South Robeson High School

Math I


Teacher Information
Name: / Mrs. Chavonda Brown
Email: /
Planning: / 910-422-3987
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Core-Plus Mathematics Course 1
Glencoe Algebra II
Online Resources
Course Information
Course title: / Math I
Course description: / Math Ibridges students with concepts from middle school to concepts seen in high school. Students will continue to explore algebraic concepts, geometry, and statistics and probability. Students will be introduced to functions.
Course Goals/Standards
Major Work of Math I: / The Real Number System (N-RN)
Quantities (N-Q)
Seeing the Structure in Expressions (A-SSE)
Creating Equations (A-CED)
Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions (A-APR)
Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities (A-REI)
Interpreting Functions (F-IF)
Building Functions (F-BF)
Congruence (G-CO)
Geometric Measurement and Dimension (G-GMD)
Course Expectations
Requirements: / First, it is imperative that you are prepared each day. There is a material list at the bottom of this page. Parent(s) or guardian(s) should ensure that their child have all of the materials listed below no later than the first week of class. You will be assigned a TI 83 plus graphing calculator to use at school. If damages occur during the period the student is using the calculator, a damage/replacement fee will be charged.
Secondly, you are allowed a maximum of 5 absences per semester and three tardies (see Attendance and Tardy policies in Student Handbook). It will be your responsibility to make up work and class notes. You will be given a chance to turn in missed work within five school days of your return. Therefore, it is important that you are in class each day.
Discipline is another major area of concern. It is imperative that your behavior does not become disruptive. I have given you a copy of my discipline plan. You will need to review it thoroughly with your parents and keep it in your notebook at all times. Plagiarism is another area of major concern. All students are expected to turn in their own work. If a student is suspected of plagiarizing a grade of zero will be given, a note documenting the incident will be placed in students’ folder and parent(s) or guardian(s) will be contacted.
Most importantly, you will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the course goals and underlying objectives listed above. This course will include lecture and interactive activities. Each student will be expected to participate in all classroom activities. Students will be evaluated on the in class and out of class assignments listed in the assignment guide using the grading criteria and grading standards listed below.You will need to complete all the assignments to be successful. The assignment guide should also be kept in your notebook at all times. Study skills are very important due to the amount of out of tests, class work and homework that is required. Students will be tested on a bi-weekly basis; there will be approximately 4 unit tests during each 9 weeks. Homework will be assigned nightly and will consist of 4-5 problems that can be completed in 20 minutes. A weekly homework grade will be given to students for completed homework assignments and will be based on effort and accuracy. Due to the copious amount of information that will be covered in this course each student should have a quiet and well lighted place to study and complete homework assignments. Each student will be held accountable for staying on task each day.
In addition to assignments provided by the teacher, you will be given a final exam to which is 25% of the final course grade. Your 1st and 2nd nine weeks grades will be used to fulfill the remaining 75 percent. The grading scheme for each nine week is listed next in the Grading Criteria.
Grading System
Grading Criteria:
Grading Scale: / Tests: 40%
Classwork: 25%
Quizzes: 25%
Homework: 10%
Total 100%
100 – 90 = A
90 – 80 = B
80 – 70 = C
70– 60 = D
>59 = F
Student Handbook
Students have the responsibility to know and observe the requirements of the Student Handbook. Cellphone usage is not permitted in class.
Course Procedures
1.Dispose of any food or drinks before entering the classroom.
2. Be prepared for class. (i.e. notebooks, textbooks, pencils sharpened)
3.Be seated and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
4.Listen attentively to classroom instruction.
Discipline Policy
1st Offense – Verbal Warning
2nd Offense – Teacher/Student Conference and Parental Contact
3rd Offense – Parent/Teacher Conference
4th Offense – Administrative Referral
Bathroom Policy
Students are given five minutes between all classes. It is strongly encouraged that all students use this time to use the restroom and go to lockers. Students will be allowed three bathroom passes per nine weeks. Students are not allowed to use these passes during the first or last 15 minutes of class. If a student has a medical excuse to use the restroom frequently, a copy of that excuse must be placed in their permanent folder in the office and a second copy for the students’ personal folder for my class.


Math I Pledge

I will provide you with the best mathematical instruction that I can. I feel that you will have a solid mathematical foundation for the future if you successfully complete this Integrated Math III course. I need your support in order for us to achieve this accomplishment.

Teacher Signature: ______

Math II syllabus and discipline plan. I understand the type of program I am taking. I will bring the needed materials to class daily and participate fully in the activities without class disruptions. I know that I am expected to work to the best of my ability in Integrated Math III and I am willing to work HARD to SUCCEED.

Student Signature:______

I have read the Math II syllabus and discipline plan. I understand the type of program my child is taking. I will provide my child with the needed materials, make sure my child is present each day and will encourage my child to participate fully in class activities without disrupting.

Parent Signature: ______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

Cell Phone: ______Email: ______

Emergency Contact: ______

(Different than parent or guardian)

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

Cell Phone: ______Email: ______