Level 1

Diamond Therapy Session Pack

This packet contains the forms you’ll need to complete to fulfill the course requirements and obtain Diamond Therapy Associate Practitioner certification. Please make copies as suggested, and turn in completed copies to your mentor by the end of the course.

You’ll be given instructions in upcoming study guides about how many sessions to plan for each month. We want you to have plenty of time to practice the techniques and procedures presented throughout the course.


Diamond Self-Therapy Session Form

Make copies of this form for use in your self-therapy sessions. You’ll need 3 completed copies to fulfill the requirements of this course.

Diamond Therapy Client Session Form

Make copies of this form for use in your sessions with other people. You’ll need 10 completed copies to fulfill the requirements of this course.

Diamond Therapy Session Notes (Example)

Here is an example of what a Session Notes form might look like when filled out. (No need to make a copy.)

Diamond Self-Therapy Session Tracking Form

Keep track of your self-therapy sessions with this form. Make 1 copy. By the end of this course, you’ll need 10 self-therapy sessions in which you practice all ten steps of the Diamond Therapy Session Protocol.

Diamond Therapy Client Session Tracking Form

Keep track of your client sessions with this form. Completing 30 client / volunteer sessions is required for students who are working toward Diamond Therapy Associate Practitioner Certification. Make 1 copy.

Volunteer Consent and Release Form

Make at least 10 copies. Ask each volunteer client to fill out this form. We suggest that your first 10 sessions be with volunteers. After that, you are welcome to charge a fee for your work.

Volunteer Feedback Form

Make at least 10 copies. Ask each volunteer client to fill out this form (in exchange for their free session.) By the end of this course, you’ll need all 10 forms completed.

Diamond Self-Therapy Session Form

Date:______Session #:______

Position for Session: ____ Seated ____ Lying Down

Step 1: Preparation methods used for self and treatment space:

Notes on calling in own Diamond:

Step 2: Building Relationship (with self and Diamond):

Step 3: Calling in Session Fractal (Fractal = Diamond Self-Therapy session at this time) Notes:

Step 4: Diamond in Space Notes:

Step 5: Intention for self-therapy:

Step 6: Diamond Therapy Level 1 Protocol

___ On-Body Master Points ___ Off-Body Master Points ___ Therapy Wand ___ Target Area

Note: Practice these separately at first. By the end of the course, you should be combining these procedures during sessions as yourenergy field requires.

Therapy Notes:

Step 7: Diamond Clearing Notes:

Step 8: Integration: ____ Fractalization ____ Quadraface/Hexaface

____ Planal ____ Core Alignment Spray ____ Verbal

Integration Notes:

Step 9: Debrief (Reflect on session):

Step 10: Gratitude:

What did you learn from this session?

Additional notes on the session:

Diamond Therapy Client Session Form

Client initials:______Date:______Session #:______

Client Position for Session: ____ Seated ____ Lying Down

Step 1: Preparation methods used for self and treatment space:

Notes on calling in own Diamond:

Step 2: Building Relationship: (plus observations about client before session began)

Notes on calling in Client’s Diamond:

Step 3: Calling in Session Fractal Notes:

Step 4: Diamond in Space Notes:

Step 5: Stating Intention:

Step 6: Diamond Therapy Level 1 Protocol

___ On-Body Master Points ___ Off-Body Master Points ___ Therapy Wand ___ Target Area

Note: Practice these separately at first. By the end of the course, you should be combining these procedures during sessions as yourenergy field requires.

Therapy Notes:

Step 7: Diamond Clearing Notes:

Step 8: Integration: ____ Fractalization ____ Quadraface/Hexaface

____ Planal ____ Core Alignment Spray ____ Verbal

Integration Notes:

Step 9: Debrief Notes:

Step 10: Gratitude (note change in demeanor from initial observation):

Written feedback given: ____ Yes ____ No Next session booked for: ______

Additional notes regarding session and client demeanor:

What did you learn from this session?

Diamond Therapy Session Notes (Example)

Client initials:______AB______Date:______10-10-10______Session #:____12_____

Client Position for Session: __X__ Seated ____ Lying Down

Step 1: Preparation methods used for self and treatment space: brief meditation.

Notes on calling in own Diamond:

Appeared instantly, but in front of me, took a few seconds to be fully centered within it.

Step 2: Building Relationship: (plus observations about client before session began)

Client appeared restless. Learned later that she was experiencing physical discomfort.

Notes on calling in Client’s Diamond:

Client’s diamond kept wanting to appear misshapen. I acknowledged what my client’s higher intelligence was trying to show me, but I had to focus intently on inviting the highest blueprint information before the client’s diamond came in clearly and perfectly.

Step 3: Calling in Session Fractal Notes:

Once the client’s diamond came in perfectly, the session fractal enveloped both our diamonds immediately. Could feel a strong sense of safety and unity when that occurred.

Step 4: Diamond in Space Notes:

As soon as I removed the Therapy Diamond from its paper I felt an upliftment and brightening in the room. This is usual.

Step 5: Stating Intention:

Client shared an intention to ease the pain in her gut, which reached around to her back.

Step 6: Diamond Therapy Level 1 Protocol

_X_ On-Body Master Points _X_ Off-Body Master Points ___ Therapy Wand _X_ Target Area

Therapy Notes:

Brief (G) @ CH; © @ SPL, rolled, P,I, okay. Blue, Green, Yellow muddy. © @ SPR to clear each one at a time and returned © to SPL after each extraction; orange and red okay.

© at umbilicus for a long time, felt as though body drinking in the color rays.

© @ SPL rolled. P,I, ok; Blue muddy. In clearing the blue ray, the Diamond wandered to various points on the abdomen and the back, at which we made target area vortexes or did unlocking movement.

This lead to a series of orientations at UMB. We then continued the © @ SPL rolling with G, Y, O, R.

Ended with culet at CV21; UMB; SP21L. Final culet rolling at SP21L, all colors came in very nicely.

Step 7: Diamond Clearing Notes:

Diamond was not clear when energy tested. But was clear after the integration.

Step 8: Integration: ____ Fractalization ___X_ Quadraface/Hexaface

__X__ Planal __X__ Core Alignment Spray __X__ Verbal

Integration Notes:

Integration took time. It felt as though the client’s energy field was being held together with bandages, and it was flimsy. Mostly hexaface, which took a lot of conscious holding before the Diamonds coordinated with each other at which time the body and energy field felt more whole and integrated. Planar were fine. This suggests the disharmony is not so much physical as it is inner/energetic. Used the Core Alignment spray overhead, frequently at what seemed like regular intervals during integration. Did not notice fractals. I always like to end with the verbal integration.

Step 9: Debrief Notes:

Interesting that nourishing the throat brought up the target intention, which was the abdominal discomfort. I asked the client to contemplate: Is there something not said, wanting to be said, or that you regret saying? Because this may be a root cause of the discomfort.

Also interesting that so much color nourishment was needed, which suggests that overall depletion may also be contributing to the client’s condition.

Step 10: Gratitude (note change in demeanor from initial observation):

Midway through the session, when I asked client what are you noticing, she reported that the discomfort had abated. The stress in her voice had gone too.

Written feedback given: __X__ Yes ____ No Next session booked for: _will call_____

Additional notes regarding session and client demeanor:

For about 1/3 of the session, it seemed as though nothing was happening. When we worked the target areas at mid-body, something seemed to shift. That’s when I asked the client what she was noticing and when she reported feeling so much better.

At the end of the session, client was relaxed and no longer feeling discomfort. Her voice sounded smoother and no longer strained.

What did you learn from this session?

It was a reminder to trust the process. In the beginning when nothing seemed to be happening, I trusted the process, reminded myself I have no right to desire an outcome, so not to incur karma. “Thy will be done.” Sure enough, the Diamond did its work, and fortunately the client was able to sense the shifts that had occurred.

Also a reminder that anything can cause anything. From what had occurred in this session, it seemed that there was a clear connection between the stomach/back pain and the throat chakra.

Diamond Therapy

Self-Therapy Session Tracking Form

Session # / Date / Submit Session Notes? (Y or N) / Notes on Therapy Performed

Diamond Therapy

Client Session Tracking Form

Session # / Client Initials / Date / Submit Session Notes? (Y or N) / Notes on Therapy Performed

Diamond Therapy

Volunteer Consent and Release Form

I understand that ______is a student of Diamond Therapy

(name of student)

and that s/he is receiving supervision of her/his practice sessions. This supervision includes submission of written reports and Diamond Therapy mentor feedback. I understand that Diamond Therapy is a holistic healing art that aims to harmonize energies of the body, emotions, mind, and spirit for greater health and well-being. It is meant to complement and not to replace the health care that I receive from a licensed medical professional.

Name (please print): ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

If under 21 years of age, legal guardian’s signature: ______

Street Address: ______

City, State, Zip: ______

(optional) Telephone: ______

E-mail: ______

Diamond Therapy

Volunteer Feedback Form

Thank you for volunteering to receive a Diamond Therapy practice session. It’s important for me to receive your objective and constructive feedback, so that I can continue to improve my skills as I work to complete my requirements for Diamond Therapy practitioner certification.

Did you feel adequately prepared to receive the session? Yes / No

If not, what information would have been useful to know ahead of time?

How do you feel after your session?

Did you have any insights or understandings that came up during the session that might help you on your healing journey? Yes / No.

If yes, please explain.

Which part of the session did you like the best?

Would you have liked anything to be different? Yes/No

Please explain.

Did you feel any discomfort at any time during the session? Yes / No

If yes, please explain.

Any additional feedback you can give me would be very much appreciated. Feel free to use the space on this page to share your experience with Diamond Therapy and how it helped you.

Client’s initials:______Date:______

Permission granted to share your feedback (using only your initials) in order to help others? Yes / No

Student Practitioner’s name: ______

Copyright © 2018 Gemstone Therapy Institute