

The Council Chamber, King Street

Pateley Bridge, HG3 5LE

Tel: 01423 755628 Email:



Cllr C Skaife, Mayor (Chair)
Cllr T Brown
Cllr C Hawkesworth
Cllr S Hesselden
Cllr M Holt (Deputy Chair)
Cllr H Jefferson (part) / Cllr J Leggett
Cllr S Lumley
Cllr N Scott
Cllr I Skaife
Cllr J Wardman
Clerk: Sarah Adamson
/ In attendance: 3 Parishioners

Apologies for absence: Cllr Jefferson had sent word that she would arrive late due to an emergency work commitment.

Parishioners’ Representations: a Parishioner who had attended the council meeting in November to raise the issue of water and drainage problems on the Top Wath Road, asked for an update on progress. Cllr Fort explained that because of holidays and severe problems in East Yorkshire, the County Inspector had not had time to visit the site, but he would follow it up again. The Parishioner then left the meeting.

Another Parishioner informed the Council that he was attending in order to answer any questions councillors might have about his planning application which was on the Agenda.

Councillors’ Declarations of Interest and Consideration of Dispensations: None.

Visit by Julie Blaisdale (Assistant Director, Library Customer and Community Services, NYCC) and Lois Toyne (Head of Culture, Tourism and Sport, HBC): theMayor welcomed both officers, who were accompanied by Andrew Maud, the Client Officer for property at NYCC. Ms Blaisdale told the Council that the purpose of their visit was to present the preliminary plans for combining the Library and the Tourist Information Office within the existing Library building, and to seek the Council’s views, ahead of a public consultation exercise. The plans were still at the feasibility stage, but if taken forward, would not only make savings by sharing resources and overheads, but would provide a deliverable and sustainable solution. The outline plans were circulated showing a new DDA compliant entrance with a power operated door and updated interior layouts. There was some discussion over the available space; the impact of technology on how visitor information was accessed and the reference section of the library was used; the retail section of the current TIC, and the employment of volunteers. The Council broadly welcomed this commitment from both authorities, but asked the Councils to consider the redundant HSBC building which was for sale, and which had been identified in council meetings earlier in the summer as a perfect location for a Pateley Bridge hub to house not only the Library and the TIC, but also perhaps Nidd Plus and the Police. Cllr Fort said that in fact he and Ms Blaisdale had visited the building that afternoon to assess its potential as there was a possible purchaser who would be prepared to lease it to the councils; the building obviously had many advantages and could provide an excellent solution. The Council to be kept informed of developments.

The Mayor thanked the Officers for attending, and they then left the meeting.

Minutes of the Meeting held on the 03 December 2013: it was proposed, seconded and agreed that these were a true record of the proceedings and the Minutes were signed by the Mayor.

Matters Arising: there were no matters arising, as there had been some delays in following up outstanding enforcement cases, due to the holidays. The Clerk said that the issue with pigs and fencing at the Blazefield quarry common land was now with the legal department at HBC.

County Matters: Cllr Fort reported that the County Council was still facing further financial cuts and he was not sure where these would come from; he had even come across a parish council that was carrying out road repairs at its own cost. He also suggested that if the HSBC bank building was purchased and presented for lease to HBC and NYCC, a long-term option for Pateley Bridge would be to fundraise to purchase it, as he considered it just as important for the community as the swimming pool. Several items were brought to his attention by Councillors:

(a)  Water on Sandy Lane and at Blazefield: during the recent bad weather gravel had been swept down Sandy Lane and ended up across the road at a depth of three inches; Cllr Hesselden recommended that Highways inspectors should come with cones as the road shoulders were very dangerous.

(b)  Surface on footbridge: although the Council had been told that this finish was to specification, there had been further accidents with people falling over, which must surely mean that the specification was not correct. Cllr Fort said that he had raised this at the beginning of December, so it was probably still in the system, but he would chase it up.

(c)  Potholes were reported on Dredging Box Bank and on Church Street.

(d)  Fire Station at Summerbridge: the lights at the Station had been reported as being switched on all night; Cllr Fort said he would find out if this was intentional and also said that it would be opening next month.

(e)  Foremost School: Cllr Fort said that there were two potential purchasers.

District Matters

(a)  Localisation of Council Tax Support Grant: Cllr Lumley reported that the District Council would be passing this on to local councils, in accordance with Government guidance, although the Clerk pointed out that last year it had kept back 10% for administration purposes.

(b)  Damage to bus shelter in Glasshouses: the electrical cable had been wrenched from the metre cupboard, but it had been repaired the following day by the Caretaker and the Clerk was asked to report the damage to the Police.

Planning Matters

(a)  Applications to Harrogate Borough Council

(i)  DCPARISH 6.49.682.FUL 13/04928/FUL. Erection of single storey and two-storey extensions at Hawthorn Cottage, Wells Close Farm. Glasshouses for Mr & Mrs A Horrox. No objections.

(ii)  DCPARISH 6.49.141.C.FUL 13/04869/FUL. Erection of double garage at Sylcote, Wilsill, HG3 5EB for Mr B Clay. No objections.

(iii)  DCPARISH 6.49.683.FUL 13/04944/FUL. Erection of single storey extension, porch and roof alterations to include pitch roof; alteration to fenestration and formation of new vehicle access, at 1 Bishop Way, Pateley Bridge HG3 5LH for Mr & Mrs D Leeming-Sykes. No objections.

(iv)  DCPARISH 6.49.681.FUL 13/04663/FUL. Erection of Juliet balcony and raised decking with access steps, installation of 6 rooflights, 2 windows and 2 French doors, at 17 Panorama Close, Pateley Bridge HG3 5NY for MrGKitching. Noobjections.

(b)  Decisions by Harrogate Borough Council: None.

(c)  Enforcement matters : the following were noted:

(i)  Case No 13/00339/PR15. The caravan sited at Cross Gates Quarry, Fellbeck, has been removed and the case closed.

(ii)  Case No 13/00511/PR15. Erection of new flue/chimney at Rushgarth, Mill Lane, Pateley Bridge HG3 5BA, constituting a possible breach of control.

(d)  Appeals: None.

(e)  Harrogate District Core Strategy Review: Initial targeted survey for submission by the deadline of Friday 10 January 2014: Cllr Lumley informed the Council that he had requested an extension to the deadline, on behalf of all the parishes within his ward, which had been granted. The Council agreed to formulate the Council’s response at the end of the meeting, and this is attached to the Minutes.

The Parishioner attending in connection with his own application left the meeting at this point.

10  Financial Matters

(a)  Accounts for Payment : the following were approved for payment:

(i)  HMRC PAYE Q3: £192.80

(ii)  Clerk’s expenses; postage and Mayor’s Christmas cards £97.95

(iii)  Riley Dunn & Wilson Ltd: binding of two years’ Minutes: £66.15 including carriage and VAT

(iv)  Society of Local Council Clerks, subscription for 2014: £101

(v)  Jespers Office: document wallets £14.28 including carriage and VAT

(vi)  Clerk’s salary 31 January 2014, gross £450.45 Net £386.25

(b)  Receipts : the following were noted:

(i)  Platt & Bajic, garage rental December 2013: £31

(ii)  HM Treasury dividends on stock on 7 December 2013: £58.02

(c)  To agree and set the Precept for financial year 2014-2015, including consideration of acceptance of the Council Tax Support Grant, and the Government Statement on the Localisation of Council Tax Support: the Clerk apologised and said that the items 10(c) and (d) were in the wrong running order and that the Budget needed to be confirmed prior to setting the Precept. She said that the proposed Budget, which had already been discussed at an earlier meeting, included several fixed costs and it was hard to find any costs that could be cut in a meaningful way. Income was anticipated at just over £20,000 and payments at just under £20,000 including a maintenance and capital contingency; this meant that the Precept figure should be set at £14,250, as previously discussed and recommended by the Finance Working Group, to ensure sufficient income, in addition to the other sources of income, to enable the Council to provide services and carry out its administration. It was therefore proposed, seconded and agreed by all that the Budget should be accepted.

A discussion followed on whether the Council should accept the Government Grant to replace part of the Precept; the Clerk explained that as the Council had accepted the grant last year, it had received the requested amount of money from the District Council, but with the result that the ‘official’ Precept figure was in fact lower than the previous year, as the grant was not included. The grant would continue to be paid to the District Council in 2015/16 but would not be separately identified or ring-fenced and therefore there was no obligation on the District Council to pass it on to local councils. It was pointed out that in a worst case scenario, if the Government were to cap parish precept increases from 2015, and the District Council chose not to pass on the grant, the Council’s income would be less than the current level. After a short discussion, it was proposed, seconded and agreed by all that the grant should be accepted so that the Precept increase would not fall wholly on council tax payers.

(d)  To approve Budget 2014-2015 : see Item 10 (c) above.

11  Correspondence

(a)  Notification by HBC that the Harrogate District Sites and Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) has been submitted to the Secretary of State for examination - for information: noted.

(b)  Request from HBC Parks Department re the Tour de France: to decide on whether to accept the offer of 75m of knitted bunting and where to hang it: HBC’s Parks Department had launched this project whereby volunteers across the county had been invited to knit small jerseys in the winning colours of yellow, green, white, and white with red dots. Of the anticipated 1000m of bunting, Pateley Bridge had been offered 75m to dress the town. The Council had been invited to accept this offer and indicate the preferred location, although it could not be hung across streets. The merits of this scheme were discussed and there was then a consensus that the bunting would look best strung across the river bridge.

(c)  Letter from Nidderdale Birdwatchers with information about the building of a sandmartin wall at Gouthwaite Reservoir in partnership with the AONB and Yorkshire Water – for information: there had been a loss of natural breeding sites for these birds, but there was a history of birds using man-made sites; the current plan was to replace their former nesting areas at Gouthwaite with a wall, to make a secure and long-term breeding site. The project had the support of Natural England, Gouthwaite Management Board and the Upper Nidderdale Parish Council, and was included as a project in the AONB Upper Nidderdale Landscape Partnership Scheme supported by the Heritage Lottery. Applications for funding had been made, preparation was being made to submit planning applications, and it was hoped that the wall would be built in the Autumn of 2014 ready for the breeding season of 2015. This was welcomed by the Council and the Clerk was asked to write a letter of support.

(d)  Reply from the Chief Executive of HBC about the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and the Village Hall survey – for information: the Chief Executive had explained that the Village Hall survey had taken place to inform the decision making process on their own expenditure of the CIL across the district.

(e)  White Rose update from YLCA: noted.


(f)  Email from the Chair of the Friends of Pateley Bridge Cemetery and St Mary’s Churchyard, to inform the Council that the cemetery wall into the field below has been repaired by HBC – for information: following the installation of a new larger pipe from the culvert at the top of the cemetery to the fountain to increase water pressure, the excavations had revealed a weakness in the adjacent wall. This had now been repaired.

(g)  Invitation from Northern Gas Networks to attend a workshop on tackling fuel poverty and carbon monoxide awareness, on Monday 20 January in York: noted.

(h)  To consider a proposal by Hartwith cum Winsley Parish Council to make an application to NYCC to name an unnamed road which crosses High & Low Bishopside Parish, and to decide whether the Council should make a financial contribution to the application: having consulted a map of the parish boundary and the unnamed road (which runs from Brimham Road crossroads at the top of Hartwith Bank, to the B6265 at Cross Gates), the Council decided that it could not contribute financially to the cost of this application, as the road was not actually within the parish; however it had not objection to the chosen name of Brimham Moor Road.

12  Play Area/Millennium Green: Cllr Wardman had inspected the Play Area and reported that all was in order, and he was happy to carry out the inspection in January.

13  Reports from Committees

(a)  Emergency Planning meeting held prior to Council Meeting : the amendments proposed by Bewerley Parish Council had been incorporated into the Plan, so it could now be published and circulated to the relevant people and organisations. Although there were sandbags in both parishes, a further pallet had been ordered; some discussion was given to a dry storage area to supplement or replace Cllr Skaife’s garage and the HBC cemetery store.