Model Outline

Jamie Aragon


A. Set the Mood

1. Choose a Lead: “If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice, or representation” –Abigail Adams. (First Lady of John Adams). Though we are not talking about women rights, talk about the act of rebelling due to government in which there is no voice or representation. Also tie in that many teens, when rebelling, involve themselves in sexual activity

2. Tie in Subject or Topic As many teens in society today, Winston and Julia, too rebelled against a government in which they did not have a say in.

3. Setting Context In the novel, 1984, written by George Orwell, the two main characters, Winston and Julia, use sex as an act of rebellion against their government which is also known as Big Brother.

4. Thesis Statement: Despite the government’s support for goodness and purity, Winston and Julia engaged in sexual activity to rebel against Big Brother


A. Supports Structure of Thesis:

1. Statement: When an authority figure has a strong stance on a certain rule or law, those are the situations that are more likely to be broken, simply due to the fact that they are rules that should not be rebelled against.

2. Examples “I hate purity, I hate goodness… I want everyone to be corrupt to the bone” (Orwell 137).

3. Explanation These were two of the many things that Big Brother strongly supported. Therefore, when one wanted to rebel against this government and the rules that they stood for, purity and goodness were easy targets to act upon, as did Winston and Julia.

1. Statement When Julia is telling Winston that she is the epitome of what corruption to the bone is, he is delighted to hear this from her, understanding that this is the woman whom will rebel with him.

2. Examples “That was above all what he wanted to hear… that would tear the Party to pieces” (137).

3. Explanation What is stated implies that Winston is not looking for a lifetime partner, rather more of just a partner in crime; someone that will join him in the rebellion. Their dialogue that was proceeding consisted of Winston telling Julia that the more partners she had been with, the more he loved her. However, the love that he uses with her, is it real love or is it more along the lines of lust?

B. Supports Structure of Thesis:

1. Statement Throughout the novel, it is easy for the reader to understand that one of the main themes is purity, or the lack of.

2. Examples “No emotion was pure…it was a political act” (138).

3. Explanation While it can be looked upon in more depth, it is stated clearly that the love-making that the characters share is not actually love, rather just a “political act” to rebel against the Party.

1. Statement It is shown, once again, that Winston is not concerned about the actual human that Julia is, rather just the sexual aspects that she is about or believes in.

2. Examples “Even now he had not found out her surname… any kind of written communication” (139).

3. Explanation Winston has not been interested enough in Julia to even bother asking what her surname is, or exactly where she lives. However, even if Winston knew where she lived, there would be no possible way for the two to meet there, due to the fact that if they were found lying together, their lives would be over.

C. Supports Structure of Thesis:

1. Statement Even though there are many instances where Julia, Winston, and the narrator use the term “making love”, as seen before, it is not actually love making that the two engage in, rather just plain sex.

2. Examples “He wished that he were walking… the obligation to make love every time they met” (152).

3. Explanation Even though there is a positive aspect to this quote as Winston states that he wishes he did not feel obligated to have sex with Julia every single time that they met, he still uses the term making love when describing his relationship between him and Julia. This incommodious obligation that Winston feels is understandable and is a good change from what he has been seen to feel, however, if he really feels that what they share is love rather than sex, why did he not care to know her surname, her morals, or anything else about her that did not regard sexuality.

4. Explanation: While some may disagree, making love is exactly what it appears. It is the love that is shared between two partners who love one another, not the pleasure of sex between practically strangers. While having sex and making love could be viewed as two very different acts, Big Brother does not stand for either. Big Brother always wants the members’ energy and focus on the government and doesn’t want for a moment otherwise.

5. Example: “When you make love you’re using up… energy all the time” (145).

D. Supports Structure of Thesis:

1. Statement When Winston and Julia arrive at what they think is the home of another rebel, they later discover that this man had it in for both of the throughout the entire novel. However, before noticing this, Winston confesses about him and Julia.

2. Examples “’We are enemies of the Party… in any other way, we are ready’” (185).

3. Explanation Winston thinks that by confessing his sins to O’Brien, a member of the thought police, he is setting himself along with Julia free. Little does he know that by committing this action, he was practically turning himself in by throwing both of their lives at the feet of Big Brother. This example proves that Winston and Julia committed adultery, so he says, as a pure act of rebellion against Big Brother since they are “enemies of the Party”

Antithesis: Methods of thought which claim to give the lead to our world in the name of revolution have become, in reality, ideologies of consent and not of rebellion. –Albert Camus.

E. Supports Structure of Thesis:

1. Statement: While many teens rebel against authority for the satisfaction of getting caught and being able to reflect upon the moment they were discovered, Winston and Julia actually try to keep their rebellion a secret.

2. Examples “’ And now listen, dear, we’ve got to fix up about…I’ll draw it out for you’” (149).

3. Explanation Even though this relationship can be looked upon as an act of rebellion against their Big Brother government, Winston and Julia try their utmost hardest to not let the truth get out. They both know very well that, in this case, their rebellion could lead both of their lives to death if they too were discovered

3. Example: “’We may be together for another six months…without power of any kind” 181).

4. Explanation: Julia reflects in-depth upon what outcomes will come about after the relationship between her and Winston is unveiled. She confidently states that when all is over and done with, the two will not have remained together.


A. Close the Mood

1. Restatement of thesis: Winston and Julia commit adultery for the single reason of rebelling against Big Brother, despite the government’s support for goodness and purity.

2. Readdressing audience concerns: In society today, teenagers can be found constantly rebellion against authority for the simple sake of breaking a few rules. However, rebellion does not always have to be seen as a negative action

3. Analogy: Learning is always rebellion... Every bit of new truth discovered is revolutionary to what was believed before. - Margaret Lee Runbeck