9 September2014 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Parma Village Council.
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM
Pledge of Allegiance is given.
Those Present:Pres. Jenkins, Clerk Cotey, Treas. France
Trustees: Carothers, Davis (arrives 7:27), Dawson
Absent: Patterson, Cooper
Guests: Linda Burns, Wendy Chamberlain, Todd Allen, Sarah Lightner, Lynette Weliniski,
Dawsonmoves,Jenkinsseconds,to approve the consent agenda, motion passes.
Treasurer Report:
$25K in taxes collected and in the next 4 days the remainder is to be collected. Very busy in the office. WW fund has a FirstMerit account for the loan money. Bonds have not been cashed by County yet, but will be soon. Ordered filed.
Tera Dorr – Parma Harvest Festival –Update given on the Parma Day Events. Request to have Main Street closed 7:30 AM until 4:30 PM. Really excited about this year! Will set up the street closure.
Wendy Chamberlain – Parma Township clean up this Saturday.
Sarah Lightner – Household Hazardous Waste Day, September 27, by appointment only. Lots of job openings currently. Already working on the fair for next year.
Set a meeting with Eric White.
M&K Storm Sewer Cleaning – Bid $4800.00. Jenkins moves, Carothers seconds, to approve M&K to do storm sewer jetting, motion passes.
Removal of 3 trees, stump grinding and trimming of 13 trees on James would be $4050.00. Would have to move some money, but we could cover the cost. (Davis Arrives) Davis moves, Dawson seconds, to approve the presented bid for the tree work for $4050.00, motion passes.
45.06% of the budget spent so far. Backup camera installed. Questions on the Intergovernmental Agreement. Each entity already has certified copies. Mission Statement for Fire Board and Department is still in progress. Should the Fire Board and the Fire Department have the same Mission Statement when they have different missions? Should have two different statements. Still problems with the roof as far as condinsation problems. PSFD has asked to join the Ingham County Tanker Task Force. See attached report. Village – 6, Parma Township – 15, Sandstone Charter Township – 23. 44 runs this month, 442 YTD.
Resthome has been installed and approved. Main Street repaired due to water main break. We are in good shape. All the paperwork for the Sewer project has been signed.
Discussion on the new sign for the park. Received an email about getting the ball fields fixed up. Carothers responded but has not heard anything back since. Maybe contact the school about the old baseball scoreboard to be donated to the Village.
Planning Commission:
It was stressed to the owners of 119 S. Union to make sure that off road parking is not blocking the view onto Michigan.
Street Report:
Chevy – 183, Ford – 29,
No representative. Question on potholes that need to be fixed and are interviews going to be done. Jenkins suggests getting someone from Manpower. Jenkins will contact Patterson.
Burns – Ingham County Task force
France & Cotey – Davis moves, Jenkins seconds, to cover the costs of the Parma Day Port-a-Potties, motion passes.
Councilperson Dawsonmoves, Councilperson Carothers seconds, motion passes.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,Katie M. Cotey, Clerk