Lincoln Elementary

PTA Minutes

September 27, 2106

In attendance- Kelly Neeb, Anna Levins, Jesica Fleming, Jess Miehe, Mary Mengel, Jen Finger, Katie Mooers, Dan Schmidt, Jack Bendele, Greg Hjelm, Lynette Spence, Michelle Lange, Angie Johnson, Holly Andrekus, Janell Walter, Michele Wells

Special Guest-Jenny Nadeu, WBLAEF

Discussed various programs WBLAEF helps with in the community due to hardship-The Angel Fund

Encouraged to explore the WBLAEF for PTA /Lincoln needs that are not covered by PTA fund

Cotroneo’s is a drop off site for clothing drive during Homecoming.

Minutes Approval- 1st Angie, 2nd Holly

Treasurer’s Report-Change in media center funds

Insurance inclusion for Terrorist coverage-Jack will review and respond to the PTA Board with his recommendation.

President’s Report-Bear Scare update-concern with route as Tamarack Trail has closures and looking for volunteers for the run.

Media Center update deferred to Dan, see Principal’s Report.

Janell has $1000 in additional funds for the Media Center approved through a Minnesota Library grant.

Vice President’s Report: weeding through volunteers and looking to fill open chair positions.

Discussed filling empty chairs, longevity of the chairperson and shadowing when a new person takes over a chair.

Fall Fundraiser-Katie Mooers: Keep fundraiser and direct donation separate.

Working out bugs with Cherrydale and online ordering issues.\

Discussed cash incentive vs. material incentive.

Additional fundraising activities mentioned like a color run-our alternative is the Bear Scare.

Enrichment Report: January is our month for Art Adventure kit. Most classrooms have been scheduled, still looking for some volunteers.

WBCA- Kyle Frederickson starting next, Lisa Servatius after first of the year.

Junior Achievement Biz Town for fourth graders in March?

BEAR Reading with be scheduling a time before spring.

Principal’s Report:

See handout.

Media Center update- discussed seating and furniture needs. Media technology needs and update with Nick Marty.

Welcome Back Conference received positive feedback.

District is finalizing Fall conference schedule.

Grades 3-5 now have 1:1 Chromebooks in the classroom.

Other : Abby Kath proposed acquiring classroom cameras for posting to schoology.

Possible discussion regarding camera type with Abyy, Nick Marty, Nicole Kendall.

Jess Fleming and Michel Wells will follow up with estimate of cost.

Motion to end: 1st Michele, 2nd Holly.