Welcome to MYIB Physics!
In this newsletter you will find the following information:
- Instructor Information
- Address/Information for our class wiki and remind for class information
- Needed Materials
- Online Textbook Log in information
- Grading Policy
- Quiz Policy
- What to do for struggling students
- Class Rule/Consequences
Physics attempts to explain and model the world we see around us every day. It is a challenging yet exciting subject. I hope you are excited about class and I look forward to working with you this year!
Mr. Scott G. Shoaf
Instructor Information
Mr. Scott G. ShoafEmail:
School Phone: 980-343-5800 Please see class wiki for additional information.
Email is the most efficient way to contact me. Thank you.
Class Wiki
Information for parents & students can be found at Upcoming due dates, guided notes, class assignments, and online help can be found on the class wiki.
Textbooks are available online at or just google essential physics.
Student Access Code: 6220232844
Items Needed for Class:
- Scientific Calculator. A graphing calculator can be useful but is not required.
- Pencil. You work will require you to make corrections and adjustments. ALL work must therefore be submitted to me in pencil.
- Colored Pencils. They will assist in understanding concepts in notes and on exercises.
- Three-ring Binder. A notebook will be needed to be kept specifically for Physics. Because there are so many printed notes and handouts, the three-ring binder is the notebook of choice.
Students should and parents can get text reminders for class by signing up through Remind. Text the following to 81010:
Because each class builds on previous knowledge, it is very important that students are in class every day. When absences cannot be avoided, it is the student’s responsibility to get the notes and the assignments missed. This is the expectation of the teacher and the responsibility of the student.
Beginning Class
Students should come to class every day with their notebook, calculator, paper, pencil, reference pack, and all work. Students are expected to be in the door BEFORE the bell rings.Students should take care of all bathroom business BEFORE class.
Assignments such as tests, quizzes, and major projects are consideredformal assessmentsof a student’s progress and will account for 70% of each quarter grade. Homework assignments and most lab reports are consideredinformal assessmentsand will count for 30% of the quarter grade.
Formal Assessments 70%Informal Assessment 30%
Test (4)Informal Lab (3)
Quiz (1)Problem Sets, work to be completed at home, and class work (1)
The midterm will make up 20% of your first quarter report card grade, and the statewide final exam will count as 20% of your final grade in the course.
A: 100 – 90 B: 89 – 80 C: 79 – 70 D: 69 – 60 F: 59 and below
HOMEWORK: You will have homework most nights. Homework includes online assignments found on Canvas and written problem sets passed out in class or posted on the class website. I will explain my expectations for showing work (both on homework and on quizzes/tests) in class.
- Problem Sets: These are essential preparation for tests and quizzes. You are required to complete and turn in 5 problem sets per quarter. Each problem set will be due by the end of their respective units. If you turn in an incomplete problem set, you will receive a 70. After you have turned in 5 problem sets, you can complete an additional problem set to replace the 70. Due dates for homework will be posted on the whiteboard in class.
- Online assignments: These must be finished before school and submitted by7 a.m. on the due date. Examples of online assignments can include reading articles and responding to a question or watching videos and responding a question. Many times completion of these assignments are necessary for the next day’s lesson, so it will be important to finish them on time.
LABS:Various labs will be performed throughout the semester, in which all students will be expected to participate. Grades will be assigned for accuracy, participation, and completion.
QUIZZES: Quizzes will be short (typically 10-15 minutes) and will count as formal grades. You may drop up to two quiz grades each quarter. If you miss a quiz due to an excused absence, you may either make up the quiz (after school) within one week or count it as one of your two dropped grades.
TESTS: Tests will be given at the end of most units. If you know in advance that you will miss a test (for a field trip, band concert, etc.),you are responsible for contacting the teacher ahead of timeto schedule a makeup test. In all other cases, you will have one week to make up the test after returning to school.It is your responsibility to schedule a makeup test within that time frame, not the teacher’s.
Makeup tests and quizzes will cover the same material as the regular assessment, but will not necessarily have the same questions or follow the same format.Students must complete and submit a test/quiz make-up form 24 hours before your planned make-up day.
- Try reading the section in your textbook and do the interactive activities that corresponds to the material being covered in class.
- Go to the class wiki and link to the online review for topic that corresponds with the material being covered in class.
- Come to tutoring afterschool on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday afterschool 2:20 – 3:20 locations TBA.
If you have tried these three things and are still having difficulty, please see me as soon as possible to explore other alternatives.
Class Rules
The following are four simple rules that will be followed in addition to the school rules/policies and lab procedures.
- Be Courteous—respect the other students around you as well as the teacher, and behave in a manner that exhibits this respect
- Be Prepared—come to class on time with all materials, ready to work and learn for a full ninety minutes
- Be Responsible—for your materials, your deadlines, your behavior, and the lab equipment when it is in use.
- Be Safe—due to the nature of many of our physics labs it is EXTREMELY important that you respect the rules of the lab to protect yourself and those around you.
Should any of the rules of the class or school be broken the following consequence plan will be put into action as appropriate.
- Warning verbal or non-verbal cue
- Private discussion with Mr. Shoaf after class
- 15 minute detention
- 30 minute detention student will write a letter home to parent to be used at next consequence describing behavior and consequences
- The letter written will be sent home to parent with addendum from current behavior issue. In addition Mr. Shoaf will call home to discuss the issue and an after school detention will be issued
- The issue will be referred to the office
Mr. Shoaf’s Wish List
Lab Donations for Consumable Items (Make Checks to: Myers Park High School)
AAA Batteries
Paper Towels
By signing and returning this form you are agreeing you have read and understand everything in this handout. In particular the following items:
- What to do if your student needs help.
- How to sign up for text reminders.
- Materials needed for class everyday.
- The quiz and problem set policies.
- Students will need access to a computer with Internet access throughout the course of this class.
Please print the information below and return it to me by Friday September 1, 2017
Student Name: ______
Guidance Counselor: ______
Parent / Guardian Name: ______
Home phone: ______
Daytime phone: ______
Best time to contact: ______
E-mail: ______
Any other important information: ______
I have read this letter and understand what is expected of my child. I will do my best to help my child fulfill his or her responsibilities and keep up with his or her progress. If I have any questions or concerns or if I am unaware of my child’s progress, I will contact you through e-mail.
Student Signature: ______
Print Parent Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Place a check in the box and write your email address on the line below if you would consider
PROCTORING EXAMS at Myers Park High School in January or June. Thanks!