Mathematics: Pre-Calculus 11 2017

Instructor: Ms.Erfan


Distribution of Marks

Homework & Assignments 10%

Quizzes 25%

Chapter Tests 20%

Final 20%

Projects 25%

Course Content

See the back side of this sheet for detailed course content.
Each chapter will take approximately two weeks to cover.
There will be two projects based on new curriculum:
1- Paint- by – Functions
2- History of Mathematics


Homework will assigned and checked daily. I will give you a mark of 1 (complete or mostly complete), ½ (somewhat complete, or completed late) or 0 (not complete)


There will be quizzes about 2-3 times a week on the material we are learning. I will usually let you know when there will be a quiz (but not always!). If you miss a quiz, you must do it by the next class before the quizzes are returned.

Missed Classes & Tests

If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to catch up on the missed material and homework.

You can talk to me after classes or you can email me to find out what you missed.

You must have a valid note from a guardian or doctor if you miss a test and you wish to rewrite.

Before the midterm and final, I will have one makeup opportunity for tests or assignments.

Cell Phones and Technology in the Classroom

Please keep your cell phones turned off and away in class. I will give one warning before taking them away for the rest of the class.

I expect to have your full attention during class, just like you expect to have my full attention when talking to me.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Plagiarism and cheating will NOT tolerated. First offence everyone involved gets zero. Second offence everyone involved will be asked to leave the course. I will often ask you to work together, but you cannot copy each other’s work. When working together, you must show all your work and have individual responses to questions.

**If you have any questions or would like some extra help, I am available before class and after school, or during lunchtime. Please let me know if you have any questions!**

Online Resources Notes, videos, assignments, review, etc. - Math Doodles Investigating interesting problems Amazing facts and thoughts about our world Quick videos Video summaries of many topics. Free video lessons on almost any topic!

Course Content

Topic / Chapters / Time Line
Sequence & Series / 1
Trigonometry / 2
Quadratic Functions / 3
Midterm Exam / Feb 20th
Quadratic Equations / 4
Radical Expressions & Equations / 5
Rational Expressions & Equations / 6
Absolute Value & Reciprocal Fns / 7
Systems of Equations / 8
Linear and Quadratic Inequalities / 9
FINAL EXAM: / April 10

Attention: the order of the course content might change as the semester goes.