New Curriculum Long Term Plan Year 4
Autumn Term 1 / Autumn Term 2 / Spring Term 1 / Spring Term 2 / Summer Term 1 / Summer Term 2RE / People Called / Gift / Community
/ Giving and Receiving
Self-discipline / New Life / Building Bridges
God’s People
Maths / Refer to Mathematics Curriculum Overview
English / ‘Streetchild’ / ‘Streetchild’ / ‘Kaspar, Prince of Cats’ / ‘Ironman’ / ‘Journey to Jo’Burg’ / ‘Journey to Jo’Burg’
Science / Habitats / States of Matter
The Water Cycle / Sound / Electricity / Animals, including Humans and Teeth / Food chains
History / Anglo-Saxons and St. Bede, a local study / Anglo-Saxons and St. Bede, a local study / Mayan Civilization
Mexico / Mayan Civilization
Geography / Map skills- locate countries of U.K. Europe and Americas / Study a region of the U.K. (not local area)The Lake District / The Rainforests (South America) describe climates, rivers, settlements / The Rainforests (South America) describe climates, rivers, settlements
Art / Landscapes
Turner / Building, places and structures Lowry / Shape and Pattern
Paul Klee / Shape and Pattern
Picasso / Mayan art make and decorate an ancient pot or dish / Mayan art make and decorate an ancient pot or dish
Music / Ukulele lessons
Music Express / Ukulele lessons
Songs from ‘Oliver’ linked to ‘Streetchild’ / Ukulele lessons
Exploring pitch / Ukulele lessons
Music Express / Ukulele lessons
Music Express / Ukulele lessons
Music Express
PE / Invasion Games / Dance / Swimming / Swimming / Athletics / Games- Tennis, Hockey, Rounders
Computing / Design and write programs / Use of digital cameras and other devices / Internet safety and e-mail / Using the Internet to support research / Power-point skills / Collecting and presenting data
Design Technology / Making Instruments
Exploring pitch / Model of an Anglo-Saxon hut / Exotic fruit and vegetables
Make a fruit salad / Mayan art make and decorate an ancient pot or dish
MFL / Pathfinder units for French / Pathfinder units for French / Pathfinder units for French / Pathfinder units for French
PSHE / New Beginnings / Getting on,
Falling out / Going for Goals / Good to be me / Relationships / Changes