Constitution Scavenger Hunt

The Preamble

1.  What goal in the Preamble could be used to justify the national government establishing social security, national health care, environmental laws, etc…?

Article I

2.  What are the 3 Constitutional requirements to become a member of the House of Representatives?

3.  Each state is guaranteed how many members of the House?

4.  What are the 3 Constitutional requirements to become a U.S. Senator?

5.  Who is the President of the Senate?

6.  How can a member of Congress be expelled?

7.  What section of Article I lists the delegated powers of Congress?

8.  List 3 of those delegated powers.

9.  What does the “necessary and proper” clause give Congress the power to do?

10.  What section of Article I lists the denied powers of Congress?

11.  What section of Article I list the powers denied the individual states?

Article II

12.  What are the 3 Constitutional requirements to become President of the United States?

13.  The Constitution requires the President to take an oath of office. What must the president vow to “preserve, protect, and defend”?

14.  The President can make treaties and appoint ambassadors with the “advice and consent” of the ______?

15.  In Section 3, what must the President inform Congress of “from time to time”?

Article III

16.  Who creates the “inferior courts” that are below the U.S. Supreme Court?

17.  What crime is defined in Article III?

Article IV

18.  The Full Faith and Credit clause requires that each ______respect the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other ______.

19.  The Privileges and Immunities clause guarantees that the citizens of each ______are not discriminated against when they go into another ______. ***Does not apply to out of state tuition.

20.  What is the term for a state returning an accused criminal back to the state where they allegedly committed the crime?

21.  The Constitution guarantees that the U.S. will ensure that every state has what kind of government?

Article V

22.  Spells out the Formal Amendment process.

Article VI

23.  What is the “supreme law of the land”? (The Supremacy Clause)

24.  What can never be used when determining if someone is qualified for public office in the U.S.?

Article VII

25.  How many states had to ratify the Constitution before it could go into effect?

Basic Amendment Matching – Identify the Amendment connected to each issue

26.  Requiring gun owners to register their guns

27.  Giving the federal government the power to tax incomes

28.  Arguing for states’ rights

29.  Determining what happens if a president is unable to carry out his duties for an extended period of time

30.  Arguing that you have a right to wear a t-shirt to school that criticizes the president

31.  The police stop your car and start searching your trunk

32.  Congress votes itself a pay raise

33.  Your right to remain silent if arrested