Date:Contact Person:


Course Level:

  1. Course Prefix/Number: Current Course Title:
  1. InactivateCourse?......

If yes, effective date:

  1. New Course Title? ......

If yes, enter complete title:

Abbreviated title - limited to30characters including spaces and punctuation. This is what will appear in the schedule
and on official transcripts.

  1. New Course Description?......

If there is a major, substantive change to the course, you must attach a syllabus.

Current Course Description—attach copy as it appears in the catalog

New Course Description. (As it will appear in Catalog. Indicate whether the course is cross-listed; prerequisites, co-requisites, etc.)

  1. Have the course prerequisites changed?......

New prerequisites or co-requisites:.

Remove prerequisites or co-requisites: .

Include changes in the course description in #4 above.

  1. Justification – Include purpose and objectives; resource implications of change, if any; effect on other programs. Attach additional pages if necessary.
  1. Has the credit hours changed?......

If yes, new credit hours:

  1. Has the course’s grading option changed?......

If yes, select new grading option:

  1. Has the course’s eligibility to be repeatable for credit changed?......

If yes, how many times can course be taken in total, and for how many total credit hours?

for a total of

  1. Has the eligibility for students to enroll in multiple sections of this course in a single term changed?......

If yes, list eligibility:

  1. Have the Instructor/Departmental consent requirements changed? ......

If yes, list new consent requirements:

  1. Is the course currently applicable tothe Core Curriculum?......
  2. Will thecourse be applicable to the Core Curriculum?......

If yes, what component(s) will it satisfy? or .
Attach a syllabus. The syllabus must include state-required learning outcomesand assessments for the THECB.
Also attach a core course assessment addendum.

  1. Is this course equivalent to an existing course at UT Tyler?......

If yes, what course(s)?

  1. Is course cross-listed with another department or program?......

If yes, list department:

  1. During which terms will the course typically be offered? ......
  2. What is the a.) TLC course criteria? b.)Course Component?
  3. Have the instructor contact hours per week changed?......

If yes, list new instructor contact hours per week:

  1. List course instruction mode: ......
  2. Has the applicable CIP code changed?
    If yes, the new CIP code will be completed by the provost’s office. New CIP code: ______
  3. Department Concurrence (Consultation with units and departments with related offerings is expected and encouraged.)

Not Applicable

Department: Concurs Does not Concur  Defers Recommendation

Chairperson: Date:

Department: Concurs  Does not Concur  Defers Recommendation

Chairperson: Date:


Faculty, please do not fill in the form below this line.

Approved for term: Year ______Spring  Summer  Fall For input in Catalog year ______

Department Chair: ______Date:

*College Committee Chair: ______Date:

College Dean: ______Date:



*not required if the only change is to a prerequisite/co-requisite or course title change

PROVOST: ______Date:

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rev. 0415