Vanier Steering Committee Meeting
September 28th, 2011
1:30pm- 3:30pm
Location: Richelieu- Vanier Community Center
300 des Pères Blancs Avenue
Attendees: Helena Arruda, Nancy Worsfold, Nathaniel Mullin, Francine Demers, Elyse Robertson, Hélène Berthelet, Stephan Cherry, Pamela Oickle, Jevone Nicholas, Frédéric Lorquet, Meaghan Shanagan
- Agenda was approved
- Past Minutes were approved
- Business Arising from minutes
- There has been no movement regarding the Nicolini lot
- Working groups: Beautification group, Crime prevention, Vanier Community Association (updates)
- Celebrated their 4th anniversary
- There were many successes including: a stop sign at the corner of Marier and Carillon; movies in the park; distribution flyers; clothing swap; broken sidewalks
Vanier Community Association:
- Had their first meeting on September 13th, which had a good turn out
- Retreat planned for training new members and establishing a direction and decide what the mandate should be
- Suggested that the focus be on crime prevention, however there are competing interests
- The process will start on Sunday October 2nd– Elyse will facilitate
Crime Prevention
- Wants ownership to shift
- Meeting 2-3 times a year and would like to continue with this
- Next meeting is scheduled for November 9th
- Elyse and Nancy to meet
- There are concerns about prostitution; the door of the playmate is on a residential street
- There needs to be clarification about the proper procedures to take when reporting
- Many different services all with different phone numbers
- We should examine what is working and what is not within the community
- Sustainability Update: Centraide/United Way
- Applying for funding before October 17th
- Someone to help out with application
- Updates:
Vanier CSC: Élyse
-Movies in the park
- Was a success with 120 participants
- Evaluation form showed that those who attended found that it helped with community building
-“Paint it up” mural On Louis’ Pizza wall
- 15 youth participated and received a workshop from Bernard Levesque
- 75 people at the opening
- Received positive media coverage
-Together for Vanier Retreat
- There will be an independent facilitator
- To be held at Richelieu Vanier on Sunday
- Ken Hoffman is doing a full day event for Together for Vanier
-Evaluation Tool
- Better report of successful project
- What will be needed for future projects
- Ken Hoffman is helping with toll
- Ken will approach 3 people
-Halloween Party on Friday October 28th
- Have more residents in the community
- Pumpkin patrol
- Have police presence
- Aimed at having 100-150 kids, aged 6-12 years old
-Neighbourhood parties: Émond, Nault Park, Blake St.
- Émond
- Smaller event but successful nonetheless
- Looking to have a music festival next year
- Nault Park
- Very successful (4-500 people)
- There were local bands and a drumming circle
- Raised money through a raffle and also gave a food dotation
- Blake St.
- Put on MultiFaith Housing initiative
- Were done throughout the summer
- Were able to discuss the positive as well as the challenges with community members
- Help with the recruitment of local businesses
- Next year partner with OCH
-Residents concerns
CPO: Nancy
-Abandoned businesses on Montreal Rd. Art Project
- Proposed that the empty storefronts on Montreal Rd. be filled with youth art work
- It would not only beautify the space but it would hopefully create positive traffic
- Next step is to contact the BIA
-Paint it up
- We are having trouble this year with the completion of some projects
- Suggestions as to how to finish; learn from example from Vanier
-Youth gangs
- 3 pieces of research coming out
- There will be two conferences presenting the research
- Oct 24th: community forum, 7-9pm at Ben Franklin
- Oct 31st: Stakeholders, 8-12 at Overbrook
-Active problem Addresses
- How Ottawa can develop a city wide framework
- Need to address the root causes of addiction
- Presenting project to CPO board October 3rd
- Are being held November 7th and nominations are due Oct 11th
-Dont be that Guy
- Stakeholder meeting
- Video is up on our facebook page
OPS: Cst. Marc Daviault
-Was not present and to be discussed next meeting
- Varia:
-Hélène Berthelet
- The newspaper articles were great and residents were proud to be living in Vanier
- Youth on the Move: a successful program which aims to initiate teenagers who have little to do in their free time
- Canvas and Color and Music Under the Stars
- A good use of public space
- Winterlude
- Carnival for youth in the park
- Stephan to communicate with Elvira regarding winterlude
- “Viens Jouer Dehors”
- Free program offered Saturday afternoons starting after thanksgiving
- A way to get kids back in the park
- Funding ended but Vanier is continuing
- They are applying to united way for funding
- People are bringing their shrubs and dumping them in the park
- Can easily be used to start a fire
- Illegal?
- Possibility of putting up signs
- Do residents just not know where to get rid of them?
8. Next Meeting: November 30th at 1:30, located at Richelieu-Vanier