Scientists in Society

February 18, 2014, Main Building of the Medical Campus


8.00 Abstract Book Pick-Up and Coffee, Sponsored by the Faculty (lobby)

8.30 Welcoming Words (Leena Palotie Auditorium)

Chair of the Organizing Committee, Professor Kyösti Oikarinen

Plenary Lectures

8.40 Professor Timo Jämsä, University of Oulu

”Cross-Disciplinary Research in Health Technology”

9.10 Professor Taina Turpeenniemi-Hujanen, University of Oulu

“Translational Cancer Research; Role of Fican (Comprehensive Cancer Center Finland)”

9.40 Break

9.50 Professor Mika Ala-Korpela, University of Oulu

“Computational Medicine: A Multidisciplinary and Global Endeavour to Understand Health and Disease Aetiology"

10.20 Professor Pekka Puska, Ex Director General of National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)

“Research, Implementation and Evaluation in Public Health"

11.05 Lunch and Poster Viewing

12.00 Oral Presentations

Molecular Cell Biology Research (Leena Palotie Auditorium)

Chair: Dr. Miia Turpeinen

12.05 O8 Gonghong Wei: A prostate cancer susceptibility allele at 6q22 increases RFX6 expression by modulating HOXB13 chromatin binding

12.15 O14 Riikka Mattila: HSV-1 latency in embryonic mouse dorsal root ganglion cultures

12.25 O16 Timo Paavola: Impaired cholesterol efflux into HDL2 in metabolic syndrome

12.35 O17 Ábel Perjés: Protein kinase C and extracellular signal regulated kinase have distinct effects on apelin-induced inotropy

12.45 O19 Vesa-Matti Pohjanen: Toll-like receptor 4 wild type forms of polymorphisms +896 and +1196 are associated with peptic ulcers

Clinical Research (Lecture Hall of Pharmacology F202)

Chair: Professor Willy Serlo

12.05 O28 Alhadi Almangush: A new prognostic model for early stage oral tongue cancer

12.15 O30 Victor Casula: K-means clustering of multiparametric MRI data for improved classification of articular cartilage degeneration

12.25 O32 Heidi Hintsala: Cardiac repolarization during moderate short-term cold exposure among hypertensive men

12.35 O39 Pekka Pinola: Age-related hormonal and metabolic alterations in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

12.45 O42 Niina Salokorpi: Bone osteosynthesis in cranioplastic surgery with resorbable plates on the endocranial surface of the cranial bone

Clinical and Health Sciences Research (Lecture Hall of Pathology P117)

Chair: Professor Sirkka Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi

12.05 O46 Riikka Ahola: A gamified activation intervention in young men – results from a pilot study

12.15 O53 Taina Lajunen: The synergistic effect of heredity and exposure to second-hand smoke on adult-onset asthma

12.25 O55 Marjukka Nurkkala: Lifestyle intervention with supervised exercise has beneficial effect on eating behavior and long-term weight loss in obese adults

12.35 O60 Suvi-Päivikki Sinikumpu: High prevalence of skin diseases in a middle aged population- a comprehensive birth-cohort study with 1930 members from year 1966

12.45 O62 Sammeli West: The influence of adolescent irregular menstruation and elevated androgen levels on reproductive health and symptoms of pcos in later life: Northern Finland birth cohort 1986 study

13.00 Coffee Break, Sponsored by the Faculty (lobby)

13.30 Paneelikeskustelu: Mihin yhteiskunta tarvitsee/käyttää tohtoreita? (Leena Palotie Auditorium)

Puheenjohtaja: Professori Kyösti Oikarinen

Panelistit: Johtaja-ylilääkäri Aino-Liisa Oukka, PPSHP, professori Pekka Puska, THL, apulaiskaupunginjohtaja Sinikka Salo, Oulun kaupunki ja johtaja Mari Varjonen, Planmeca Oy.

14.30 Awards (Leena Palotie Auditorium)

Best Doctoral Thesis 2013 Awards

Professor Kyösti Oikarinen and Chief of Postgraduate Education Eija Ruottinen

Best Oral Presentation Awards

Chairs of the Oral Sessions: Dr. Miia Turpeinen, Professor Willy Serlo and Professor Sirkka Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi

Best Poster Presentation Awards

Chair of the Poster Jury: Professor Miika Nieminen

15.00 Closing Words

Chair of the Organizing Committee, Professor Kyösti Oikarinen