
Consulting and Trading

Request letter for the sales of new Iraqi Dinar and VEB Bolivars

Owner/Seller must complete all sections of the form in order to be able to process it. This Documents will become part of our due diligence procedure. Our time is as valuable as yours, so please, only serious applications from clients and suppliers who know that they need to pass all due diligence and compliance from our Buyer and his Bank, in order to be able to do business transactions with us or any other company.

Dossier No.:

Information about Client

Address / ZIP / City / Country
Phone Number / Mobile Phone
Passport No.
Company Name
Address / ZIP / City / Country
Corporation Registration Number
Telephone & Fax Number
Mobile Phone Numbers.

Product Information Sheet

Place of Storage - City / Country
Bank or Security House Private
Name of Bank or Security House
Face Value
Quantity in M / B / Roll & Extensions
Year of Notes (2003/2004/2005/2006)
SKR – yes / no
Prove of live incl. photo - yes / no
Attestation letter – yes / no
Bar Codes – yes / no
Certificate (Gold / Petroleum) yes / no
Package / ·  Box sealed
·  Box open
·  Collected notes / · 
History / ·  Custom Declaration
·  Export License
·  Int. Export License
·  Purchase Receipts / · 
Remarks / Wishes / Additional Info

After we received this filled in request letter we will send you further instructions to complete step 2. It is not necessary to send any documents before this request letter is completed and send to us.

Step 2:

To complete step 2 we need the following documents from the owner:


·  CIS

·  Coloured Copy of the passport

·  History of the cash funds

·  Certificate of Origin

·  International Certificate of Deposit (Prove of Ownership)

·  Official Customs Documents

·  Coloured copy of SKR (Required)


·  Pre Compliance

·  Phone Call / Invitation / Contract – Belong to the Buyer

·  Verification & Authentication

·  TTM & Payment

·  Bank account or Paymaster can be organized by us

REMARK: We are working with several buyers. Some of the buyers can pay in advance on a blocked Bank-Account or show Proof of Funds.


Location, Today’s Date Signature Owner / Seller

Strictly Confidential: Request Letter