JULY 9, 2014

Mayor Don Gray called the Regular Meeting of the City Council to order at 7:00 pm with roll call as follows: Arthur, Robinson, Levenhagen, Eiben and Welter all present. An Arthur/Levenhagen motion to approve the Agenda carried unanimously.

Linn County Deputy Eric Lear presented the Council with the monthly calls report. There were 125 hours logged. The Clerk reported there continues to be complaints regarding the mini bikes being ridden in the courtyard on Iehl Street.

Rich Gerhold, AMVETS Commander, informed the Council of the death of Bob Sharpe. Bob had been a tireless volunteer for the AMVETS for several decades. Instead of a funeral there will be a ‘Celebration of Life’ for Bob on July 20th from 1-4 pm at the AMVETS building on Fourth Street South. Rich asked for permission to fire guns on the street in front of the building for a 21 gun salute in honor of Mr. Sharp. The shells used are blanks. The Council approved the request but asked that they notify the residents of the downtown apartments so they know what is happening.

A Robinson/Welter motion to approve the Minutes of the June 11, 2014 and the June 29, 2014 meetings carried unanimously.

A Levenhagen/Robinson motion to approve the preliminary June Financial Report carried unanimously. The final yearend report will be approved after the State Annual Report is completed. Some of the June numbers may change if corrections need to be made.


General $35,956.60 $139,836.62

Road Use $11,568.76 $34,941.28 Employee Benefits $848.20 $4,138.90

TIF $5,927.55 $165,583.00

Debt Service $248,660.00 $226,717.50

Capital -0- -$27,873.00

Water Utility $4,429.47 $16,745.47

Water Deposits $63.77 -0-

Water Reserve $881.20 -0-

Sewer Utility $3,448.12 $7,178.24

Sewer Reserve $872.10 -0-

Garbage $1,743.00 $4,192.50

ABC Childcare $3,588.41 $3,580.00

Expendable Trust $411.79 -0-____

TOTALS $318,398.97 $575,040.51

A Robinson/Arthur motion to approve the contract and bonds with F.L. Krapfl Inc. for the Well House project carried unanimously. The Council discussed payment of the project. The City currently has a short term loan with NXT Bank which paid for the Bridge Sidewalk Project that closed last fall. The public hearing for the General Obligation Bond for this well project was done last summer with the bridge project. The Public Hearing was done for $665,000. The extra funds would be used to purchase more water meters to replace the remainder of the old meters. After discussion the Council directed the clerk to have debt schedules done on the entire amount for 10 and 15 year pay back so they can decide how to proceed.

The Council reviewed a request from Donna Falcon for purchase of an abandoned alley that runs through the property Ms. Falcon is purchasing at 111 Marion Road South. The alley currently has a garage build on it. The alley has no infrastructure in it and is not needed for future development. The Council approved the sale of the alley for the current land value of $1.31 per square foot for a total purchase price of $3,395.52. The Clerk was directed to publish for a public hearing at the August meeting.

The Council reviewed a plat of the David Sands property located at 818 State Street. Kurt Johnson is considering purchase of the property but wanted to discuss future annexation of the lots on State Street and running city water and sewer to the lots. The Council reviewed and approved Mr. Johnson’s preliminary plans.

A Robinson/Levenhagen motion to approve the bills and bills paid interim carried unanimously.

City Attorney Bill Sueppel prepared several samples of accessory building ordinances to address the issue for larger lots and acreages. He will meet with the clerk and prepare a draft for the Council’s review.

Public Works Director Al Burkle shared a bid $2,900 for a dry water tower inspection with the Council. After discussion the Council directed him to get the tower inspection done and correct any deficiencies that may be found.

Councilperson Arthur had inquiries about allowing chickens in town because some residents have chickens. The city ordinance does not allow any farm animals. City enforcement is driven by complaints. Residents need to file complaints with city hall.

Councilperson Eiben had a resident inquire as to why golf carts are legal to drive in the city but not ATV’s. This was discussed at the time the ordinance was enacted and it was decided that ATV’s can drive much faster and can be much more dangerous.

An Arthur/Levenhagen motion to adjourn at 8:17 pm carried unanimously.


Don Gray, Mayor



LaNeil McFadden, City Clerk