2017-2018Membership Guide
“The Milbank Area Chamber of Commerce works to promote favorable economic growth and vitality for our membership and business community by marketing the region to new individuals as well as businesses and producing economic impact from tourism.”
Membership Services & Benefits
- Offer “member-only” services that provide value-added benefits to the member.
- Offer members advertising/marketing opportunities including the Chamber Chatter Newsletter, the Chamber website, the Chamber Facebook & Twitter pages, the Relocation/Resource Packets, and Welcome Bags.
- Opportunities for Sponsorships that showcase your business (events, street banners, etc.).
- Reduced Community Room Rental fees and exhibitor/vendor booth fees.
- Ribbon cuttings for members only.
- Networking opportunities includingChamber After 5 Socials, Lunch n’ Learns, and Annual Membership meeting.
- Ability to accept Ol’ Mill Bucks, which can only be done by members.
- Possibility of discounts with your insurance provider because you’re a Chamber Member!
- It is a tax deductible Business Expense!!
How does your investment work?
- Provides funds to coordinate Chamber events including the Grant County Farm Home Show, Milbank Holiday Promotion, Lake Farley Summer Series, Fireworks Display, Fall Farmers Market,Treat Street, and much more. These events draw people to town where they visit local businesses.
- Provides for a staffed office and the opportunities to refer individuals to Chamber Members.
- Provides funds to promote the Milbank area via print/radio advertising, printed maps, resource guides, city brochures, business directories, new resident packages and Ol’ Mill Bucks.
- Provides the member an avenue to become involved in the economic impact of the Milbank area!
Chamber Membership is an investment in your future!
Business Category Definitions
Professional/General Business Financial Professional, Chiropractic, Law Firms, Accountants, Health Care, Optometrist, Consulting Firms, Dental, Real Estate, Engineering and Insurance, Retail, Plumbing and Heating, Restaurants, Entertainment, Hotel/Motel, Implement, Electrical, Manufacturers, Printers, Contractors, Agribusiness, Construction, Auto Dealers, Parts, Service, Repair, Media and Service.
2017-2018 Membership Structure
Financial Institutions $350
Hospital $750
School District$125
General Business/Professional
Base Fee $200
Each Full-time Employee$10
(0-50 employees)
51+ Full-time Employees $5
Each Part-time Employee $5
Additional Partner/Principal$15
Self-Employed- Non Franchise (Avon, Tupperware, etc.)
Base Fee $100
Each full-time and part-time employee as stated for general business.
Multi-Business Owner
Base Fee$250
Each full-time and part-time employee as stated for general business.
Chamber Projects: Retail, Farm & Home, Q-Fest, Lake Farley Concert, Burn-Out, Rock Concert, and Farmers Market.
I would be willing to help with the following projects: ______.(Your help in just one area will make a difference!)
Business ______(if nothing has changed, no need to fill out)
Contact Name or Owner/Mgr.______
Physical Address ______
City, State, ZIP ______
Mailing Address ______
City, State, ZIP ______
Phone ______
Fax ______
Email ______
Website ______
Business Description
(for our website, 50 words or less)
*We would also like you to provide us a business logo or a photo of your business to use on our website.*
Chelcie Eischens
Membership Director
1001 E 4th Ave Suite 101
Milbank, SD 57252
Phone: 605-432-6656