
The Valley Youth Partnership for Engagement and Respect (VYPER) youth and young-adult regional committee and VYPER staff are happy to invite applications for Youth-Adult-Partnership Grants ( These grant applications are meant, in most cases, to be developed with the participation of adults who work with organizations and committees involved with youth, and with youth and young adults (age 12-24).

VYPER’s mini-grants are designed to support the process of bringing together adults and youth/young-adults to develop the Youth-Adult-Partnership Grant applications, including such activities as:

  • Participating youth and adults getting to know each other better and building trust
  • Developing community agreements about how youth and adults will work together
  • Developing and clarifying your project’s vision, mission, possible activities and outcome markers (VYPER staff are available for free application development workshops that touch on these areas.)
  • Producing and submitting your Youth-Adult-Partnership Grant application

Mini-grants will be for a maximum of $500, generally to cover honoraria for youth participation, food, and transportation costs.

A few important points before you start:

  • Mini-grant applications are accepted on an on-going basis, and as long as there are funds available.
  • Registered non-profit organizations that serve the Fraser Health region may apply.
  • Funding cannot be provided to First Nations on-reserve organizations.
  • If you are a for-profit, government-related of other type of organization, contact us to discuss.
  • This funding application and process may change over time, so please check that you are using the current form here: Completed applications should be sent to .
  • If you have any questions or difficulties completing this application, please contact your local area facilitator ( or VYPER’s regional coordinator, Hayfa Abichahine, at or 778-840-4293.

Who is the main contact for this project proposal?

First and Last Name / Organization
Title/Position: / 15-character CRA registration number
Phone: / Email:

Provide a general description of the project you aim to explore with the mini-grant funds.

Describe what work, if any, has been done to identify potential youth and young adults (age 12-24) to collaborateon the project/application development.

Proposed Budget: (Maximum funded amount of $500)

Line Item / Amount / Details
Youth Honoraria
Transportation and Food
Other Expenses

What to expect after you submit your application:

  • The youth-adult grant committee will respond to your application within two weeks of submission.
  • We will work with each project to determine how best to check in with you as your Youth-Adult-Partnership Grant application development progresses and completes.
  • If you have any questions or difficulties completing this application, please contact your local area facilitator ( or VYPER’s regional coordinator, Hayfa Abichahine, at or 778-840-4293.

The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Health Canada.