The Utilities Board of the Town of Cedar Bluff
November 15, 2016
The Utilities Board of the Town of Cedar Bluff met for their regular business meeting Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. in the Utility Board room located at 4971 AL Hwy 68, Cedar Bluff Alabama. Chairman Cindy Early called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m.
Roll Call:
Norman Burton Present James Bo Martin Present
Tammy Crane Present Linda Pickelsimer Present
Cindy Early Present
Minutes for the October 18, 2016 meeting were presented for approval. A motion was made by Norman Burton to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Linda Pickelsimer.
Motion Carried (4-0)
AYE: Burton, Crane, Early, Martin, Pickelsimer
NAY: None
At this time Chairman Early welcomed new board member James "Bo" Martin. Mr. Martin fills seat vacated by Billie Burkhalter.
Treasurer Linda Pickelsimer presented September financials for approval. Mrs. Pickelsimer stated the water department had a monthly gain of $3,026.60 and a year to date loss of -$6805.49. The sewer department had a monthly loss of -$483.36 and a year to date loss of -$134,938.23. Mrs. Pickelsimer made a motion to approve financials pending review from Accountant Bob Blount with possible adjustments if necessary. Motion was seconded by Tammy Crane.
Motion Carried (4-0)
AYE: Burton, Crane, Early, Martin, Pickelsimer
NAY: None
Treasurer Linda Pickelsimer presented October financials for approval. Mrs. Pickelsimer stated the water department had a monthly and year to date gain of $2,199.06. The sewer department had a monthly and year to date loss of -$7,907.05. Mrs. Pickelsimer made a motion to approve financials pending review from Accountant Bob Blount with possible adjustments if necessary. Motion was seconded by Tammy Crane.
Motion Carried (4-0)
AYE: Burton, Crane, Early, Martin, Pickelsimer
NAY: None
In the Manager's Report, Manager Jeff Harrell presented the Board with a Holiday schedule for the upcoming year. Motion to approve was made by Norman Burton and seconded by Cindy Early.
Motion Carried (4-0)
AYE: Burton, Crane, Early, Martin, Pickelsimer
NAY: None
Manager Harrell also gave the board a printout of work performed for the month of October consisting of 1 sewer tap, 17 water leaks, 3 meters replaced, with a total of 64 work orders performed.
Chairman Early called for a motion to go into executive session to discuss name and character of applicants for office position and to reconvene afterwards. Motion was made at 4:23 by Norman Burton and seconded by Tammy Crane.
Motion Carried (4-0)
AYE: Burton, Crane, Early, Martin, Pickelsimer
NAY: None
Meeting reconvened at 4:45.
By recommendation of Manager Jeff Harrell, a motion was made by Linda Pickelsimer and seconded by Tammy Crane to hire Lala Stowe as part-time office employee.
Motion Carried (4-0)
AYE: Burton, Crane, Early, Martin, Pickelsimer
NAY: None
In new business, Chairman Early made a motion for raises to be given effective January 1, 2017 as follows: $1,040.00 yearly raise for Manager Jeff Harrell; $.90 per hour pay raise for Chief Utility Clerk Jenni Burt; $.50 per hour pay raise for utility workers. Also, Board would cover health insurance monthly increase of $17.00 per employee. Motion was seconded by Tammy Crane.
Motion Carried (4-0)
AYE: Burton, Crane, Early, Martin, Pickelsimer
NAY: None
In unfinished business after some discussion the Board agreed to table Election of Officers until after the first of next year due to appointment of new member. The Board was also in agreement to table 2016-2017 Budget and water rate increase until next meeting.
The topic of sewer only customers was brought up. The Board requested Manager Harrell to have a meeting with manager of Northeast Alabama Water concerning the purchase of water service of these customers. After some discussion, a motion was made by Norman Burton authorizing Chairman Early to oversee this matter. Motion was seconded by Tammy Crane.
Motion Carried (4-0)
AYE: Burton, Crane, Early, Martin, Pickelsimer
NAY: None
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
APPROVED December 20, 2016: