/ Deliverable 13: Final plan for the use and dissemination of foreground

The purpose of deliverable D13 of PHOME project is to report to the European commission on the Final Plan for the dissemination of the foreground of the PHOME. Hereby we specify and list the dissemination activities throughout the PHOME project.

PHOME participants participated in significant meetings and conferences to collaborate and exchange information with other European research groups throughout the course of PHOME project. Furthermore during the project, several PHOME members delivered popular lectures to general audiences, including activities for reaching out to young students. Over the course of the project, team members have given more than 100 lectures drawing interest to and raising recognition for photonic metamaterial research in general.

PHOME participants disseminated results mainly via over 220 presentations/talks/lectures at international conferences and over 130 publications in renowned journals. These publications appeared in top prestige journals. Over the course of PHOME project, our team members published 3 Science, 2 Nature Photonics, 4 Nano Letters, Nature Materials papers along with numerous PRB and PRL papers.

Moreover, among the presentations mentioned above, there is a wide range of plenary and invited talks given by the members of PHOME project. Aforementioned talks were given at renowned conferences such as 21st Congress of the International Commission for Optics (M. Wegener, Karlsruhe, plenary talk), IEEE-LEOS 2008 (M. Wegener, Karlsruhe, plenary talk), 8th International Conference on “Electrical, Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media” ETOPIM (M. Wegener, Karlsruhe, plenary talk), Photonics Global (J.B. Pendry, Imperial College, plenary talk), PECS VIII (J.B. Pendry, Imperial College, invited talk), Meta’10 2nd International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (C. M. Soukoulis, FORTH, plenary talk), IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting 2009 (E. Ozbay, BILKENT, plenary talk).

Besides these dissemination activities, PHOME partners organized four schools for students on photonic metamaterials, three of them in the framework of Metamorphose European Doctoral Programme on Metamaterials (see Deliverable 16). The 17th European Doctoral School, which was organized by FORTH and was devoted to the electromagnetic characterization of metamaterials, including photonic metamaterials, was the first school of the Programme in which students had the chance to perform real experiments and analyze their experimental data. Besides schools, PHOME partners organized also many sessions on photonic metamaterials at international conferences (see D13). At the end of the project an international symposium, WAVE-PRO, was organized and supported by PHOME, devoted to wave propagation in photonic and electromagnetic crystals, metamaterials and plasmonic materials, where there was extended discussion about PHOME research and results.

Detailed information about the project objectives and results, as well as publications of the PHOME team with their pdf files can be found at the PHOME website


Other than the activities mentioned above, PHOME participants have taken a leading role in several debates that took place and was reported in notable newspapers. For instance, the work of the Karlsruhe group was reported in The New York Times: “Strides in Materials, but No Invisibility Cloak”, November 9th, 2010 and in The International Herald Tribune: “Dreaming Up Uses for a Giant Invisibility Machine”, November 29th, 2010. The work of the FORTH group was reported in many Greek newspapers, like Kathimerini, Eleftherotypia, Enthos and Patris.

In addition to these above mentioned dissemination activities, Pendry, Imperial College, delivered a series of lectures in Sydney Australia to the Harry Messel School, where exceptionally bright school children from all over the world are invited to Sydney to participate in 2 weeks of science. The book of lectures for the 36th Professor Harry Messel International School 2011, “Light and Matter”, is available from their web site at: http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/foundation.old/index_iss.html

PHOME project partners will continue to disseminate the project’s results and outputs via talks/lectures given in conferences, workshops, seminars and PhD schools which will lead to new questions and opportunities for new frontier research on the topic.

The list List of all scientific (peer reviewed) publications relating to the foreground of the project can be found below, in template A1. The talks/lectures given in conferences, workshops, seminars and PhD schools are listed in template A2.

template A1: list of scientific (peer reviewed) publications, starting with the most important ones
NO. / Title / Main author / Title of the periodical or the series / Number, date or frequency / Publisher / Place of publication / Year of publication / Relevant pages / Permanent identifiers[1]
(if available) / Is/Will open access[2] provided to this publication?
1.  / Gold Helix Photonic Metamaterial as Broadband Circular Polarizer / M. Wegener / Science / No 325, September 2009 / SCIENCE AAAS / 2009 / pp. 1513-1515 / http://esperia.iesl.forth.gr/~ppm/PHOME/publications.html / yes
2.  / Optical Metamaterials: More Bulky and Less Lossy / M. Wegener / Science / No 330, December 2010 / SCIENCE AAAS / 2010 / pp. 1633-1634 / yes
3.  / Three-Dimensional Invisibility Cloak at Optical Wavelengths / M. Wegener / Science / No 328, April 2010 / SCIENCE AAAS / 2010 / pp. 337-339 / yes
4.  / Absolute Extinction Cross Section of Individual Magnetic Split-Ring Resonators / M. Wegener / Nature Photon. / No 2,October 2008 / Macmillan Publishers Limited / 2008 / pp. 614-617 / yes
5.  / Photonic Metamaterials by Direct Laser Writing and Silver Chemical Vapor Deposition / M. Wegener / Nature Mater. / No 7, May 2008 / Macmillan Publishers Limited / 2008 / pp. 543-546 / yes
6.  / Past achievements and future challenges in the development of three-dimensional photonic metamaterials / C. M. Soukoulis / Nat. Photonics / doi:10.1038/nphoton.2011.154, July 2011 / Nature Publishing Group / 2011 / pp. / http://esperia.iesl.forth.gr/~ppm/PHOME/publications.html / yes
7.  / Negative-Index Metamaterials: Looking into the Unit Cell / L. Kuipers / Nano Lett. / No 10, June 2010 / American Chemical Society / 2010 / pp. 2480-2483 / yes
8.  / Plasmonic Light-Harvesting Devices over the Whole Visible Spectrum / J.B. Pendry / Nano Lett. / No 10, June 2010 / American Chemical Society / 2010 / pp. 2574-2579 / yes
9.  / Surface Plasmons and Singularities / A. Aubry / Nano Lett. / No 10, September 2010 / American Chemical Society / 2010 / pp. 4186-4191 / yes
10.  / Electrochemical Modulation of Photonic Metamaterials / M. Wegener / Adv. Mater / No 22, October 2010 / WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim / 2010 / pp. 5173-5177 / yes
11.  / Shaping Optical Space with Metamaterials / S. Linden / Physics Today / No 63, October 2010 / American Institute of Physics / 2010 / pp. 32-36 / yes
12.  / Plasmonic Interaction between Overlapping Nanowires / J.B. Pendry / ACS Nano / No 5, December 2010 / American Chemical Society / 2011 / pp. 597-607 / yes
13.  / Plasmonic Hybridization between Nanowires and a Metallic Surface: A Transformation Optics Approach / J.B. Pendry / ACS Nano / No 5, December 2010 / American Chemical Society / 2011 / pp. 3293-3308 / yes
14.  / Repulsive Casimir force in chiral memamaterials / C. M. Soukoulis / Phys. Rev. Lett. / No 103, September 2009 / The American Physical Society / 2009 / pp. (103602) 1-4 / yes
15.  / Low loss metamaterials based on Electromagnetic Induced Transparency / C. M. Soukoulis / Phys. Rev. Lett. / No 102, February 2009 / The American Physical Society / 2009 / pp. (053901) 1-4 / yes
16.  / Generation of an Axially Asymmetric Bessel-Like Beam from a Metallic Subwavelength Aperture / E. Ozbay / Phys. Rev. Lett. / No 102, April 2009 / The American Physical Society / 2009 / pp. (143901) 1-4 / yes
17.  / Split-Ring-Resonator-Coupled Enhanced Transmission through a Single Subwavelength Aperture / E. Ozbay / Phys. Rev. Lett. / No 102, January 2009 / The American Physical Society / 2009 / pp. (013904) 1-4 / http://esperia.iesl.forth.gr/~ppm/PHOME/publications.html / yes
18.  / Spectral Imaging of Individual Split-Ring Resonators / M. Kociak / Phys. Rev. Lett. / No 105, December 2010 / The American Physical Society / 2010 / pp. (255501) 1-4 / yes
19.  / Interaction between Plasmonic Nanoparticles Revisited with Transformation Optics / J.B. Pendry / Phys. Rev. Lett. / No 105, November 2010 / The American Physical Society / 2010 / pp. (233901) 1-4 / yes
20.  / Optically Implemented Broadband Blueshift Switch in the Terahertz Regime / C.M. Soukoulis / Phys. Rev. Lett. / No 136, January 2011 / The American Physical Society / 2011 / pp. (037403) 1-4
21.  / Second-harmonic generation from complementary split-ring resonators / M. Wegener / Opt. Lett. / No 33, August 2008 / Optical Society of America / 2008 / pp. 1975-1977 / yes
22.  / Connected bulk negative index photonic metamaterials for direct laser writing / C. M. Soukoulis / Opt. Lett. / No 34, February 2009 / Optical Society of America / 2009 / pp. 506-508 / yes
23.  / Negative-index bianisotropic photonic metamaterial fabricated by direct laser writing and silver shadow evaporation / M. Wegener / Opt. Lett. / No 34, December 2008 / Optical Society of America / 2009 / pp. 19-21 / yes
24.  / Coupling effects in low-symmetry planar split-ring resonator arrays / M. Wegener / Opt. Lett. / No 34, May 2009 / Optical Society of America / 2009 / pp. 1579-1581 / yes
25.  / Second-harmonic generation from split-ring resonators on GaAs substrate / M. Wegener / Opt. Lett. / No 34, June 2009 / Optical Society of America / 2009 / pp. 1997-1999 / yes
26.  / Experimental Observation of Subwavelength Localization Using Metamaterial Based Cavities / E. Ozbay / Opt. Lett. / No 34, January 2009 / Optical Society of America / 2009 / pp. 88-90 / yes
27.  / Strong optical activity from twisted-cross photonic metamaterials / M. Wegener / Opt. Lett. / No 34, August 2009 / Optical Society of America / 2009 / pp. 2501-2503 / yes
28.  / Oblique response of a split-ring-resonator-based left-handed metamaterial slab / E. Ozbay / Opt. Lett. / No 34, August 2009 / Optical Society of America / 2009 / pp. 2294-2296 / yes
29.  / Near-field optical experiments on low-symmetry split-ring-resonator arrays / M. Wegener / Opt. Lett / No 35, November 2010 / Optical Society of America / 2010 / pp. 3661-3663 / http://esperia.iesl.forth.gr/~ppm/PHOME/publications.html / yes
30.  / One-way transmission through the subwavelength slit in nonsymmetric metallic gratings / E. Ozbay / Opt. Lett. / No 35, July 2010 / Optical Society of America / 2010 / pp. 2597-2599 / yes
31.  / Twisted split-ring-resonator photonic metamaterial with huge optical activity / M. Wegener / Opt. Lett. / No 35,May 2010 / Optical Society of America / 2010 / pp. 1593-1595 / yes
32.  / Three-dimensional chiral photonic superlattices / M. Wegener / Opt. Lett. / No 35,January 2010 / Optical Society of America / 2010 / pp. 166-168 / yes
33.  / Three-dimensional polarization-independent visible-frequency carpet invisibility cloaks / M. Wegener / Opt. Lett. / No 36, June 2011 / Optical Society of America / 2011 / pp. 2059-2061 / yes
34.  / Second-harmonic optical spectroscopy on split-ring-resonator arrays / M. Wegener / Opt. Lett. / No 36, May 2011 / Optical Society of America / 2011 / pp. 1533-1535 / yes
35.  / Asymmetric chiral metamaterial circular polarizer based on four U-shaped split ring resonators / E. Ozbay / Opt. Lett. / No 36, May 2011 / Optical Society of America / 2011 / pp. 1653-1655 / yes
36.  / Metamaterial with negative index due to chirality / N. I. Zheludev &
C. M. Soukoulis / Phys. Rev. B / No 79, January 2009 / The American Physical Society / 2009 / pp. (035407) 1-6 / yes
37.  / Negative refractive index due to chirality / C. M. Soukoulis / Phys. Rev. B / No 79, March 2009 / The American Physical Society / 2009 / pp. (121104) 1-5 / yes
38.  / Broadband blue-shift tunable metamaterials and dual-band switches / C. M. Soukoulis / Phys. Rev. B / No 79, April 2009 / The American Physical Society / 2009 / pp. (161102) 1-4 / yes
39.  / Self-consistent calculation of metamaterials with gain / C. M. Soukoulis / Phys. Rev. B / No 79,June 2009 / The American Physical Society / 2009 / pp. (241104) 1-4 / yes
40.  / Negative refractive index response of weakly and strongly coupled optical metamaterials / C. M. Soukoulis / Phys. Rev. B / No 79, July 2009 / The American Physical Society / 2009 / pp. (035109) 1-6 / yes
41.  / Reducing Ohmic losses in metamaterials by geometric tailoring / C. M. Soukoulis / Phys. Rev. B / No 80, September 2009 / The American Physical Society / 2009 / pp. (125129) 1-7 / http://esperia.iesl.forth.gr/~ppm/PHOME/publications.html / yes
42.  / Compact planar far-field superlens based on anisotropic left-handed metamaterials / C. M. Soukoulis / Phys. Rev. B / No 80, September 2009 / The American Physical Society / 2009 / pp. (115123) 1-9 / yes
43.  / Self-consistent calculation of metamaterials with gain / C. M. Soukoulis / Phys. Rev. B / No 79, June 2009 / The American Physical Society / 2009 / pp. (241104) 1-4 / yes
44.  / Magnetization waves in split-ring-resonator arrays: Evidence for retardation effects / M. Wegener / Phys. Rev. B / No 80,November 2009 / The American Physical Society / 2009 / pp. (193102) 1-4 / yes
45.  / Self-consistent calculations of loss compensated fishnet metamaterials / C.M. Soukoulis / Phys. Rev. B / No 82, September 2010 / The American Physical Society / 2010 / pp. (121102) 1-4 / yes
46.  / Conformal transformation applied to plasmonics beyond the quasistatic limit / J.B. Pendry / Phys. Rev. B / No 82, November 2010 / The American Physical Society / 2010 / pp. (205109) 1-8 / yes
47.  / Defect-mode-like transmission and localization of light in photonic crystals without defects / E. Ozbay / Phys. Rev. B / No 82, October 2010 / The American Physical Society / 2010 / pp. (165131) 1-7 / yes
48.  / Comparison of chiral metamaterial designs for repulsive Casimir force / C.M. Soukoulis / Phys. Rev. B / No 81, June 2010 / The American Physical Society / 2010 / pp. (235126) 1-5 / yes