Information Technologies
Project Lookback Agenda
Client: Client Name
Project: Project Name
Date: dd-mmm-yyyy
Location: / Date / Time:Initiated By:
Meeting Purpose:
Discuss and document lessons learned during the project.
Define key recommendations based on the learnings
For the benefit of future deployments or phases<use this if a Lookback during the project>
For the benefit of future project teams<use this if a Lookback at the end of the project>
Topics / Time(1-2 Hours) / Presenter
Introductions, Review Meeting Purpose and Agenda / 5 Min / <Project Manager>
Review Project Objectives, and identify if they: fully met expectations, partially met expectations or did not met expectations. / 20 – 30 Min / <Facilitator>
Review significant events and areas of the project. Identify strengths and areas that could have gone better as well as recommendations for future projects. See table below for the types of things that should be reviewed. / 30 - 60 Min / <Facilitator>
Meeting Wrap-up & Close / 5 -10 Min / <Sponsor>
Project Management / Technical Management / Human Factors / Overall
Project Planning / Requirements / Communication / Customer Satisfaction
Resource Management / Specification / Team Experience / Technical Success
Risk Management / Test Plan / Interaction with Sponsor / Quality product
Change Control / Construction / Interaction with Customer / Product Accepted
Procurement / Testing / Interaction with Management / On Time
Budget Management / Rollout / Management support / Within Budget
Quality Control / Training / Quality of meetings / Met Project Objectives
Status Reports / Documentation / Vendor interaction and Managment / Met Business Objectives
Vendor Selection / Vendor Management / People and Their Roles
Overall Project Management / Quality Assurance
Transition to Operations
Architecture / Technical Solution
Topics to consider include all of the following, and do feel free to change the list.
Meeting Principles:
- One conversation at a time
- RESPECT – everyone’s feedback is equally important & valued, will be a variety of perspectives
- CONTRIBUTE – what you say may trigger something for others, which will build synergy to tap into the ‘reservoirs’ of knowledge and create a better outcome, don’t holdback, but be constructive
- SENSITIVE - sensitive information remains in the room, until we have agreement that it can be documented
- BALANCE – focus needs to be on both what worked well and what did not
- Do not place blame
- Indicate which strategies let to success
- Indicate which improvement strategies would have the greatest impact on future work
Below is an optional format to use when sending attendees a pre-meeting assignment.
A. List this project’s three biggest successes.Description / Factors that Promoted this Success
B. List other successes that the team would like highlighted:
Description / Factors that Promoted this Success
C. List areas of potential improvement
Description / Factors
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