Semcac Head Start

ChildPlus Manual

General Instructions/Tips...... 1


Application...... 3

Enrollment...... 5

Family Services ...... 7

Events Tab

Attendance Agreement...... 7

Collaboration - Interagency...... 8

Conference: Center Based...... 9

EHS Transition Guide...... 11

FACTS...... 12

Family Goal...... 14

Family Service Events (PIR Related)...... 16

Health Insurance ...... 19

Home Visit: Center Based (HS/EHS)...... 20

Home Visit: EHS Home Based...... 21

Other Service...... 24

Socialization: Home Based...... 25

Transition Activities...... 27

Transition of Records...... 29

Family Outcomes Tab...... 30

Family Services Information Tab...... 32

Health...... 37

Events Tab

Accident...... 37

Behavioral/ASQ-SE...... 38

Developmental Screening...... 40

Edinburgh Depression Screen (EPDS)...... 43

Emergency...... 45

Hearing...... 46

Health Literacy...... 48

Illness ...... 49

Individual Child Care Plan (ICCP)...... 50

Vision...... 51

Health Events Entered by HC, PM or AA only...... 53

Requirements Tab...... 55

Health Information Tab...... 57

Immunizations...... 59

Disability...... 60

Mental Health...... 62

Pregnancy...... 63

Education...... 65

Attendance (Center-Based)...... 68

PIR...... 70

Status Center

Dashboard...... 71

Organizer...... 73

Entry Express

Attendance...... 75

Family Services...... 79

Health/In-Kind/Assessment...... 80


Personnel...... 81

Community Resources...... 82

In-Kind...... 84

Internal Monitoring...... 86

Professional Development (Trainings/Trainees)...... 90

Miscellaneous Reports

3030 – Participant Health Summary...... 92

3420 – Growth Assessments...... 92

3410 – Growth Charts...... 93

PCR1 – Parent Contact Report for Bright Arrow...... 93

2316 – Daily Sign-In Sign-Out Worksheet...... 94

Updated: 8/2015

General Instructions/Tips

  1. Search (Ctrl + F)

Can search by Childplus Number, Name (first, last or part of name), Address, and Telephone Number

By clicking the ‘3 dots’ you can also search by Birthday.

‘Down arrow’ shows all search results.

  1. Add Family – Used by Admin during enrollment process only.
  1. Participants – will list the children enrolled in your classroom.

You can have more than one child’s information open at a time by clicking the (+)

You can also right click on the participant you want to open and select ‘Open in a New Tab”

  1. ‘Up and Down arrows’ will move you from one participant to another.
  1. Change List

Another way to see your class roster (enrolled children), or waitlisted children.

  1. ‘’ will hide the Participant column.
  1. Search for Reports

In ‘Enter Report #’ box, enter number of Childplus Report you are looking for and hit enter.

Or click on down arrow and select appropriate report.

Setup up report as desired or shown in C+ Manual.

  • Make sure the correct Program Year is selected.
  1. Community, Help, and ‘Gear’ Icons (upper right of C+ screen)


  • Takes you to a number of different forums where you can look for answers to questions about the program.
  • Request Technical Support
  • Link to Childplus Software Official Website
  • Link to Childplus Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.


  • Help
  • PIR Help
  • User Guides
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Request Technical Support
  • Enter LiveSupport PIN Code
  • What’s New in This Version
  • About

‘Gear’ Icon

  • Allows you to change the ‘color’ of your header in C+.
  • Gives you the option of Black, Gray or White for your left sidebar; showing the participants.
  • Also allows you to change your ‘Screen Mode’ to Mouse Mode or Touch Screen Mode.
  1. When entering information in the Notes sections you will see this:

The ‘Clock’ will automaticallyfill in the: Date, Time and Name of person entering information.

Make sure to click this on every entry in a notes section.

The ‘ABC’ will do a spell check in the notes section.

The ‘Printer’ will print the notes section.

The ‘Highlighter’ will let you create ‘Shorthand Notes’ for phrases or information you frequently type.

The ‘Clipboard’ will copy notes to the clipboard.

The ‘Arrows’ will zoom out so you can see all notes entered on a larger screen.

  1. Determining where data should be entered

Enter information under Family Services ONLY if it is regarding the entire family.

Information pertaining to an individual child should be entered in the appropriate section.

For Example: If the date of a dental visit is shared at the Home Visit, do not record in the notes

of the Home Visit. Dates regarding medical and/or dental appointments should be documented

in the Health Information Notes.

Do not enter Health Events to indicate an appointment has been scheduled.

  1. Scanning and Attaching Documents

Scan and upload document(s) onto Computer Desktop.

Rename document. (example: Reach for the Stars)

Open Childplus.

Select Child and appropriate Services tab for document. (See child file list)

  • Look at top right of the screen for ‘Attachments’ click this and it will open another screen.
  • Click on Add Attachment.
  • Click on Browse – Find and Select the document you wish to attach.
  • Complete the Attachment Type, and Description.
  • Click ‘OK’ when done and ‘Close’.
  • Attachment count will change on C+ screen.



Data Topic: / Application
ChildPlus Tab: / Application
Objective: / Entering/UpdatingChildplus with new or returning HS and EHS participants.
Report #: / 4010 – Master List of Families
1520 – Contact Information
Notes: / Used by Admin during Enrollment process.
Enter/Update enrolled child’s emergency contact information and addresses here.
New Feature! - Add Child’s Picture here.
Entry Procedure: / Family Members – Listed in chronological order:
  1. Adult (Primary, Secondary, Other)
  2. Child (Sibling)
  3. Child (Applicant)
Family Information
General Information
  1. Parental Status (One or Two Parent Family)
  2. Primary Language at Home
  3. Number in Household/Family
  4. Family Information Notes
Phone Numbers, Addresses
  1. Phone Numbers, Current Living Address and
  2. Previous Addresses
Family Income
  1. TANF Status (Yes or No)
  2. Supplemental Security Income (Yes or No)
Emergency Contacts and Release Authorizations (list only)
To Update an Address:
  1. In Family Members box, select ‘Family Information’
  2. Under Phone Numbers, Addresses click on ‘Change Living Address’
  3. Select:
‘Add new address’- if family has moved
‘Edit current address’- if entered incorrectly.
  1. Make appropriate changes and click ‘Save’.
To AddEmergency Contacts and Release Authorizations:(Enrolledchild/ren only)
  1. Select Appropriate Child
  2. Scroll down Application screen to Emergency Contacts and Release Authorizations.
  3. Click ‘Add Contact’ to add to participants Emergency/Release Information.
  4. A ‘Contact’ Box will open. Complete a minimum of:
  5. Name and Relationship
  6. Check all applicable boxes for Emergency Contact, Release To, or Do Not Release To
  7. Phone Number and Phone Type
  8. Add notes, if needed.
  9. Save (or Save and Add Another if more to add to C+)
  10. Repeat process as many times as needed, according to Emergency and Release form Parent completed at First Contact.
To Add Child’s Photo:
  1. Upload Child’s photo to your computers desktop
  2. Select Child’s name in Childplus and Application tab
  3. Under General Information section click on ‘Photo’ to the right.

  1. A new screen will open up, ‘click’ on ‘Add a picture’
  2. Select picture of child you are adding from desktop folder and click ‘Open’
  3. Picture will appear in pop up box. From there you can: Delete this picture, Pick a different picture, print this picture or click close.
  4. Please click ‘Close’ to save the child’s photo.

Report Directions:
Tips! / To add/edit phone numbers select ‘Family Information’ and click on ‘Add Phone Number’ (to add new number) or ‘Edit’ (to correct existing number), make changes and click Save.


Data Topic: / Enrollment
ChildPlus Tab: / Enrollment
Objective: / Enrolling Children in Childplus
Report #: / 2001 – Management Report Enrollment
Shows Disability Concern and Diagnosed Prior/During status.
2004 – Management Report - Eligibility Income
Shows enrollment based on Income, TANF or SSI status, and WIC.
2110 – Master List of Participants
Roster of Children enrolled in classroom with parents name, address, etc.
2125 – Participant Alphabetical List
2030 – PNPT – Rollover
Shows children who are age eligible to return for another year.
Notes: / Child’s Application and Acceptance Letter scanned into Attachments here.
Entry Procedure: / Enrollment information entered by Program Managers and/or Administrative Assistant.
  1. Current Year Enrollment (Ex. HS 2014-2015)
  2. Enrollment History/Notes
  3. Eligibility

Report Directions: / 2004 – Management Report – Eligibility Income
*Used to help determine which children, who were enrolled as over-income, need
to re-apply for the next program year.

2030- PNPT – Rollover
*Shows which children are age eligible to return to Head Start for another year.
*School Cutoff Date is always September 1st, of upcoming program year.

Tips! / Every child’s Entry Date will be updated by the Administrative Assistant. Attendance Reports and Home Visit Reports will be run within the first 2 weeks of class, and routinely thereafter to ensure every child’s entry date is the first date of class or first home visit.

Attendance Agreement

Data Topic: / Attendance Agreement Event
ChildPlus Tab: / Family Services - Events
Objective: / To assist in monitoring child’s attendanceand follow up with a parent/guardian in correlation to an Attendance Agreement.
Report #: / 2320 - Individual Attendance
4110 - Family Service History (Event Type – Attendance Agreement)
Notes: / Attendance Agreement should be put in place if center based child has had 3 consecutive unexcused absences; home based family has 2 unexcused home visits; or either will be on an Extended absence due to travel, death in the family or family emergency.
Enter a separate event each time the child is placed on an Attendance Agreement.
Entry Procedure: /
  1. Select child’s name
  2. Click ‘Add Event’
  3. Complete - Event Details
Initial Date - Date Agreement was completed.
Event Type – Attendance Agreement
Description – Attendance Agreement
Service Area - Family
Issue – Attendance/Absenteeism
Source of Information – select most appropriate
Agency Worker – Teacher/FEP/HBE
Closure Expected – Date Agreement is to be reviewed; or Date child is to return to class from an Extended Absence.
Progress – Completed
Date Closed – Date Agreement is reviewed; or Date child returns to class from an Extended Absence.
Outcome Rating – Met Fully
Event Notes
  • Document notes describing why the Attendance Agreement was put in place.
  1. Actions Associated with this Attendance Concern
This section is used to document follow up of the stated Event Type.
  1. Click ‘Save and Close’

Report Directions:
Tips! / If unexcused absences continue to occur after the Attendance Agreement is signed by the parent, document the attendance concerns and notes within the Attendance Agreement Event.

Collaboration - Interagency

Data Topic: / Collaboration - Interagency
ChildPlus Tab: / Family Services - Events
Objective: / Document a service given to an individual family that is in collaboration with another agency.
Report #:
Entry Procedure: /
  1. Select child’s name
  2. Click ‘Add Event’
  3. Complete - Event Details
Initial Date - Date information was shared with families
Event Type -Collaboration-Interagency
Description -Brief (ex: Toys for Tots, Taste of Nations)
Service Area - Family
Issue - select most appropriate
Source of Information – select most appropriate
Agency Worker – Teacher/FEP/HBE
Closure Expected –Date of Event
Progress – Completed
Date Closed – Date of Event
Outcome Rating – Met Fully
Event Notes
  • Document notes describing collaboration event.
  1. Actions Associated with this Collaboration-Interagency
This section is used to document follow up of the stated Event Type
  1. Click ‘Save and Close’

Report Directions:
Tips! / Examples of Event Type – Toys for Tots, Winter Coat Drive by Kiwanis, Food Box Donation from Salvation Army, etc.

Conference: Center Based

Data Topic: / Conference: Center Based
ChildPlus Tab: / Family Services - Events
Objective: / To determine the number of Parent Conferences that a Center Based child receives.
Report #: / 4110 – Family Service History
Entry Procedure: /
  1. Select child’s name
  2. Click ‘AddEvent’
  3. Complete – Event Details
Initial Date - Date the Conference occurs
Event Type – Conference: Center Based
Description –Conferences 2014-2015 (current school year)
Service Area – Education
Issue – Staff/Parent Conference
Source of Information – Parent/Guardian
Agency Worker – Teacher/FEP
  1. Actions Associated with this Conference: Center Based
Add Action
Action Type– Direct
Scheduled - Date Scheduled
Action Date - Date Conference Completed
Type of Contact - Parent Conference
Description – Fall/Spring Conference
Status – select most appropriate
Total time – Enter time spent at Conference
  1. Click ‘Save and Close’

Report Directions: / Report 4110 – Family Service History

Tips! / Do not forget to enter date of Conferences in Education Tab. See page #65.

EHS Transition Guide

Data Topic: / EHS Transition Guide
ChildPlus Tab: / Family Services - Events
Objective: / To document when the EHS Transition Guide is implemented and show progress of preparing family and child in their transition to other programming.
Report #:
Notes: / Used only by Home Based Educators and Toddler Teachers for Early Head Start participants transitioning,while enrolled, (i.e. pregnant woman to newborn being the enrollee after delivery or HB to CB Toddler) within and out of the EHS program.
Entry Procedure: /
  1. Select child’s name
  2. Click ‘Add Event’
  3. Complete - Event Details
Initial Date - Date Transition Guide was started
Event Type – EHS Transition Guide
Description – Transition Guide
Service Area - Family
Issue - Transition
Source of Information – select most appropriate
Agency Worker – HBE
Closure Expected – Date transition is to occur
Progress – select most appropriate
Date Closed – Date transition took place
Outcome Rating – select most appropriate
Event Notes
  • Document notes describing transition guide and related activities.
  1. Actions Associated with this EHS Transition Guide
This section is used to document follow up of the stated Event Type
  1. Click ‘Save and Close’

Report Directions:
Tips! / Transition Guide should be implemented to prepare for any upcoming transition; required 6 months prior to child’s 3rd birthday, or 3rd trimester for Pregnant Women.


Data Topic: / FACTS Meeting Documentation
ChildPlus Tab: / Family Services - Events
Objective: / An opportunity for teams to share family/child information and confirm that families are receiving the types and quality of services that they’ve requested over the course of the program year.
Report #: / 4003 – Management Report - Family Service Action Status
4110 – Family Service History
Notes: / Completed 2 times per year; after November and February parent contacts.
Entry Procedure: /
  1. Select child’s name
  2. Click ‘Add Event’
  3. Complete – Event Details
Initial Date - Date of meeting
Event Type (select from dropdown option)
  • FACTS 1
  • FACTS 2
Description – FACTS 1 or FACTS 2
Service Area: Family
Issue: General
Agency Worker – Teacher/FEP/HBE
Progress – Completed
Date Closed – Date of meeting
Outcome Rating – Met Fully
Event Notes
  • Type FACTS into notes section and hit enter. (If you click clock/date stamp theshort hand notes will not work)
  • Discussion topics will automatically populate, fill in as applicable.
  1. Actions Associated with this FACTS Meeting
This section is used to document follow up of the stated Event Type.
Items that need follow up should be documented here along with staff member responsible and completion date.
  1. Click ‘Save and Close’

Report Directions: / 4003 – Self explanatory
4110 – Family Service History

Tips! / To see a full screen when entering notes click on, above the Event Notes section to the right. Enter notes as appropriate. When done, click Ok.

Family Goal

Data Topic: / Family Goals
ChildPlus Tab: / Family Services - Events
Objective: / To identify the number of goals completed by each family and the completion status during the program year.
Report #: / 4110 – Family Service History
Will show Family Goal and Events associated with them.
4003 – Management Report – Family Services Action Status
Shows all Family Service Actions with progression status and action
Notes: / Each goal associated with the family will be added as a new event.
Entry Procedure: /
  1. Select Child’s Name
  2. Click ‘Add Event’
  3. Complete – Event Details
Initial Date – Date family set the goal
Event Type – Family Goal
Description – Brief; ex: Housing, Education, Transportation, ext.
Service Area – Family
Issue – Select most relevant
Source of Information – Parent
Agency Worker – Staff member who set goal with family
Family Members – Who you set the goal with
Closure Expected – Target end date
Progress – At next teacher contact check on progress
Date Closed – Date the goal was accomplished/ended.
Outcome Rating – ‘Met Fully’ or ‘Met Partially’ only.
Event Notes – Brief description of goal and steps to reach it.
  1. Actions Associated with Family Goal:
Add Action
Action Type – Direct/Referral
Scheduled – Date the action is to take place
Action Date – Date of the action
Type of Contact – Select most relevant. (ex. Home Visit)
Description – Leave blank
Status – Select most relevant
Agency Worker – Staff member who performed follow up.
Total Time – Enter time spent on follow up actions for this goal.
Action Notes – Describe follow up for this goal/action.
Follow up should occur within 2 weeks of goal setting, referral or resources given to the family.
  1. Click ‘Save and Close’

Report Directions: / Report 4110 – Family Service History.

Tips! / To extend a goal into the next program year (for a returning child), the outcome rating should be entered as ‘Met Partially’. As staff review the information/update Family Partnership any uncompleted goals would be revisited. If the family wishes to continue the goal – Enter another NEW ‘Family Goal’ event for the correct program year.
Do not leave your Family Goals ‘Progress’ blank. Select one of the options provided. If this is left blank, the progress shows as N/A in Management Report 4003.
Do not add a Family Goal Event to show that the family declined to set a goal. An event should only be entered if a goal is set. To document that a family declined to set a goal, add notes to the Family Services Information tab, under the Family Partnership Notes section.
At the end of the program year, or if goal is completed during the year, make sure all goals have the ‘Outcome Rating’ box completed/filled in.

Family Service Events (PIR Related)