Press Release [fiction template]


1-2 sentence summary of press release, highlighting the news of the novel’s publication.

City, State (PRWEB)–Day, month and year

Novel title– A strong introductory paragraph should make your fiction press release newsworthy, feel journalistic in flow, and clearly outline who you are, where you are, what you have done, and crucially, how this sets you apart from other writers. Rather than just announcing the release of your book, you should try to find a gripping twist or an angle to lead into your story. The introductory paragraph must also include the news of the novel’s publication (ie. Your book is now published at as per the summary sentence above.

Paragraph 2 – In this paragraph you should clearly explain the topic of your work. You should also expoundupon the information provided in your introductory paragraph. Consider answering the following questions, depending on which you believe would make for newsworthy material:

Is the subject matter popular right now? If so, why?

What sets your book’s insight apart from existing materials – any groundbreaking revelations on the topic etc.?

Paragraph 3 – In this paragraph you should clearly explain why you are worth listening to on this subject. Questions to consider include:

How did you get started as a fiction writer?

What inspired you to come up with the idea for the novel?

What previous pertinent experience do you have?

What have critics or reviewers said?

Do you have any previous awards or acclamations?

Have you been featured anywhere of prominence?

This is an opportunity to connect with your particular audience. Think of yourself as a brand with a unique message and selling point.What arethe qualities that make you unique and how do these qualities influence the subject matter you write? Getting to the core of who you are as a writer will lend you authenticity in the marketplace.

Your release mustnot look or read like it is advertising, direct marketing, a general interest article or self-promotion.

The timeliness of the press release is absolutely critical—there must be a reason for you to announce the information (ie. the book being published).

N.B. PRWeb press releases should be between 300 and 800 words.


If you would like to receive a copy of [novel title], for review, to interview [Author’s Name],please visit book’s link] or contact:

[Author’s name]

Tel: +1-714-555-6666 (include country and city code in contact numbers)

Contact email address


(if applicable – ensure all web links are working links)

[Boilerplate/optional summary] Novel title by [Author’s Name] is published by on [date] in pdf, txt, ePub, Mobipocket and a variety of formats compatible with Kindle, Sony, iPad and other readers.