

This video is about 4 minutes. It will share many things a teen knows, because in their words, “I KNOW EVERYTHING”. It will also share 8 facts about teens and driving. Use this sheet to record at least 4 of the facts (Did you know…) and 12 things ‘I know’ from the video. Write more if you can

Answer Key

  • 10% teenagers report rarely or never wearing a seatbelt
  • Teen drivers are 50% more likely to crash in the first month after having a license
  • 57% of crashes where a teen is partially responsible involves going too fast, not paying attention or failing to yield
  • More than 50% of high school students say they sometimes text while driving
  • 20% of crashes that injure someone are caused by a distracted driver
  • 60% of teen drivers in fatal drinking crashes were not wearing a seatbelt
  • More than 300,000 teens are injured in crashes each year
  • Motor vehicles crashes - #1 cause of death for teens in US
  • what my friends are doing
  • about cars
  • about driving
  • about driving safely
  • I need to do before drive, adjust my seat, check mirrors, put on seatbelt and lock doors
  • I must be careful when I drive
  • I need to pay attention
  • my parents will can away my keys ANYTIME
  • I need to obey traffic lights and signs and going faster than the speed limit is dangerous and illegal
  • I could get a ticket or lose license if I break the rules
  • the difference between fog lights and high beams
  • to drive slower in rain, snow or fog
  • I need to pay attention to road conditions all the time because a car can slide out of control in 1 second
  • to keep the radio down so I can hear a siren or a horn
  • I shouldn’t change the AC or look up directions when the car is moving
  • they all distract me from what I should be doing –driving
  • not to text and drive or make calls
  • I need to pay 100% of my attention to signs, lights and other cars every second
  • not to drink alcohol and drive
  • I need to be careful driving if I have taken medicine
  • I should not let a friend who is drunk or high get behind the wheel
  • I could get arrested and lose my license if I drive drunk or high
  • my parents will ground me FOREVER
  • I need to be home by curfew
  • teens are more likely to be in crashes than adults
  • my friend could die if I get in a crash or I could die or someone I don’t know could die
  • I need to drive safely and always pay attention
  • I know I can ask my parents if I forget anything about driving