Curriculum proposal number 2009.77

Maui Community College

Curriculum Action Request (CAR) Form


1. Author(s): Kathleen Mumford

2. Department: Allied Health

3. Date submitted to Curriculum Committee: 4-5-2010

4. Type of action:

Addition: Modification:

regular alpha/number pre-requisite

other; specify: title co-requisite

credits recommended prep

description other; specify:

5. Existing course:

Alpha: NURS Number:16 Title: Nurse Aide Training Credits: 6

6. Proposed new/modified course:

Alpha: NURS Number:100 Title: Nurse Assistant Credits: 6

7. Reason for this curriculum action:

There is added rigor with critical thinking and information technology, and added skill development criteria with evaluation in the lab. This course supports the national certification for long-term care and the overall field for nursing assistants is requiring more knowledge and skill competency, which makes this course appropriate as an elective for the AA degree. In addition, the current course is being taught at the 100 level and needed to be elevated.

8. New course description (or year of catalog and page number of current course description, if unchanged):

Prepares nurse assistants to care for acute, semi-acute, or convalescent clients in the hospital, long-term care, or home setting. Prepares nurse assistant to work under the supervision of a registered or practical nurse. Serves as a beginning level health care course for those interested in the health care field. Prepares nurse assistants for national certification.

9. Pre-requisite(s) – see Prerequisite Style Sheet for samples:

ENG 19 - grade of C or better or placement at least ENG 22; or consent. no yes

10. Co-requisite(s):

11. Recommended preparation:

12. Cross listed: no yes; cite course alpha & number:

13. Student contact hours per week:

4 hr. lecture 6 hr. lab hr. lecture/lab hr. other; explain:

14. Grading: Letter grade only/No Audit Explain, if not Standard grading: lab restrictions

15. Repeatable for credit: no yes; maximum is credit or unlimited.

(Most courses are not repeatable for additional credit; exceptions are courses such as internships and co-op courses.)

16. Special fees required: no yes; explain: Malpractice fee

17. Proposed term of first offering: Spring semester of 2011 year.

18. List catalog used and then degrees, certificates, prerequisites, and catalog sections and their page numbers affected by this proposal: General Catalog 2009-2010 - p 30, 126

19. Maximum enrollment: 10 Rationale, if less than 35: maximum of 10 students per 1 clinical faculty

20. Special resources (personnel, supplies, etc.) required: no yes; explain: clinical and long term care facility

21. Course is restricted to particular room type: no yes; explain: clinical lab and long term care facility

22. Special scheduling considerations: no yes; explain:

23. Method(s) of delivery appropriate for this course: (check all that apply)

Traditional HITS/Interactive TV Cable TV Online Hybrid

Other, explain:

24.  Mark all college-wide general education SLOs this course supports.

Std 1 - Written Communications Std 2 – Quantitative Reasoning

Std 3 - Information Retrieval and Technology Std 4 - Oral Communication

Std 5 - Critical Reasoning Std 6 – Creativity

Other General Education SLOs, such as Ethics, Scientific Inquiry, or Service Learning.


25. List all program SLOs this course supports? (Explain, if necessary)

Program SLO 1: Explain:

Program SLO 2: Explain:

Program SLO 3: Explain:

Program SLO 4: Explain:

Program SLO 5: Explain:

26. Course fulfills the following general education elective (GE) for CTE (Career Technical Education) AS/AAS degrees (GE):

English (EN)/Communication (CM) Quantitative Reasoning (QR)

Humanities (HU) Natural Science (NS) Social Science (SS)


Course is a requirement for the program(s) AS/AAS degree or certificate

Course is a program elective for the program(s) AS/AAS degree or certificate

27. Course fulfills the following general education elective (GE) for the ABIT BAS degree:

English (EN)/Communication (CM) Quantitative Reasoning (QR)

Humanities (HU) Natural Science (NS) Social Science (SS)


Course is a requirement for the ABIT BAS degree

Course is a program elective for the ABIT BAS degree

28. Course fulfills a requirement for a proposed BAS degree:

Pre- requisite course Core

Capstone Course (CC) Other:

Course is a program elective for a proposed BAS degree

Course fulfills the following general education elective (GE) for the proposed BAS degree:

English (EN)/Communication (CM) Quantitative Reasoning (QR)

Humanities (HU) Natural Science (NS) Social Science (SS)


Course is applicable to the following additional BAS degrees:

29. Course satisfies the following category for the AA degree*:

Category I: Foundations/Skills: Foundations I

Written Communication in English (FW)

Global and Multicultural Perspectives (FG)

Group A (before 1500 CE)

Group B (since 1500 CE)

Group C (pre-history to present)

Symbolic Reasoning (FS)

Category I: Foundations/Skills: Foundations II

Numeracy (FN)

Oral Communication in English (FO)

Computer/Information Processing and Retrieval (FI)

Category II: Breadth of Understanding and Experience

Human Understanding

The Individual (IN)

The Community (CO)

The Community – Global Perspective (CG)

Human Expression (HE)

Environmental Awareness (EA)

Environmental Awareness – Global Perspective (EG)

Asia/Pacific Perspective (AP)

Category III Focus/Specialization/Area of Interest

Interest Area Discipline/Alpha: NURS

Elective (LE)

Other Graduation Requirements

Writing Intensive (is appropriate for WI)

Environmental Awareness Lab/course with lab (EL)

Hawaii Emphasis (HI)

* Submit the appropriate form(s) to have the course placed in the requested category (ies). Submit a course outline, CAR, and appropriate forms to both the Curriculum Committee and the Foundations Board, if the course satisfies Category I: Foundations/Skills: Foundations I or II.

30. Course increases decreases makes no change to number of credits required for program(s) affected by this action. Explain, if necessary:

31. Course is taught at another UH campus (see Sections 5 and 6 above):

no Explain why this course is proposed for MCC: Previously taught at UHMC. Fills community health care need.

yes Specify college(s), course, alpha, and number where same or similar course is taught:

32. Course is:

Not appropriate for articulation.

Appropriate* for articulation as a general education course at:


Previously articulated* as a general education course at:


*Note: Submit Course Articulation Form if course is already articulated, or is appropriate for articulation, as a general education (100-, 200-level) course.

Standardized and/or appropriate for articulation by PCC or other UH system agreement at:

UHCC UH Manoa UH Hilo UHWO Explain:

Appropriate for articulation or has previously been articulated to a specific department or institution: UHCC UH Manoa UH Hilo UHWO Outside UH system Explain:

33. Additional Information (add additional pages if needed):

Revised 9/1/2010

CAR Form (4-93), page 6

Maui Community College

Curriculum Action Request (CAR) Signature Page


Proposed by: Author or Program Coordinator Date


Checked by: Academic Subject Area Representative to Curriculum Committee Date


Requested by Department: Department Chair Date


Recommended by: Curriculum Chair Date


Approved by Academic Senate: Academic Senate Chair Date


Endorsed by: Chief Academic Officer Date


Approved by: Chancellor Date

Maui Community College

Course Outline

1. Alpha NURS Number 100

Course Title Nurse Assistant

Credits 6

Department Allied Health Author Kathleen Mumford

Date of Outline April 5, 2010 Effective Date Spring 2011 5-year Review Date 2016

2. Course Description: Prepares nurse assistants to care for acute, semi-acute, or convalescent clients in the hospital, long-term care, or home setting. Prepares nurse assistant to work under the supervision of a registered or practical nurse. Serves as a beginning level health care course for those interested in the health care field. Prepares nurse assistants for national certification.


Contact Hours/Type 4 hr lec/ 6 hr lab

3. Pre-requisites ENG 19 with grade of C or better or placement at least ENG 22, or consent

Pre-requisite may be waived by consent yes no

Co-requisites none

Recommended Preparation

4. Function/Designation AA LE - Elective

AS List Additional Programs and Category:

AAS List Additional Programs and Category:

BAS List Additional Programs and Category:

Developmental/Remedial Other/Additional: Explain:

See Curriculum Action Request (CAR) form for the college-wide general education student learning

outcomes (SLOs) and/or the program learning outcomes (PLOs) this course supports.

This course outline is standardized and/or the result of a community college or system-wide agreement.

Responsible committee:

5. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): List one to four inclusive SLOs.

For assessment, link these to #7 Recommended Course Content, and #9 Recommended Course Requirements & Evaluation. Use roman numerals (I., II., III.) to designate SLOs

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

I. Begin working as an entry level nurse aide in a hospital, long-term care, home, or clinic setting.

II. Effectively communicate with patients, families, and other health care providers.

III. Report and document appropriate patient findings

IV. Use critical thinking skills to evaluate differences from normal findings using basic nursing principles and methods of measurement.

6. Competencies/Concepts/Issues/Skills

For assessment, link these to #7 Recommended Course Content, and #9 Recommended Course Requirements & Evaluation. Use lower case letters (a., b.…zz. )to designate competencies/skills/issues

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

a. Demonstrate the use of computer technology used for the course and understands the potential for further use in the nursing workplace.

b. Describe the health care delivery system in Hawaii with special emphasis on agencies and facilities that care for the aged.

c. Describe the health care reimbursement plans currently available.

d. Describe the role of the nurse assistant as a member of the health care team under the supervision of the Licensed Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse, or physician.

e. Explain scope of practice for the nurse’s assistant as identified in the Hawaii Revised Statutes.

f. Identify the requirements for Certification in long-term care.

g. Describe the responsibilities of the nurse assistant relating to nurse delegation.

h. Demonstrate professional conduct, language, and dress.

i. Describe patient/resident rights including privacy and dignity.

j. Demonstrate promotion of patient/resident rights including independence.

k. Discuss patient/resident’s right to be free from abuse, mistreatment, and neglect.

l. Implement effective written and oral communication skills including gathering of appropriate data, and documentating accurate information.

m. Use basic medical terminology and abbreviations.

n. Identify life span human needs

o. Identify cultural values that shape cultural preferences.

p. Demonstrate sensitivity to cultural and religious differences among patients, residents, families, and clients.

q. Discuss the current methods of infection control and understands ways microorganisms are spread.

r. Demonstrate infection control standard precautions in the clinical setting.

s. Demonstrate knowledge of workplace and resident care safety and emergency procedures.

t. Describe and demonstrate techniques for proper protective body mechanics.

u. Identify Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) regulations regarding the use of restraints.

v. Discuss alternatives to restraints and demonstrate safe application of restraints.

w. Demonstrate techniques for positioning patients in bed, lifting, moving and transfering patients to a chair.

x. Demonstrate proper emergency response measures.

y. Describe the typical resident unit and identify equipment and demonstrate how it is used.

z. Discuss variations in the process for admissions, transfers, and discharges.

aa. Monitor and report abnormal body systems signs and symptoms.

bb. Perform basic nursing and patient care skills safely.

cc. Perform selected therapeutic nursing care skills safely.

dd. Demonstrate use of appropriate measurement devices with accuracy.

ee. Identify body systems with the functions of major organs in each system.

ff. Identify important parameters relating to the body systems.

gg. Discuss caring for the aged and special needs populations with emphasis on mental health and social service needs; care of cognitively impaired residents,

hh. Describe role of nurse assistant in caring for people with cancer, HIV/AIDS and the terminally ill.