Constructing the way forward for the Emissions Reduction Fund

The property industry now has the opportunity to participate in early auctions under the Emissions Reduction Fund, with the release of thenew commercial buildings methodtoreduceemissions associated with the consumption of electricity or fossil fuels at commercial buildings.

With the first auction date already setfor 15 and 16 April 2015, now is the time for the commercial buildings industry to consider their project opportunities.

This is the first non-land based method to be introduced into the scheme, increasing the opportunities available for eligible projects under the Emissions Reduction Fund and giving the industry a competitive advantage to participate in early auctions.

Office buildings, shopping centres and large hotels may be eligible to participate under the method, which uses theNational Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS)to measure emissions reductions and energy savings from energy efficiency activities undertaken as part of a project.

Already recognised across Australia as a way to measure energy efficiency, high NABERS ratings are a symbol of sustainability leadership and good management. Opting to have a NABERS rating allows businesses to improve their operational efficiency and productivity, demonstrate their commitment to protect and conserve the environment as well as the opportunity to optimise their bottom line.

If you are in the commercial building industry, the Commercial Buildings method allows for a broad range of activities to be undertaken as part of a project, providing flexibility for participants to determine what activities are most appropriate for each building.

Have you consideredmodifying, installing, removing or replacing energy-consuming equipment or equipment that generates electricity in the building?

Activities such asupgrading lighting systems, replacing heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems with more efficient technologies and designs, upgrading boilers to more efficient, better controlled designs, orinstalling a co-generation unit are just a few of the many possible activities you could consider.

By participating in the Emissions Reduction Fund, you could make your business more competitive and at the same time help keep our economy, community and environment strong. Find more information on how to participate in the Emissions Reduction Fund by visiting the Clean Energy Regulator website.

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