General WHS Instrumental Music Boosters Meeting


Meeting Convened: 7:37PM


Notes Recorded by: Beatrice Bordzol


Meeting Minutes: Minutes from previous meeting, 06/14/16 presented for comment. No comments made, motion to approve minutes made by Kim Pintzow seconded by Gerri Weed.

Directors Report: Given via email to Dave Pintzow

Mr. Frazier is pleased that kids have participated in the summer programs he recommended,5 and Towson and several at McDaniel.

There is no official word on the new director,we expect the announcement on 7/25

Band Camp will begin on August 10 (Wednesday). information will be sent home about packing and preparing for band camp. There are several events scheduled for Band Camp that normally get spread out over the summer: picnic, 3 restaurant nights, ice-cream social, kill drill, preview show. Information about these will be sent out as well, along with requests for donations of time and food.

Treasurer’s Report:

We had several fundraisers in June

car wash (made $248)

another car wash (made $95)

cash raffle (made $1865)

coffee sales (made $244) (we still have coffee available through boosters)

flea market (made $1728)

According to the spreadsheets we had several big fundraising events and many smaller fundraisers,and those smaller fundraisers, as a group, made more than our combined big fundraising events.

Checking: / Truck: / Travel: / Uniform CDs :

Committee Reports:

Car wash

Cascade Lake-

- a lot of fun was had at Cascade Lake

- we also had a lot of donations that helped us defray costs (chicken and biscuits from Roy Rogers and gift cards from area grocery stores)

- the owners of cascade Lake also gave us a generous discount.

Uniforms - Due to roof repairs at the high school, student uniforms were brought to Gerri Weeds house so that alterations can be made available. There is a sign up over email with available dates and times. If your marching band student had issues with the uniform fit during the Memorial Day,or if your marching band student had a summer growth spurt they will need alterations. If you can sign up before band camp it will allow the uniform committee to focus on the new students during band camp.

There is not space for the whole uniform collection so I cannot put together new uniforms for new students,those will be handled during band camp.

Apparel - EmbroidMe Me online shopping is up. Use the button on our website to access it. many items are available and customizable. Some items, like band jackets, have to be ordered in bulk. We do still need a person to organize the bulk jacket order for students and parents.

Pit/Props - We still need to do the cage clean out - because of weather and school activities we were unable to clean it out before the roof work began,and the athletic department needs half the cage back. Props will get started planning and making props for our show when they can. Pit crew is looking for people to sign-up to help move the band on and off the field.

Home Show - We are looking forward to home show October 15.

August band camp - Starts Wednesday August 10 at 9am. We usually have activities spread out over the summer, but this year’s schedule is condensed. we have three restaurant nights, a picnic, uniform fittings, ice-cream social, kill drill, preview show and a booster meeting happening in the space of less than two weeks. there will be sign-ups.

Junior band camp

Junior band camp is an opportunity for middle school students to get a taste of marching band. It will occur the week of August 15-19 from 9am-4:30pm. contact to get registration forms. there is a paypal button on the website so you can pay online

Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 @ 7:30PM – WHS – Band room/chorus room
