Application Form
The Data Lab Overseas Journey
Destination: San Jose, California, USA
Dates: 13 to 16 March 2017
Event: Strata + Hadoop World – “Make Data Work”
Applicant’s Information
Name of CompanyAddress
Web address
Participant’s name and Position
Company’s Information
Turnover (£)International Turnover (£)
No of Employees
Other information
Experience in the market to date?
What are your objectives in participating in this event?
Yes / NoHave you previously participated in this event?
If Yes, please state which year(s) / Year(s)
Please provide current International Turnover & estimated additional International Turnover for the next 3 years for the market(s) covered by this event? (Include multiple markets if appropriate).
Country / Current Turnover / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3What further assistance do you require? Would you like to find out more about the assistance available from SDI?
International Event Grant Conditions
1. The Data Lab will cover full cost of tickets for the event. The type of ticket will be selected at the discretion of The Data Lab.
2. SDI will contribute a £600.00 "travel grant" per participant for the trip. This goes towards flights and accommodation.
3. Participants (once accepted onto the trip) will need to register their company details with David Crossan , to ensure travel grant is paid after trip takes place.
4. Participantsare required to provide full invoices to David Crossan at SDI as proof of trip.
5. All travel documents and visas, including travel insurance, should be organised by the participant well in advance of trip.
6. Participants are required to attend the full trip including conference and meetings during the trip and be an active participant during the trip.
7. Participants agree to provide testimonials and feedback after the trip for promotional purposes.
8. The information included in this form will remain Commercial – in - Confidence and will not be disclosed to parties outside The Data Lab and Scottish Enterprise/Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
** Please send your completed form to by 17:00 on Friday 20 January 2017.