Discovery Family Connection Meeting December 2, 2014

Attendance: Tom Botkin president, Margo Rogers Treasurer, Amanda Ryder co-secretary, Del Carmichael, Christi Delosier, Marian Hubbard, Rissa Eggleston, Liam Nobbs

Meeting called to order at 6:40 pm.

  1. Principal’s report: 1. Science Night had fair attendance, about the same as last year. It competed with the school district forum. Rissa went to the school district forum and states it was well attended and very informative. 2. Del brought up the idea of trying to out-do Gilbert in a canned food drive in January. Discussion ensued about whether we could pull this off and what it would take to get kids/parents to bring in canned food. Liam and Tom will discuss. 3. Mrs. Smith and students put on a mini Shakespeare play to two local Kiwanis club meetings to try to get donations for the sound system.
  1. ASB report (Liam): Last ASB meeting Nov 21st. The first movie night made $220, and the next one made $123. Toilet paper drive produced1602 rolls and the fourth grade class won. We have two new fifth grade ASB members and 2 new seventh grade members. Polar Express is on for the next movie night 12/12 and eighth graders will sell hot cocoa. No one seems to know know who will coordinate this. Deborah will be graduating this year so the toilet paper drive will be an ASB project next year. Ned Show went well on November 7th. Assembly was free and we sold $850 worth of YoYos.
  1. Budget: final net cookie dough profit was 3907.01 which is down about $1000 from last year. Scholastic Book Fair cash is $400 and the book credit is $393. Tom says our total Scholastic credit is $940 which made Mrs. Hubbard very happy. Book fair take was about average.
  1. Tom says we’ve had some challenges with cookie dough this year. He spoke with the Smiths and they indicated that each year there have been challenges. The cookie dough delivery and distribution went very well but the gift side has been very challenging with unfilled orders and the voucher system is difficult and problematic. Margo says there are some better cookie dough companies out there. She will bring some names to Del.


  1. Marian has the names of 17 people who would be interested in a Bazaar next year on the day after Thanksgiving if we choose to do this
  2. Shelves for the library are in the works; Marian is trying to raise money for bookshelves. She is planning an entire library re-do. She originally needed about $1000 for the project; YV Tech is going to do part of the work.
  3. Winter music concerts 12/9, 12/10 and 12/11. Eighth graders to do concessions.
  4. Movie night 12/12. ASB to do concessions.
  5. Shakespeare play try outs 12/16 and 12/17.
  6. Science Fair is 1/15. We need coordinator, judges, etc. It is now mandatory for grades 5-8.

Old and New business

  1. Drama program and wireless microphones: we earmarked some leftover funds to the library last meeting so those funds won’t be available for the microphones. Mrs. Smith has opened a GoFundMeaccount online to raise money.
  2. Centrum attendance has been dwindling a bit. Tom wonders how to increase interest. It is fairly spendy for families.
  3. Amanda would like to see our students have the opportunity to attend JA World. Del says that he had a meeting out there and the only cost is lunch and transportation. It is a program for 5th grade and 8th grade. Del suggests having a parent night or potluck out there.
  4. Mrs. Smith told Tom that students can be included in the PTA/PTO art contest called “Reflections.” There is a theme. The display is at Ike.
  5. Directory is here! Many thanks to Angela. Margo recalls that the directories went home with the oldest child in the family and extras are placed on the counter in the office.
  6. Margo suggests doing the ice cream party for cookie dough sales soon. Discussed. Margo, Amanda and Tom will do this at2 pm on Thursday 12/4. Tom will notify by email and will create a flyer to post. Amanda will buy ice cream and toppings. Margo stated that about 56 students sold cookie dough and of those all but 9 students sold enough to attend the party (so about 47 students.)

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.