the Vicarage and lasting for 45 minutes

iona 2017

A Service of Songs and Praise

“Reflections of Iona”

Sunday 6th August at 5.00pm

St Mary’s Church Lesbury

All welcome to share the pilgrimage in worship and word.

If you have any items for the notice sheet please contact Sarah Murphy by noon on Wednesday at 23 Riverside Road, Alnmouth

Tel: 01665 830858 or email: