Social Media Strategies for Presenters

Below you will find sample paragraphs, posts, and e-mails that we hope you’ll use on your website or in other communications. Of course, edit anything so that it represents your style and/or is more closely targeted to your audience! And let us know if you want more tailored material for promotional purposes; we will be happy to work with you on that.

Please note that Worlds of Flavor is open to professionals only, so depending on where you use these messages, you might also want to further tailor that aspect: promoting to your customers that you are part of the event to share the excitement with them, or encouraging peers and colleagues to register so that they can come watch you!

  1. Feel free to put your PR team in touch with Amanda Secor, who handles PR and media for Worlds of Flavor. She can be reached at and 845-451-1457.
  1. The hashtag for Worlds of Flavor is #CIAWOF20.
  1. If you list the events in which you participate on your website, make sure to include Worlds of Flavor, with a link to
  1. We encourage you to post photos on Instagram that you feel fit the theme of the conference or are of dishes you might demo or serve during your participation, with the hashtag.
  1. We love to share! Be sure to use the hashtag and tag us in your Worlds of Flavor-related social media posts, so that we can share them. We are CIA Industry Leadership on Facebook, @CIALeadershipon Twitter, and @ciaindustryleadership on Instagram.
  1. We really love to share: send us a short (around 1 minute is great) video in which you mention how excited you are to participate in the conference and one thing you’ll be doing there! We’ll share it on our social media platforms.
  1. We really really love to share: since we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the conference, send us ashortvideo or written quote that expresses one thing you feel has changed the most over the last 20 years when it comes to world cuisines (your cuisine in particular, or globally if you feel ambitious) and one prediction for the next 20 years.
  1. We’ve tried to “like” and “follow” all of you on our social media accounts. But if you haven’t seen anything from CIA Industry Leadership (Facebook) or @CIALeadership (Twitter), please like or follow us, and we’ll return the favor.
  1. In the coming weeks, we’ll be tweeting (through our account, @CIAleadership) information about the conference’s program, registration, etc. We’ll tag you as appropriate—and without excess, we promise!—please retweet or quote the tweets that mention you. Thank you!
  1. As we learn of interview opportunities or specific stories our media guests are working on, we’ll let you know.
  1. Got news to share? Tell us! We’re happy to help promote any new books or recently published articles through our social media sites. Keep us posted on any new releases, openings, or news stories in which you’re featured.
  1. Here are some tweets or Instagram captions you can customize for your own account:
  • I’m presenting at Worlds of FlavorApril 18-20 at the CIA in the Napa Valley. Can’t wait to cook with old friends and meet new ones! #CIAWOF20
  • Hard to believe Worlds of Flavor turns 20 this year…Can’t wait to share how my food culture has contributed to the last 2 decades of world cuisines, and what it’ll do in the future! Join me April 18-20 in the Napa Valley. #CIAWOF20
  • To celebrate 20 years of Worlds of Flavor, legends from every corner of the globe will gather in St. Helena, CA April 18-20. Honored to be one of them! See who else will be there
  • Join me at the CIA’s Worlds of Flavor 20th anniversary conference,Legends of Flavor(April 18-20, Napa Valley). One world table, one incredible platform for concept development and business insight.
  • [to post the week of the conference itself:] Happy to help celebrate the CIA’s Worlds of Flavor 20th anniversary this week in California! Watchwhat we’ll be doing on the webcast at at #CIAWOF20
  1. Shareable Image: We have included shareable versions of our conference banner (similar to the one in the header) in various sizes, as well as the conference’s square cover image, on the presenters’ resources page ( Feel free to use them on your website, in an e-newsletter, social media, or any other electronic communication, on their own or with a short blurb similar to what is below, at no. 14. When using them, be sure that they link back to or that the website is included in your post.
  1. The following is a short blurb you can use to describe this year’s program on your website, in a newsletter, or on Facebook/Instagram/etc. Feel free to insert specifics about your sessions, such as their titles or the recipes you plan on demonstrating:

I will be one of more than 80 presenters from all over the globe to take the stage April 18-20 at The Culinary Institute of America’s 20th anniversary Worlds of Flavor International Conference and Festival in the Napa Valley! We’ll help predict what diners will be craving 1, 5, 10, and 20 years from now by sharing our cuisines, from their most traditional to most innovative expressions. With the theme of Legends of Flavor, we’ll celebrate all that world cuisines and America’s own, dynamic immigrant kitchens have to offer for the future.

  1. Here are calendar notices that can be used for industry calendars or newsletters with calendars that reach our target audience—executives and professional chefs from all tiers of foodservice. Note that some publications have specific formats for calendars, so make sure what you send fits their style.

April 18-20, 2018

Worlds of Flavor

Legends of Flavor: World Cuisines, Immigrant Kitchens, and The Future of American Food

The Culinary Institute of America in Napa Valley

More than 80 chefs and culinary experts from across the country and around the world will come together for the 20th annual Worlds of Flavor® conference. The theme, Legends of Flavor, will bring together expertise and deep flavor knowledge from Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

April 18-20, 2018

Worlds of Flavor

Legends of Flavor: World Cuisines, Immigrant Kitchens, and The Future of American Food

The Culinary Institute of America in Napa Valley

For the past 20 years, Worlds of Flavor has served as a springboard for innovation and inspiration in the food industry. This annual gathering of foodservice professionals chefs and culinary educators is a must for industry leaders.

  1. Here is a sample email that you can send to anyone who may be interested in our 2018 theme or the latest culinary trends. You can personalize it so it has your tone—and your name! So that people can register, please include the website’s link:

Dear <first name>,

I’m excited to be part of Culinary Institute of America’s20th AnniversaryWorlds of Flavor International Conference and Festival, April 18-20, 2018, at the CIA at Greystone, in theNapa Valley. I’d love to see you there!

The conference, themedLegends of Flavor: World Cuisines, Immigrant Kitchens, and The Future of American Food, will gather more than 80 influential chefs, journalists, food experts, and trend spotters from around the globe and across the U.S. to help predict what we’ll be craving 1,5, 10, and 20 years from now.

The three-day conference program blends demos, panels, tastings,andworkshops. It’s also a great forum for networking with some of our industry’s top talent.

View the completelist of presenters here, and register today!

I hope to see you there!

2018 Worlds of Flavor Social Media Strategies | Updated December 28, 2017 | Page 1 of 4

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