Date:Contact Person:
Course Level:
- Course Prefix/Number: Current Course Title:
- InactivateCourse?......
If yes, effective date:
- New Course Title? ......
If yes, enter complete title:
Abbreviated title - limited to30characters including spaces and punctuation. This is what will appear in the schedule
and on official transcripts.
- New Course Description?......
If there is a major, substantive change to the course, you must attach a syllabus.
Current Course Description—attach copy as it appears in the catalog
New Course Description. (As it will appear in Catalog. Indicate whether the course is cross-listed; prerequisites, co-requisites, etc.)
- Have the course prerequisites changed?......
New prerequisites or co-requisites:.
Remove prerequisites or co-requisites: .
Include changes in the course description in #4 above.
- Justification – Include purpose and objectives; resource implications of change, if any; effect on other programs. Attach additional pages if necessary.
- Has the credit hours changed?......
If yes, new credit hours:
- Has the course’s grading option changed?......
If yes, select new grading option:
- Has the course’s eligibility to be repeatable for credit changed?......
If yes, how many times can course be taken in total, and for how many total credit hours?
for a total of
- Has the eligibility for students to enroll in multiple sections of this course in a single term changed?......
If yes, list eligibility:
- Have the Instructor/Departmental consent requirements changed? ......
If yes, list new consent requirements:
- Is the course currently applicable tothe Core Curriculum?......
- Will thecourse be applicable to the Core Curriculum?......
If yes, what component(s) will it satisfy? or .
Attach a syllabus. The syllabus must include state-required learning outcomesand assessments for the THECB.
Also attach a core course assessment addendum.
- Is this course equivalent to an existing course at UT Tyler?......
If yes, what course(s)?
- Is course cross-listed with another department or program?......
If yes, list department:
- During which terms will the course typically be offered? ......
- What is the a.) TLC course criteria? b.)Course Component?
- Have the instructor contact hours per week changed?......
If yes, list new instructor contact hours per week:
- List course instruction mode: ......
- Has the applicable CIP code changed?
If yes, the new CIP code will be completed by the provost’s office. New CIP code: ______ - Department Concurrence (Consultation with units and departments with related offerings is expected and encouraged.)
Not Applicable
Department: Concurs Does not Concur Defers Recommendation
Chairperson: Date:
Department: Concurs Does not Concur Defers Recommendation
Chairperson: Date:
Faculty, please do not fill in the form below this line.
Approved for term: Year ______Spring Summer Fall For input in Catalog year ______
Department Chair: ______Date:
*College Committee Chair: ______Date:
College Dean: ______Date:
*not required if the only change is to a prerequisite/co-requisite or course title change
PROVOST: ______Date:
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rev. 0415