AP US History - Unit 3

Chapter 6 - 10 – The Start of a New Nation(1776 – 1812)

  • 9/20 to 10/14
  • Read pgs. 101 - 202

Tues 9/20 / Go over test
Assign – Outlines of chapters 9-11 due on 10/18
Assign- The Seven Years War and the Great Awakening: Crash Course US History #5
Wed 9/21 / LT: Analyze how changing religious ideals, Enlightenment beliefs, and republican though shaped the politics, culture, and society of the colonial era through the early Republic.
LT: How the new state constitutions and the Art. of Confed. reflected republican fears of both centralized power and excessive popular influence, placed power in the hands of the Leg. Branch, and maintained property qualifications for voting and citizenship.
LT: How difficulties caused many Americans to call for significant revisions to the Art. of Confed. and the creation of a stronger central government.

In Class: Seven Years War and People are getting angry!!!Map doc, ProcWm. Trent
Assign –Taxes & Smuggling - Prelude to Revolution: Crash Course US History #6 – Which Acts were the most important, least??? 6 Due Tomorrow!!!
Thurs 9/22 / LT: How the new state constitutions and the Art. of Confed. reflected republican fears of both centralized power and excessive popular influence, placed power in the hands of the Leg. Branch, and maintained property qualifications for voting and citizenship.
LT: How difficulties caused many Americans to call for significant revisions to the Art. of Confed. and the creation of a stronger central government.
LT: How state delegates worked through a series of compromises to form a Constitution for a new national government based on federalism and separation of powers.
In class: Pre Revolutionary War – Paxton Boys, D of I, Abigail Adams, New song of freedom and John Dickenson, Common Sense excerpt, Patrick Henry, Phyllis?? Daughters of Liberty
Assign - Who Won the American Revolution? Crash Course US History #7
Fri 9/23 / LT: How did the state delegates worked through a series of compromises to form a Constitution for a new national gov’t based on federalism and separation of powers.
LT: The framers of the Const. set the stage for recurring conflicts over slavery by postponing a solution to the problems of slavery and the slave trade.

In Class – Pre Revolutionary War, Revolution, memory of Br. Soldier Lex/Con,
Assign– Federalist 10-51 7 Due Monday!!!
Mon 9/26
/ LT: How state delegates worked through a series of compromises to form a Constitution for a new national government based on federalism and separation of powers.
LT: The framers of the Constitution set the stage for recurring conflicts over slavery by postponing a solution to the problems of slavery and the slave trade.
In Class –Revolution – Treaty of Alliance, Treaty of Paris
Assign - John Green - The Constitution, the Articles, and Federalism: Crash Course US History #8
Assign: Letter- To James Madison from TJ
Tues 9/27 / LT: How state delegates worked through a series of compromises to form a Constitution for a new national government based on federalism and separation of powers.
LT: The framers of the Constitution set the stage for recurring conflicts over
slavery by postponing a solution to the problems of slavery and the slave trade.
In Class – Revolution and Articles of Confed, A of C Doc
Assign: Shay’s Rebellion video
Wed9/28 / LT: The continued presence of European powers in N. Am. Challenged the US to find ways to safeguard its borders, maintain neutral trading rights, and promote its economic interests.
In Class – Articles and theConst., Shays Doc, Virg. Pol. Car. Doc
Thurs 9/29 / LT: The continued presence of European powers in N. Am. Challenged the US to find ways to safeguard its borders, maintain neutral trading rights, and promote its economic interests.
In Class –Const.andWho’s Who at the Convention,The Preamble,Judith Sargent Murray
Assign – Tom Richey GW video 8 Due Tomorrow!!!
Fri 9/30 / LT: New forms of national culture and political institutions developed in the US alongside continued regional variations and differences over economic, political, social and foreign policy issues.
In class:GW
Assign –John Green: Where US Politics came from video
Mon 10/3 / LT: New forms of national culture and political institutions developed
in the US alongside continued regional variations and differences over
economic, political, social and foreign policy issues.
In class: GW, Treaty of Greenville, Pinkney Doc
Assign – Whiskey Rebellion video
Tues 10/4 / LT: New forms of national culture and political institutions developed in the US alongside continued regional variations and differences over economic, political, social and foreign policy issues.
In class –Finish GW, Farewell Excerpts
Assign – DBQ Prep
Wed 10/5 / LT: DBQ
Assign – Alien & Sedition Acts Doc or in class
Thurs 10/6 / LT: New forms of national culture and political institutions developed in the US alongside continued regional variations and differences over economic, political, social and foreign policy issues.
In Class: Feds vs. Dem-Reps Doc,John Addams, Sed Doc, Kent Doc
Assign: John Green Jefferson video 9 Due Tomorrow!!!
Fri 10/7 / LT: The continued presence of European powers in N. Am. Challenged the US to find ways to safeguard its borders, maintain neutral trading rights, and promote its economic interests.
In Class: John Adams,Jefferson and religion doc, Jefferson Letter Multi
Tues 10/11 / LT: The continued presence of European powers in N. Am. Challenged the US to find ways to safeguard its borders, maintain neutral trading rights, and promote its economic interests.
In Class: Thomas Jefferson – Pirates,
Assign: Louisiana Purchase video and The true story of Sacajawea 10 Due Thursday!!!
Wed 10/12 / LT: The continued presence of European powers in N. Am. Challenged the US to find ways to safeguard its borders, maintain neutral trading rights, and promote its economic interests.
In Class: Wrap up Jefferson
Thurs 10/13 / Test
Assign: Start outlining next unit