Cuyahoga Heights Senior Project Packet
Class of 2018
Cuyahoga Heights School
4820 East 71st Street
Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio 44125
Phone: (216) 429-5707
Fax: (216) 429-5706
- Seniors must be on track to graduate and passing all current classes as of May 11, 2018.
- All community service hours must be completed by April 6, 2018.
- Students must follow attendance policies and procedures as stated in the student handbook. Excessive discipline records, absences and/or tardiness may disqualify a student from participation in a senior project.
- Students must actively seek one placement for senior project, and be approved by the committee.
(see previous requirements for senior project criteria)
- Students must complete a sign-out sheet which includes all of their teachers,the Media Center, technology, fines/obligation, treasurer’s office, no later than May 11, 2018.
- Students must accept final grades as of May 11, 2018.
- Students must arrange their own transportation, and other necessary requirements and expenses that may occur as part of the senior project.
- Senior project will begin onMay 14 and continue through May 21, 2018 for those non-AP Students. For students who are taking AP Tests, senior project dates will be May 14, 16, 18-21, 2018.
- Students are to attend their project site for four days on site, with no less than five hours each day and a maximum of 7 hours each day. (25 hours minimum)
- Attendance and punctuality are a necessity. If students are absent, the time must be made up. This will be documented in the weekly time sheet.
- A student will NOT be paid for his/her senior project.
- The student will communicate as needed with his/her project advisor.
- The student will present his/her power point presentation at Cuyahoga Heights High School as assigned.
Important Dates
Preliminary application in area of interest is due january 19, 2018
those interested in a medical profession should submit application as soon as possible
Senior Project May 14-21, 2018 –Non AP Students
Senior Project May 14, 16, 18-21-AP Students
Senior Project Presentations May 22-23, 2018
Criteria for Participation:
- Students must be classified as a senior and on track to graduate.
- Students must be passing all current classes by May 11, 2018
- All community service hours must be completed by
April 6, 2018. Students will not receive extensions.
- Students must follow attendance policies and procedures as stated in the student handbook. Excessive discipline records, absences and/or tardiness may disqualify a student from participation in a senior project.
- Students must actively seek one placement for senior project.
- Senior project must be “career-oriented.”
- Students must not receive payment for work and must not use current place of employment.
- Students must not work with a family member, someone within the Cuyahoga Heights School District or anyone employed within the villages of Cuyahoga Heights, Brooklyn Heights, or Valley View.
- Student are to attend their project for four days on site, with no less than five hours each day and a maximum of 7 hours each day. (25 hours is the minimum)
Any deviations must be approved by the committee.
*CVCC students who go on early placement will meet with the committee on an individual basis.
- Faculty Advisors will be asked by staff in the related career or by mutual agreement of the staff member.
- Students must complete a sign-out sheet which includes all of their teachers, the Media Center, technology, fines/obligations; no later than May 11, 2018.
- Students must accept final grades as of May 11, 2018.
Application Procedure
- Students secure a placement and identify a site supervisor.
- Placement will be approved by the Senior Project Committee.
- Students will ask staff in the related career area or by agreement.
- Students must complete the preliminary application by January 19, 2018.
Special Notes
*Students in spring musical performances must make rehearsal arrangements with their site supervisor and Mr. Sokol or Mrs. Pitman*Students participating in track, softball or baseball must make arrangements with their site supervisor and coaches for practice and game schedules.
Cuyahoga Heights High School
Senior Project
Project Proposal Application #1
(Please print in Blue or Black Ink (Neatly) - Submit this and one copy to Mr. Young
Due Date: January 19, 2018
Name: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______
Street AddressCityStateZip Code
Project Title and/or Major Subject Area:
Community Sponsor Information:
Company Name: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______
Street AddressCityStateZip Code
Name of Site Supervisor: ______Title: ______
Phone Number for Verification: ______
E-mail Address for Verification: ______
List at least three specific goals for this project. You may add more goals on back.
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
For committee use only:Date Submitted: ______
Proposal Approved: ______Not Approved: ______
Date Approved:______Revisions Necessary: ______
Assigned Faculty Advisor: ______
Cuyahoga Heights High School
Senior Project
Project Proposal Application #2
(Please print in Blue or Black Ink (Neatly) - Submit this and one copy to Mrs. Seitz
Due Date: February 23, 2018
Name: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______
Street AddressCityStateZip Code
Project Title and/or Major Subject Area:
Community Sponsor Information:
Company Name: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______
Street AddressCityStateZip Code
Name of Site Supervisor: ______Title: ______
Phone Number for Verification: ______
E-mail Address for Verification: ______
List at least three specific goals for this project. You may add more goals on back.
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
For committee use only:Date Submitted: ______
Proposal Approved: ______Not Approved: ______
Date Approved:______Revisions Necessary: ______
Assigned Faculty Advisor: ______
Cuyahoga Heights High School
Senior Project
Role of the Faculty Advisor
- To serve as a liaison to the Site Supervisor during the project. This entails contacting the Site Supervisor by either telephone calls and or e-mails during the week of the project and to visit at least once during the week.
- To meet with the student for a weekly conference during the project:
- To review time sheets and journals
- To advise on project progress
- To offer assistance in overcoming unexpected obstacles
- To collect and review students’ journals, time sheets, and power point before
May 22, 2018.
- To visit the student at least one time during senior project. (5/14-5/21)
- Complete the Faculty Advisor Documentation sheet
*** MAKE sure you have the location, days and times students will be at their senior project and
the site supervisor contact information. You will need to observe at the senior project site at least once before the end of senior project. (5/14 or 5/21) would be ideal.
Cuyahoga Heights High School
Senior Project
Faculty Advisor Documentation Sheet
Student Name ______Site ______
Prior to senior project
Name of site supervisor ______
Phone number ______
E-mail ______Date contacted ______
Brief contact info:
Week 1 (5/14-5/21)
______Phone calls/e-mailDate ______time______
______VisitationDate ______time ______
______Phone call/e-mail Date ______time ______
______VisitationDate ______time ______
______Journals collected
______Time sheets collected
______Power point checked
Presentations are 5/22/18, and 5/23/18
Signature: ______
Cuyahoga Heights High School
Community Sponsor Agreement
Due April 6, 2018
On behalf of the Cuyahoga Heights School District, thank you for taking on the role of community sponsor for our senior project. The role of community sponsor is to assist the students of Cuyahoga Heights with learning experiences by integrating real-world experiences with “school learning.” As a sponsor, you will not only play and active role but provide the student the reality of work in the real world.
As a sponsor, you will be asked to accept the following responsibilities:
1)To assist the student with his/her project
2)To be a positive role model in your area of expertise
3)To sign and document the weekly time sheet indicating that the student has completed the required hours
4)To provide a learning experience by integrating real-world experiences
5)To communicate with the faculty advisor and consult when necessary
6)To complete an evaluation form at the end of the project
Senior Project guidelines:
1)Senior project will begin on May 14 and continues through May 21, 2018.
2)Students are to attend their project site for five days with a minimum of five hours a day and a maximum of seven hours a day. (25 hours minimum)
3)Attendance and punctuality are a necessity. If students are absent, the time must be made up. Please document this in the weekly time sheet
4) A student will NOT be paid for his/her senior project.
5)A student must not work with a family members/ relatives, current or previous places of employment, members of the Cuyahoga Heights School district including parents, or anyone employed within the three villages of Cuyahoga Heights, Brooklyn Heights or Valley View.
Community Sponsor Signature ______
Community Sponsor Name printed ______
Student’s Name printed______
Please either fax this form to Senior Project at Cuyahoga Heights High School at 216-429-5706 or mail it to Cuyahoga Heights High School 4820 E. 71st. Cleveland, Ohio 44125
Attention: Senior Project Advisor Sharon Seitz
Senior Project
Student-Parent Agreement
DueApril 6, 2018
(To be completed by the Student and Parent/Guardian)
Cuyahoga Heights High School recognizes the importance of integrating real-world experiences with “school-learning.” The goal of senior project is to take the “new information” which you have learned and apply it in a real-world situation. Senior project is one way of “testing what you know-what you have really learned.”
As a student: I agree:
1)To attend my senior project as scheduled with my site supervisor
2)To complete the time sheets/journals/ power point project.
To communicate with my faculty advisor any concerns about the project
3)That my grades will be final once senior project begins
4)To make arrangements to attend any musical rehearsals/performances as scheduled by the music department at Cuyahoga Heights High School while I am on senior project
5)To make arrangements with my site supervisor and or coaches to attend any practice, meetings, games or meets if I am involved in track, softball, or baseball
6)That I will NOT receive any payment for this project
7)That I am totally responsible for my transportation and other expenses or tests that may be required of the senior project.
8)If I choose to discontinue my project, I will return to Cuyahoga Heights High School, attend classes, be responsible for any work missed including final exams if applicable
11) I realize that if I fail to complete the Senior Project requirements I may forfeit the opportunity to graduate and may not participate in graduation
Student signature ______Student’s name printed ______
To Parent/Guardian:
I have read the guidelines for the Senior Project and have discussed them with my son/daughter. I will help to promote senior project to the best of my ability.
Parent/guardian Signature ______
Parent’s/guardian’s name Printed ______
Cuyahoga Heights High School
Senior Project Time Sheet
The fax number at Cuyahoga Heights High School is 216-429-5706
Attention: Sharon Seitz Senior Project Advisor
Due: May 21, 2018
Indicate the hours that you have completed at project site each day. Remember Cuyahoga Heights Senior Project requires at least five working hours a day, excluding lunch.
Week 1 / In / Out / Hours / Sponsors InitialsDay 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
If needed
Student Signature Date Signed
Community Sponsor Signature Date Signed
Faculty Advisor Signature Date Signed
Senior Project PowerPoint Presentation/Journals
May 22/23, 2018
Instructions: To create a PowerPoint illustrating your senior project experience. Submit your power point in Google docs and share it with Mr. Young Mr. Burich, and your advisor.
Below are the requirements. It needs to be AT LEAST 3 minutes and no longer than 5 minutes. Your Presentation needs to use Multiple Interactive Technologies such as a link to the company website, video footage, music/sound effects and online photos. Your presentation must also be professional. INCLUDE transitions and animation/custom animation as you see fit.
Questions to be answered
Where – did you go
What – did you do
What – were your responsibilities
What – did you learn
What – was the greatest experience or highlight of this experience
What – was the worst experience or lowlight of this experience
Did – this affect your career path/change your mind on your future
What – is your overall thought on your senior project experience
Complete the journal entries each day after you have completed your work day. These will help you answer the questions to complete your PowerPoint. The journal entries will allow you to reflect on the day’s events and create ideas that you can present in your PowerPoint.
Bring these journals completed on May 23, 2017and turn in to Mr. Young.
SAVEPowerPoint to goggle docs and share it with Mr. Young, Mr. Burich and your advisor.
Due by May 21, 2018 at noon
Make sure you practice before your presentation before you present.
You MUST Dress professionally.
Boys – Shirt/tie Nice Pants
Girls - Dress/skirt/Pant suit
*** MAKE sure you check in with your advisor before you leave on Friday to make arrangements and let them know the hours you will be working. They need to observe you at least once. YOU need to work around your advisors schedule as most of us will be visiting you on our planning period.
Any questions please see Mrs. Seitz
Name ______
Senior Project Daily Journal
Each journal entry must be between two paragraphs
and sufficient enough to answer the question fully
Day 1- Why did you choose this as your senior project, and what specifically do you plan to learn from this experience?
Name ______
Senior Project Daily Journal
Each journal entry must be between two paragraphs
and sufficient enough to answer the question fully
Day 2- Describe the daily routine of the position you are shadowing (Include the most important tasks and the daily menial tasks)
Name ______
Senior Project Daily Journal
Each journal entry must be between two paragraphs
and sufficient enough to answer the question fully
Day 3 – Describe three specific aspects and three specific negative aspects you have discovered about this position.
Name ______
Senior Project Daily Journal
Each journal entry must be between two paragraphs
and sufficient enough to answer the question fully
Day 4- Overall, was this project a positive or negative experience? How will this project affect your decision to enter this field or career?
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