Vanier Steering Committee Meeting

September 28th, 2011

1:30pm- 3:30pm

Location: Richelieu- Vanier Community Center

300 des Pères Blancs Avenue

Attendees: Helena Arruda, Nancy Worsfold, Nathaniel Mullin, Francine Demers, Elyse Robertson, Hélène Berthelet, Stephan Cherry, Pamela Oickle, Jevone Nicholas, Frédéric Lorquet, Meaghan Shanagan

  1. Agenda was approved
  1. Past Minutes were approved
  1. Business Arising from minutes
  • There has been no movement regarding the Nicolini lot
  1. Working groups: Beautification group, Crime prevention, Vanier Community Association (updates)


  • Celebrated their 4th anniversary
  • There were many successes including: a stop sign at the corner of Marier and Carillon; movies in the park; distribution flyers; clothing swap; broken sidewalks

Vanier Community Association:

  • Had their first meeting on September 13th, which had a good turn out
  • Retreat planned for training new members and establishing a direction and decide what the mandate should be
  • Suggested that the focus be on crime prevention, however there are competing interests
  • The process will start on Sunday October 2nd– Elyse will facilitate

Crime Prevention

  • Wants ownership to shift
  • Meeting 2-3 times a year and would like to continue with this
  • Next meeting is scheduled for November 9th
  • Elyse and Nancy to meet
  • There are concerns about prostitution; the door of the playmate is on a residential street
  • There needs to be clarification about the proper procedures to take when reporting
  • Many different services all with different phone numbers
  • We should examine what is working and what is not within the community
  1. Sustainability Update: Centraide/United Way
  • Applying for funding before October 17th
  • Someone to help out with application
  1. Updates:

Vanier CSC: Élyse

-Movies in the park

  • Was a success with 120 participants
  • Evaluation form showed that those who attended found that it helped with community building

-“Paint it up” mural On Louis’ Pizza wall

  • 15 youth participated and received a workshop from Bernard Levesque
  • 75 people at the opening
  • Received positive media coverage

-Together for Vanier Retreat

  • There will be an independent facilitator
  • To be held at Richelieu Vanier on Sunday
  • Ken Hoffman is doing a full day event for Together for Vanier

-Evaluation Tool

  • Better report of successful project
  • What will be needed for future projects
  • Ken Hoffman is helping with toll
  • Ken will approach 3 people

-Halloween Party on Friday October 28th

  • Have more residents in the community
  • Pumpkin patrol
  • Have police presence
  • Aimed at having 100-150 kids, aged 6-12 years old

-Neighbourhood parties: Émond, Nault Park, Blake St.

  • Émond
  • Smaller event but successful nonetheless
  • Looking to have a music festival next year
  • Nault Park
  • Very successful (4-500 people)
  • There were local bands and a drumming circle
  • Raised money through a raffle and also gave a food dotation
  • Blake St.
  • Put on MultiFaith Housing initiative


  • Were done throughout the summer
  • Were able to discuss the positive as well as the challenges with community members
  • Help with the recruitment of local businesses
  • Next year partner with OCH

-Residents concerns

CPO: Nancy

-Abandoned businesses on Montreal Rd. Art Project

  • Proposed that the empty storefronts on Montreal Rd. be filled with youth art work
  • It would not only beautify the space but it would hopefully create positive traffic
  • Next step is to contact the BIA

-Paint it up

  • We are having trouble this year with the completion of some projects
  • Suggestions as to how to finish; learn from example from Vanier

-Youth gangs

  • 3 pieces of research coming out
  • There will be two conferences presenting the research
  • Oct 24th: community forum, 7-9pm at Ben Franklin
  • Oct 31st: Stakeholders, 8-12 at Overbrook

-Active problem Addresses

  • How Ottawa can develop a city wide framework
  • Need to address the root causes of addiction
  • Presenting project to CPO board October 3rd


  • Are being held November 7th and nominations are due Oct 11th

-Dont be that Guy

  • Stakeholder meeting
  • Video is up on our facebook page

OPS: Cst. Marc Daviault

-Was not present and to be discussed next meeting

  1. Varia:

-Hélène Berthelet

  • The newspaper articles were great and residents were proud to be living in Vanier
  • Youth on the Move: a successful program which aims to initiate teenagers who have little to do in their free time
  • Canvas and Color and Music Under the Stars
  • A good use of public space
  • Winterlude
  • Carnival for youth in the park
  • Stephan to communicate with Elvira regarding winterlude
  • “Viens Jouer Dehors”
  • Free program offered Saturday afternoons starting after thanksgiving
  • A way to get kids back in the park
  • Funding ended but Vanier is continuing
  • They are applying to united way for funding
  • People are bringing their shrubs and dumping them in the park
  • Can easily be used to start a fire
  • Illegal?
  • Possibility of putting up signs
  • Do residents just not know where to get rid of them?

8. Next Meeting: November 30th at 1:30, located at Richelieu-Vanier