The Bob Pike Group’s 19th Annual Training & Learning Conference September 12–14, 2012

Concurrent Sessions and Objectives

#101 – Building e-Learning People Want to Use, Scott Enebo

If you thought finding archeological treasures was difficult, try finding engaging and informative e-learning. Now there’s a challenge! We know that lecture in live classrooms is not effective for driving retention and learning transfer, yet most e-learning is structured around similar lecture-type fundamentals. Learners want and need to be engaged; in this session, we will identify the truths of e-learning design and explore simple techniques to make e-learning courses people truly want to use.


·  Identify elements to engaging e-learning design

·  List strategies to make e-learning participant-centered

·  Explore the four tips of real e-learning pros

#102 – Facilitating Results-Based Meetings, Rich Meiss

Unproductive meetings cost organizations thousands of hours and dollars each week! In this session, we’ll focus on what types of meetings matter, how often to meet and who should attend. Participants will learn the 10 deadly sins of meetings and how to avoid them, and walk away with a checklist of what to do before, during and after a meeting to make it highly productive.


·  Identify how to open and close meetings with impact

·  Recognize different types of meetings and why to meet

·  Discover the 10 Deadly Sins of ineffective meetings

#103 – "WHY" We Do What We Do At BPG, Doug McCallum

The question “Why?" is a valuable weapon in the trainer’s ADDIE arsenal. This session will equip you to ask your own questions and ably volley answers to "Why?” from your participants and boss.


·  Go home with 21+ reasons “WHY” The Bob Pike Trainers do what they do.

·  Experience the why and why it makes sense to do what we do

·  Have fun while learning!

#104 – Making the Link Between Activities and Your Content, Janice Horne

Every object Indiana Jones goes after has a significant link to the past, and is the pull through the entire story. The same is true in training – every activity we incorporate must link to our content and pull through the entire training. In this session, we’ll explore which activities will work best for your content.


·  Explore which types of activities work best for your content

·  Practice relating a common activity in several different ways

#105 – Writing Good Clicker Questions, Kevin Herrholtz – Training Manager, Turning Technologies – Product Sponsor

If you’ve seen audience response systems used, then you’ve probably also seen poor “clicker” questions asked. This course is designed to help individuals fashion solid clicker questions that motivate and stimulate new learning, appropriately measure learning objectives, reinforce fundamental knowledge, sharpen reasoning skills and enhance quality control.


·  Create clicker question that use the appropriate “stemming”

·  Create clicker questions that elicit constructed responses

·  Creating questions that have proper design logistics. Questions that are free of extraneous materials and are aligned with the Coherence Principle

#106 – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of e-Learning, Priscilla Shumway

e-Learning is changing the face of training and becoming a standard worldwide. Many elements of e-learning are good; others are bad or downright ugly. Join us in this session to learn about the pros and cons of e-learning and what to watch out for so that your training does not look comical or staid.


·  Visit and evaluate 5 e-learning sites

·  List 7 components of effective e-learning sites

·  Identify 3 types of effective e-learning assessments

#107 – Mentoring for Success, Rich Meiss

Stop the brain drain in your organization! Retain the experience and practical knowledge of retirees by transferring it to new employees through mentoring. This mentoring preview will help participants discover if, when, how and why to institute a mentoring program and for whom it is most effective.


·  State the differences between coaching, mentoring, counseling

·  Discover four phases of an effective mentoring process

·  Analyze four mentoring skills and practice one of the skills

#108 – The Lost Art of Facilitating a Training Room, Adrianne Roggenbuck

You don’t need a bull whip to gain control of your training room. Dig into the treasure chest of good facilitation techniques to discover how to establish a collegial climate and rapport with and among participants. Explore the Social Component of Learning and experience questioning techniques that result in better quality questions and answers. Raid the lost art of facilitation!


·  Identify the three elements of the Social Component of Learning

·  Practice three ways of questioning

·  List ten ways to create a collegial climate

#109 – Let’s E-A-T, Janice Horne

Tired of pure lecture and theory in your training sessions? Want to make your training more memorable? In this session we turn things around. You’ll explore ways to create learning Experiences which work to raise participants’ Awareness – and then follow with Theory.


·  Explore different delivery models (E-A-T; E-T-A; T-E-A) and when to use each

·  Practice creating an “experience” to emphasize the content’s main message

#110 – Building Interactive Mobile Learning Content, Janhavi Padture, AVP, Strategy & Research, Harbinger Knowledge Products – Product Sponsor

With mobile learning emerging as a new wave in training development, the variety in phones and proprietary technologies has made designing interactive mlearning for the masses challenging. This session will provide an overview of emerging trends in mlearning interactivity, discuss the challenges and demonstrate how rapid interactivity can be used to solve these challenges and develop interactivities at a faster pace for mobile learning.


·  Interactivity: an overview and why learning professionals should care. Emerging trends in interactivity you cannot ignore.

·  Technical aspects of design and development of learning interaction for mobile devices

·  Ways to overcome some of the technical challenges while developing learning interactions for mobile.

·  Delivering an interactive mLearning experience across devices from smart

#111 – From Classroom to Webinar: 5 Strategies for Making the Conversion, Becky Pike Pluth

Mission impossible? Convert existing classroom course material to a live webinar format that maintains interactivity. With the help of a few good planning tools and strategies, this mission can be successful. This session will provide a real-time makeover which will convert classroom content into a webinar module. Come to this session with your own 90-minute classroom module for maximum application.


·  Apply 5 key steps to become an effective virtual classroom trainer

·  Create an individual action plan for migrating from the physical to the virtual classroom

·  Observe a live conversion

#112 – Evidence Based Training – The Myths and Truths, Scott Enebo

Imagine you are very sick and decide to go see a mummy for treatment. Sound ridiculous? This happens all the time when learners enter a classroom and are subjected to outmoded or dead training methodologies which present content but do nothing to help retention or on-the-job application. This session is centered on providing evidence and research behind learning that can be directly applied to the classroom.


·  Differentiate the myths and truths of learning and training

·  Relate research to learning in the classroom today

·  Create an action plan of how to apply this research to your own class

#113 – Storytelling: Remembering the Lesson by Remembering the Story, Bob Pike

People remember stories. Some participants might remember Lone Ranger or Charlie Chan radio programs that captivated them every week while others recall campfire or ghost stories told during sleepovers. Storytelling can also be used as a compelling learning strategy. In this session, find four story sources, deconstruct a story well told and outline your best story while tying it to content.


·  Connect stories to learning points

·  Deconstructing stories that make a point

#114 – Breathing Life into Your Presentation: Using Games to Teach, John Dillon, Product Development, C3 SoftWorks – Product Sponsor

How can you grab and hold your trainees’ attention? John Dillon explores how games can be an effective teaching tool for introducing or revisiting even difficult content while engaging, motivating and energizing any audience. Be prepared to interact and have fun in this session!


·  Understand the difference between an active learner vs. a passive learner

·  Identify ways to use a game as an assessment

·  Identify common pitfalls many instructors make using games

·  Describe ways you can deliver content beyond the questions and answers

#201 – Faith at Work, Bob Pike

Is it possible to compartmentalize our lives? If it was possible – would it be a good idea? Do character and values have a place in the workplace? And where does the basis for character and values come from? Join Bob and explore faith at work. Examine the two types of leaders – serving leaders and self-serving leaders.


·  Explore two types of leaders – serving and self- serving

·  Identify positive character traits and how they are developed

#202 – Top 10 Lessons Learned in 42 Years as a Trainer, Bob Pike

Crystal Clear Thinking and Training can come from trial and error (or trial and success) as much as it can from research. In this session, Bob will lead you on an exploration to discover the top 10 classroom and virtual learning strategies he’s uncovered in his 42 years as a trainer.


·  Identify top ten strategies

·  Describe the top ten strategies

#203 – Evaluation: Implementing the Four Levels and Measuring ROI, Janice Horne

Many managers’ executives are now asking trainers to show the return on investment (ROI) of training. They no longer want to know if attendees enjoyed the training or if they could pass a test— they are looking for behavior changes on the job and bottom line results. This session will focus on ways to measure training at each level.


·  Examine the meaning of Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation

·  Discover which level of evaluation assesses whether new skills and knowledge are being used on the job

#204 – Do You Review Enough? 90 Ways To Review in 90 Minutes!, Doug McCallum

Review is key to retention so don’t FEAR revisiting content. In this session, you’ll unearth more than 90 and experience at least a dozen tried and true review and revisiting techniques.


·  Go home with 90 review techniques all printed out for you - to use immediately

·  Experience 10-15 unique review techniques that involve, relate, and reinforce specific content.

·  Have fun while reviewing - Don't be afraid!

#205 – Learning Essentialism: What Should Really be in Your Training, Becky Pike Pluth

Not many people have the time or budget for multi-phased, committee-oriented, traditional instructional design (ID). Discover how to focus your instruction on what learners really need and how to deliver it in a form that is best suited to them. This performance-based ID technique can reduce the length of training programs by 50% while improving performance.


·  Quickly isolate what needs to be learned

·  Steps in testing what content is necessary

·  Streamline e-Learning design without sacrificing effectiveness

#206 – Adventures in Webinars, Adrianne Roggenbuck

Webinars don’t have to be harrowing! Discover or rediscover techniques that can make the driest material come to life on the screen and over the phone. This is a crash course in designing creative webinars to increase retention and, ultimately, transfer of learning. In this session we will explore four techniques for delivering interactive webinars. By the end of this session you will feel confident that you can add a little adventure to your very next webinar.


·  Select 3 effective opening and closing strategies for webinars

·  Evaluate engagement methods for webinars

·  Discover strategies for creating and maintaining motivation

#207 – You’ve Got Talent: Thinking and Speaking on Your Feet, Scott Enebo

So, which would you prefer—making a spontaneous speech or diving into a pit of snakes? If you are contemplating the snakes, come discover what powerful presenters already know about thinking and speaking on their feet and how to make best use of the preparation time given. No more fumbling around trying to find the words you want or repeating concepts for lack of clarity. Find new models to keep you on track!


·  List tips to help keep your presentation on track

·  Examine models to better organize your speech

·  Demonstrate new knowledge though a spontaneous speech

#208 – The Transfer of Training, Priscilla Shumway

Training is a process, not an event. How do you make sure that what people learn gets used back on the job? Explore practical strategies to use before, during and after the training event. Use these field-tested strategies with key people in the process to ensure that not only is the right training offered, the results also make a difference.


·  Identify the barriers in the transfer of training

·  Explore strategies for transfer of training

·  Understand the Top 10 strategies for getting management support

·  Identify responsible parties that effect the transfer of training

#209 – Coaching for Training Results, Rich Meiss

Up to 90% of training results are lost without good follow-up. Managers are in the best position to influence training stickiness through coaching. Discover ways managers can prepare participants before training and reinforce learning after.


·  Discover the manager’s role in generating training’s results

·  Develop a behavioral checklist to reinforce their own training

·  Create specific solutions for manager involvement before, during and after training

#210 – Energizing Your Workshop, Ken Gimm, Ph.D, PCC, and Susan Gimm, Ph.D, PCC., Korea Leadership Center, 2010 and 2011 Bob Pike Group Licensee of the Year Award Winner

Energizers are activities used in the midst of learning to help learners take a quick mental or physical break. This brief “learning respite” helps wake everyone up and gets them refreshed and refocused. It also provides a natural transition into the next topic. Join us as we explore and experience several different types of energizers you can use for workshops and corporate trainings.