Parish Pastoral Council Meeting – April 18, 2017
Present Council Members: Father Tony VanderLoop, Carl Brakob, Dick Frie, Tim Davis, Gene Garman, Linda O’Donnell, Pat Ray, Dorothy Schillewaert, Bernie Schmidt.
Parish Trustees: Jan Zaruba and Les Wilmot
Members absent: Paul Germann, Teresa Krier, Nancy Maas, Mike Moran, Bill Renner
1)Opening Prayer led by Dorothy
2)Presentation: Holy Spirit Academy
The Board Member spoke first: Board Positions need to be filled. Holy Spirit would welcome an individual from St. Henry’s. Mr. Lange, the new head master, updated on the progress of fund raisers. They are looking to get more long-term donors. Many new volunteers have been added. Holy Spirit Academy is currently being looked at by the Archdiocese. It hopes togain their approval as a Catholic School under their umbrella. Holy Spirit would be happy to present themselves at a ministry fair or at a Mass. They would be happy to add materials to the bulletin/newsletter.
On May 26 Holy Spirit will be graduating their first senior class. There are six students. All six are accepted into colleges of their choice. Mass and Commencement ceremonies will start at 6:00 pm with Bishop Cozzens presiding.
May 20 is the Annual 5K
Nov. 17 Northwest Marriot Fund Raiser
May 4-to June 4 – Venta Society
Holy Spirit is seeking to re-sign their lease. They feel this space should be sufficient for another three years, looking to expand later. Hoping to have 12 to 15 students in the freshmen class this coming year. Currently there are 31 students in the school, 12 staff members, and 5 board members. Theirgoal is for the school to grow. It is a pleasure of Holy Spirit to work with St. Henry’s staff. Special mentions of gratitude go out to Father Tony, Jessica Soden and Dan Dupay. They are so grateful for the Mass, confession, Stations of the Cross and the many other activities provided by Father Tony.
3)Minutes: Approved and on the web.
4)Open Forum: Nothing from parishioners this month.
5)Old Business:
- Farmers State Bank of Hamel approached St. Henrys. Our term with Premier Bank is due on July 18. Hamel offered a 7 year fixed rate at 4.25. Father Tony asked if it could be extended to a 10 year fixed rate, instead of the 7 years. Hamel State Bank agreed to this for an extra fee. Premier countered, offering a 3 year fixed rate at 4.0 percent and could not extend the time. Google says that Hamel is a safe bank. Hamel State Bank will need a $5,000 retainer tomorrow (Wednesday, April 19). The new loan will be put in place on April 19. St. Henry’s will pay $15,500 in fees and $7,500 up front to extend to 10 years. There will be two loans: 2.5 million will be under one policy and the rest will be under another.
On May 20 and 21 we will present this to the Parish and celebrate our accomplishments. It will be a slide show presentation.
A motion to accept the proposal and advance it to the Archbishop was approved. All were in favor. All were in favor of the $5,000 retainer being sent to the Hamel State Bank.
- Maintenance Needs- We need doors, a new roof, and the parking lot needs to be redone. See sheet of assumptions for details.
Kevin Lynch from the Capital Campaign would like to see us put into place another Capital Campaign immediately following the current campaign.
What are the thoughts on this?
We will need to do maintenance. Mention of a monthly collection for maintenance was discussed. Suggested that it should start immediately.
Concerned that people will not think that the Capital Campaign will be used for maintenance. The bank loan might energize people to dig deeper.
Could break the roof up into sections to repair. Dan Dupay had looked at steel roofing in Maple Lake to see if that might work.
6)New Business: Father Tony updates:
- Liturgy Committee – is looking into painting the Chapel. They would like to paint the area behind the Altar darker and the rest lighter, or the other way around. Most members thought it looked very nice. One mentioned that people might be upset by change.
- Faith Formation- Would like to reach out to families that are not engaged. First Communion families will be visited. They will start with the Hispanic families. They could maybe bring them a gift that they could wear at the First Communion Service.
7)Liaison Reports:
Communication, Parish Life, and Stewardship: No report
Faith Formation and Evangelization: No report
Sacraments and Worship: Six new servers have been trained.
Charity, Pastoral Care, and Justice: No report
Hispanic Ministry and Collaboration: No report
Maintenance Board: A Boy Scout will use up bricks and make a patio for the picnic tables (for his Eagle project).
8)Next meeting-May 16 - Tim will run the next meeting. Dorothy will not be present.
9) Next presentation will be the Budget and Fall Fest.
10) Closing prayer by Dorothy at 9 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda O’Donnell