SSV Tennis General Membership Meeting

January 5, 2011, 3:30 p.m.


Bill called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm.

Minutes: Minutes of the November 3 and December 1, 2010 meetings were previously emailed to club members. Dennis Brosowske moved that we accept the minutes as emailed. Dick Branson seconded the motion and it carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Diane Thompson presented the Club’s Operating Statement.

Committee Reports:

  1. Charitable Contributions. Di Schulz moved that the amount designated by our tennis club ($775) as the Christmas donation be given to La Mesita Family Shelter. Joe Fusaro seconded the motion and it carried.
  2. Rating Committee. Bruce Evans, chair, reported for the following members: Sandi Anderson, John Berger, Bob Dumas, Jim Gebing, Linda Kirtz, Carol Shulak and Bill Smaha. The two proposals from the committee were sent via email to Club members, who will be asked to choose a policy at the February General Membership Meeting. A Q&A period was held directly following the meeting.
  3. Nominating Committee. Sherry Tucker thanked her committee. The slate of candidates was emailed to club members. The list includes: President: Dale Miller; Vice President: Mike Darr; Secretary: Mavis Carver and Cindy Geiser; Treasurer: Rich Hunt; Member-at-Large: John Berger and Diane Thompson.
  4. Team Selection Committee. Bill Schlimgen and Paul Kvasnicka will bring the new policy to the club at the February General Membership Meeting.
  5. Social Committee. Joann Landwehr thanked the 3.0 teams for hosting the Road Haven Invitational in December and the 3.5 teams for hosting the Christmas Party. She announced an in-park, mixed level fun day on Saturday, January 22 from 8 to noon. There will be a sign-up sheet on the club bulletin board.

New Business:

1.Court Schedules. Bill Schlimgen presented the revised Court Schedule for league months, which aligns courts 1 and 2 with the other courts to make more efficient use of the courts. The new schedule will begin January 16. The Club will revert to the old schedule during non-league months.

2.Website. Bill Schlimgen announced that there is a real possibility our current website will disappear on Saturday. As a result, an emergency captains meeting was scheduled for Thursday, January 6 at 4:30. A new website is being developed.


  1. Carol Korver announced that the Korvers are hosting a Tennis Club Card Party on Saturday, February 5 from 6:oo to 9:30 pm. A sign-up sheet was available.
  2. Carol Korver announced that we have a lot of items in Lost and Found and encouraged members to look through it. Anything not claimed will be donated to La Mesita.
  3. Bob Wolf announced there is a Softball Club Pancake Breakfast this Saturday, January 8 in the Auditorium, and a Hamburger Fry on February 9.
  4. A tournament coordinator is needed for the SSV tournament. Let Bill Schlimgen know if you’re interested in serving. Cathy Idso is the Monte Vista Tournament Coordinator.
  5. Janine Mullinnix reminded members that the Tennis Club is sponsoring a dance in the Auditorium on March 5 with the Colorado Connection. The price for tickets is $6 in the Activities Office or $7 at the door. Couples Golf is sponsoring a dance on January 15.
  6. Court Washing with the 2.5 teams is next Wednesday, January 12 at 3:00 p.m.
  7. Doug Korver announced that they have selected painters for the new building who will be contacted soon.
  8. There is an Invitational with Monte Vista scheduled for Saturday, February 5.
  9. The EC will be sending out the recent Questionnaire results. Discussion will be held at the February General Membership Meeting.
  10. Marcia Stein was introduced as a new member.

Comments from the Floor:

  1. Bill Grunow started a petition for the HOA to install gates on the other side of courts 3, 4, 5, and 6 and encouraged everyone to sign the petition.
  2. DeMaris Hochhalter asked that she be given pictures taken at any club event to be included in the Historian Book. She would also like team pictures for the book.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

Linda Miller