Newsletter – Friday 6th May

There’s been lots going on at Cogenhoe Primary already this term and the whole school has been taking advantage of the sunnier weather, by taking lots of their learning outside.

Key Stage One Calculation Evenings

As a school, it is very important to us that we work in partnership with parents. To support this, the staff will be providing Maths workshops for Key Stage One (Years One & Two) and will specifically work on calculation strategies. We hope that the workshops will support parents in understanding how the calculation methods are taught in school, and how these can be supported at home through an interactive session.

The workshops will be held on Monday 16th May at 6:30pm and we anticipate that the workshops will last for approximately an hour. There will be twodifferent sessions running, which will be led by Mrs Edge, Miss Noble, Mrs Oldham and Miss Lecky. We hope to see lots of you there!

Ice Lolly Friday

Ice lolly Friday is back! The PTA will be selling ice lollies at the main entrance after school to raise funds for the children. The first date that families will be able to purchase ice lollies will be on Friday 27th May and then they will be sold every other week. There will be reminders on the website ticker, which can be found on the home page.

Parent View

As a team, we are always looking for new ways to improve our provision, so that we can provide the children with the best possible experiences to make their time in primary school memorable. To support us with this, we will be sending home questionnaires with each class separately. This is to ensure that we have a very clear understanding of experiences in all year groups, so that we can improve particular issues that are relevant to different classes. We intend to ensure that each class brings home a questionnaire before the end of the school year and we will also be gathering the voice of our pupils during this time. At the end of the summer term, I will write to parents and outline our actions as a result of the parental and pupil feedback.

Your views are important to us and we appreciate the time that you take in completing the questionnaires, thank you.

Year Six SATS

The children and staff have been working so hard and next week our Year Six pupils will be completing their SATs from Monday 9th – Thursday12th May. We wish them lots of luck and hope they have a very restful weekend!

A Little Request…

Please could we ask parents to remind children that toys including Match Attacks and Loom Bands should not be brought into school. We have had lots of interesting items in school lately, which are very precious to the children and we would hate for them to be lost or damaged. Thank you.

The Sun is Shining!

Hopefully the sun is here to stay! Please can you ensure your child comes to school with sun protection and a hat. Unfortunately, we are unable to apply sun cream for your child; however you are welcome to send a labelled bottle into school for your child to apply independently. In the warmer weather could you also please ensure your child has plenty to drink for the school day. Thank you for your support.

Dates for Your Diary

  • Friday 6th May – Year Two parents invited into school from 2:45pm.
  • Monday 9th May – Friday 13th May – Year Six SATs week. Please note Year Two SATS will be held throughout May
  • Monday 9th May – Year One parents invited into school from 2:45pm.
  • Friday 13th May – Year Four Assembly at 9:05am in the school hall
  • Monday 16th May – Calculation Evening for Year One & Two parents.
  • Wednesday 18th May – PTA Disco (please see the letter sent home today, there is also a copy on the website).
  • Tuesday 24th May – Residential Information Evening for Year Six parents at 7pm
  • Wednesday 25th May – Year Three Trip to Bletchley Park
  • Friday 27th May –

Whole School Mufti Dayto support Viva, the child we are supporting through the UCC. Further details will follow shortly from Mrs Phillips.

Year Five Assembly at 9:05am in the school hall.

  • Friday 27th May – School closes for half term

Have a lovely weekend!