



Women of DistinctionAwards


These awards recognize, encourage, and celebrate outstanding women who have made a significant impact and demonstrated excellence in one of the SPECIFIC categories listed below.Please select

the MOSTAPPROPRIATE category for your nominee.


Title orPosition: Company:

Business MailingAddress: City:


Business Phone: Home Phone: Email:

NOMINATOR: Name of Nominator: Phone:

Date Submitted:

NominatorMailingAddress: City:



Please completely answer each question on the bottom of this form. To ensure that we have all pertinent information, please ask the nominee to review the information before submission.

Email the completed form to:

ENTREPRENEURIAL:The true entrepreneur is a risk-taker, who views necessary risk with a sense of courage, and has faith in its potential reward.She possesses the qualities of initiative, innovation, perseverance, leadership, self-direction and vision in her business life.

PROFESSIONALACHIEVEMENT:Awoman whose intelligence, diplomacy, integrity and reputation for achievement all lead to success in her chosen profession in the public or private sector.

She is skilled, effective, accountable, and respected by her peers.

VOLUNTEER SERVICE: This woman gives willingly and generously of her time and talent.She demonstrates steady commitment, and participates actively and altruistically, for the joy of serving

others and achieving a common goal.

WOMEN HELPINGWOMEN:Awoman who acts as a special light to other women.She mentors, promotes, supports and encourages.She may advocate on another’s behalf, teach, or guide.She believes in the potential of women, and inspires them to reach their individual goals.

□YOUTHAWARD. AHighSchoolstudent(Grades9–12)recognizedforleadership,initiative,good works,andgoodcitizenship.Theiraccomplishmentsmayincluderaisingmoneyforcharity,mentoring

and tutoring younger students, participation in the political process, school-wide initiatives, and leadership roles in their community and/or a variety of organizations. Please provide specific examples and 3 letters of recommendation.

What significant contribution (s) has the nominee made to be considered for this award?

Describe the leadership skills the nominee demonstrated in her achievements:

Describe the impact of the nominee’s contribution(s) on other individuals or organizations:

If you had to describe this woman in one word, it would be:

RecipientsforeachoftheWomenofDistinctionAwardswillbehonoredMay 3, 2017

5:30PM atInn on the Lake

at the Professional Women of the Finger LakesWomen of DistinctionAwards Dinner.

Submit completed online form to:

The ProfessionalWomen of the Finger Lakes

P.O. Box 423

Canandaigua, NY14424

Forms must be received NO LATERTHAN March 24, 2017