1. Call to Order

Charles: Call to order. The first item on the agenda is the approval of the minutes.

  1. Approval of January 22ndMinutes

Chance: Motion to approve January 22ndminutes.

Minutes approved.

  1. Member Reports
  2. Charles Jetty, Student Executive Committee Chair

Charles: I just want to touch up on the replacement senator process. I thought we had a ton of phenomenal candidates, and it’ll be very difficult for the replacement committee to determine the spots.

Zoya: I just want to understand the replacement committee process.

Charles: Back in august there was a random lottery done. The committee is shorthanded one because Michael is now internal. For applicants, candidates come in if the number of candidates exceed the number of spots, and only I can make a tie breaker vote.

Zoya: This election process, do they elect amongst themselves?

Charles: Yeah, they rank amongst themselves, and if there’s a tie I break it.

  1. Mady Womack, Student Body President

Mady: State higher education day is this Wednesday. We’ll be explaining our three priorities to the legislature. Beyond that, some stuff I’ll be looking at is the Multicultural board of advisors, and I’m really excited to talk to you all about elevating committees.

  1. Mattie Carter, Student Body Vice President

Mattie: I will be here for tuition advisorycommittee on Wednesday. In terms of committees, in code revisions, we were looking at ways students can have a say in policy and code revisions. I don’t know if it must be seen in senate, or people must be on committees, we’re just kind of throwing out ideas. Relating to sexual harassment, I was concerned at the last SenEx meeting just from the lack of awareness from faculty and staff about the services represented at KU. A lot of these people might come to and they don’t know about the care coordinator. Lecturers don’t have to go under sexual harassment training, so that’s concerning. I met with the chancellor today and talked about that.

  1. Rusha Bajpai, Student Senate Director of Diversity & Inclusion

Rusha: I’ve been working with the board of advisors, and at the end of January, we discussed housing and dining. Also, I’ve been working a lot with MSG with their bylaws, and they’ve had emergency legislative meetings.

  1. Caleb Schafer, Student Senate Graduate Affairs Director

Not here.

  1. Chance Maginness,Finance Committee Chair

Chance: Finance committee went fine on Wednesday. I left at 6:30, and everything was fine. We elected a new person for secretary, because Michael can’t do that. We also held line item hearings this past Thursday and Friday. The subcommittee decided to allocate a substantial jump. We’ve allocated about forty thousand more in previous years, which isn’t a big deal because we set the fee. But, we did fund quite a bit.

Mady: Where is the increase coming from?

Chance: It’s not from one particular place. The committee did a good job of cutting things where me and the treasurers thought there needed to be cuts.

Mady: I know the policy last year is that they can’t fund honorariums?

Chance: That’s not true. I know we didn’t ask the honorariums to have their W-9 and contractual services forms because I didn’t think it made sense for them to turn in something a year from now. We didn’t fund a lot of the big venue rentals. The only rentals I could think of was for Jayhawk Jhalak for SASA.

  1. Zoya Khan, Multicultural Affairs Committee Chair

Zoya: MA went well, and we elected Rusha for fee review. Our international committee is planning an event, and we want to have it at around 6:00 pm. Our concealed carry committee met, and they are finalizing potential questions for a survey.

  1. Martin Doherty, Student Rights Committee Chair

Martin: Rights went really well. We’ve seen some increased membership, and we elected Alexis Mills as our new vice-chair. In terms of code revision, we had a meeting tonight before this, and we had good conversations about legal search and seizures for dorms. We are also looking at university oversight and policy making. We’re going tostart meeting every week now because Mattie informed me there are 3 full senate meetings after this one.

Chance: There are only 3 meetings left?

Mattie: Yes, after this coming one.

Chance: You talked about student housing and legal searches and seizers. Where are you getting that from?

Martin: This is coming from Bill, saying there were people coming into housing for safety checks, and if there was alcohol, they would automatically call law enforcement.

Mattie: Basically, what we talked about was about their 24-hour notice.

Martin: We’re making sure students are told at these entrances to say that if we find anything illegal, you will be prosecuted for that.

Chance: I get that, but people are being stupid. I don’t see the advantages of using political capital to letting people know about this.

Martin: This is just the direction the committee is going.

  1. Adrian Janowiak, University Affairs Committee Chair

Sydney: Good attendance, passed everything, and everyone is really nice.

Zoya: I was wondering if UA had good discussion times?

Sydney: I know Adrian is thinking about getting a speaker to come and talk, and he’s started to implement his ideas.

  1. Nellie Kassebaum, Trey Duran, and Caleb Schafer, SenEx Representatives

Nellie: In University senate, they tasked SenEx for reporting sexual assault and concealed carry. Pretty much everyone in the room didn’t know what the wheel was, the mandatory reporter, or mandatory reporter training. We tried to leave the impression that there should be some sort of mandatory reporter training. There is some definite need of improvement for identifying sexual assault.

  1. Marsha Carrasco Cooper, SILC Director

Marsha: Quiz is moving to parking and transit, which is super sad but wonderful for him. Just to let you know, he has been in our office for twenty-one years, and he had a whole lot more pile on.We’re deconstructing his job into three positions. One of those will be advising for senate finance committee. There will be a little bit of a pause, and you’ll be seeing a lot of me. He’s good with a phone, and I imagine that I will be talking to him for several hours a day.

Mattie: He’s coming to fee review?

Marsha: He is. He will also help with elections and Rock Chalk Central.

  1. Regular Agenda
  2. Approval of the February 7thFull Senate Agenda

Chance: Move to approve the agenda.

Mady: Second.

Agenda passed.

  1. University Senate Ad-Hoc Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Appointment

Mattie: This is a committee which is essentially reviewing senate and the relation to MSG. We appoint two representatives and MSG appoints two as well. I nominate Rusha and Mady to represent senate at this committee.

Zoya: Do you know the MSG representative?

Mattie: No. I think Chiquita nominated them.

Chance: Is that allowed?

Mattie: I don’t know.

Chance: Where are the lines for how that transfer of power can happen? What’s valid and what’s not?

Mattie: I think the roles of this committee will change within the next few weeks. I’m not too concerned if their appointments are valid, but just that we appoint Mady and Rusha to this committee.

Chance: Motion to acclimate Mady and Rusha to this committee.

Martin: Second.

Mady and Rush are acclimated.

  1. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned.

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