Homelessness and Housing Umbrella Group

October 2, 2013

Committee Meeting Minutes

Lutherwood, 165 King Street East, Kitchener

2:00 – 4:30 p.m.

Present:, Van Vilaysinh, Gael Gilbert, Alex Troeger, Julie Hornick-Martyk, Lindsey White, Charlotte Graham, Jeff Schumacher, Michael Savage

Staff:Ann Gibson (Recorder), Lynn Macaulay

Guests: Brian Hryhorchuk, Judith Binder,Daniella McIntosh, Zahim Tokhy, Kim Hodder (Hoarding Collaborative Initiative)

Regrets:Kristine Dearlove,Ron Flaming, Shannon Down

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  1. Adoption of the Agenda

Gaelmade a motion to approve the agenda as amended

Seconded byAlexCarried

  1. Approval of the Minutes from June 5, 2013

Gaelmoved to approve the minutes as amended

Seconded byAlexCarried

  1. Business Arising from the Last Meeting

a) Approval of Terms of Reference

Lynn had emailed a cleaner copy. Changes were suggested. Appendix A – a copy of letter of agreement between Lutherwood and HHUG needs to be reviewed annually. Judith suggested calling it a Memorandum of Understanding.

ACTION: Lynn will follow-up with Lutherwood for approval and will bring final version to next meeting.

Mike made a motion to approve amended copy without Appendix A. Carried

Seconded by Gael

b)Newsletter Brainstorming

Lynn asked members for contributions and to have them in by 2nd week of November.


Kim – Hoarding

Jeff – Will arrange a blurb about National Housing Day

Lynn- Housing Awards

Lynn -Extension of Services in Cambridge

Lynn- List of Events comingup and Training Centre

Mike – Out of the Cold.

Judith- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp (CMHC) Update

SPPPA- Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness (CAEH) Conference, Housing Data

c)Christmas Cards

Mike had nothing new to report.

HHUG Initiatives Coordinator Report

  1. The Ontario Trillium Foundation final report has been submitted. We used all of our $150 000 grant.
  1. Renters Educating and Networking Together (RENT) a tenant organizing group has requested that again this year Lutherwood and HHUG help with the distribution of their newsletters. Lutherwood is prepared to assemble the mailings but RENT needs assistance with the postage. Many of their members are older and not everyone is computer literate. They do two newsletters and each one costs about $50 to distribute. HHUG agreed to pay for one mailing and SHOW will run the 2nd mailing through their postage meter.

ACTION: Lynn will follow up with Mary Pappert, Chair of RENT

  1. Poverty Reduction Strategy Consultations
  • Hon. John Milloy MPP Kitchener-Centre and Hon. Ted McMeekin, Minister of Community and Social Services are hosting a forum to discuss the impact of poverty reduction strategy. Lynn will attend. The Steering Committee discussed some possible topics to raise.
  1. Starting the Journey

HHUG, CMHC and the Region of Waterloo Housing Department are partnering to offer a ½ day session for non-profits and faith groups on how to get started building affordable housing. The event will be on Oct 30th at First United.

New Business

a)Introduction of Kim Hodder and Hoarding Collaborative Initiative

The Hoarding Collaborative is a multi-agency committee that has been meeting to work on issues related to hoarding. They applied to the Ontario Trillium Foundation and were successful in receiving funds for a pilot project. SHOW is the lead partner for this project and Kim is the staff person.

Kim has received referrals from many community partners including FCS, Police, Fire Department, Bylaw and others and works with any services in home already. Kim started on July 2nd and by the end of August there was over 300 calls. She currently is working with 50 clients.

Gael shared she has been amazed by the amount of interest from other communities in our project. She has been a resource for other communities. We need to come up with ways to reach out to non-English speaking community, different ways to approach other cultures. Hoarding cuts through all social classes. It is OCD based, and trauma related.

Also part of this initiative is the creation of a social enterprise in order to develop a group of people with expertise to help with the cleaning. This would be a much more cost effective alternative that traditional junk removal companies.

Judith shared that Sarnia has a similar program and will send information to Kim. Lynn thanked Kim for attending the meeting.


b)Housing Awards Selection Committee. Lynn shared this is the 10th Annual. We need nominations. Lynn has forms, please think about and ask people. A selection committee is needed to review nominations. Julie and Jeff volunteered be on committee. Lynn thought about asking past recipients to take on task. Could ask Gay Slinger and Frank Etherington.

  1. Ad-hoc Sub-Committees Updates

a)Crime Prevention Council– no updates

b)Cambridge Action on Homelessness Group (CAHG) - no updates

c)RentersEducating and Networking Together (RENT) - no updates

d)Awareness of Low Income Voices (ALIVE)– Participating in the Poverty Reduction

Consultation on Friday.

e)Addictions and Mental Health Network – no updates

f)Homelessness Awareness Week (HAW)– no update

  1. Other Updates

Mike - Out of the Cold had 1st training session and there were an amazing 90 volunteers.

Judith – Housing Outlook Seminar November 27th.Cost $90.

Jeff – Housing Plan Consultations Oct 8/10

Gael – Emmanuel United Church is leasing a pair of semi detached houses to SHOW after renos on long term lease.The goal is that this will be transitional housing for people who need less support that currently offered by SHOW but aren’t completely ready for independent living. Hopefully, there will be occupancy by summertime.

  1. Next Meeting

November 6, 2013at 2:00 – 4:30 p.m.

165 King Street East, Kitchener