58 Squadron Announcements

Last updated January 23, 2017 11 am

January 24, 2017

Duty Officer – Lt Parkinson

Duty Sgt – FCpl Reynolds Alternate Duty Sgt – Sgt Feuillat

Duty Cpl – Cpl Martin Alternate Duty Cpl – Cpl Griswold

Reading Drill Hall

Regular Training


Cadets are reminded that December 31 is the last time the

Air Cadet League 75th Anniversary Pin pictured below

is to be worn on the uniform.

The 58 Squadron 75th Anniversary Pin will now move

to the position of the League pin


There is a large amount of information below that requires your attention to the ideas and dates.

This information normally would be presented on a Tuesday evening but with the last two weeks being cancelled for weather we must do it this way

Mr. Heyman


Tri-Service Winter FTX "Exercise Icicle 17"

18:00 Feb 3 to 15:00 Feb5

We are taking part in a Tri Service Winter FTX with 2587 Army Cadets and 33 Sea Cadet at the Harvey Training Area at CFB Kingston. If you are interested in Attending email LT Parkinson at the Sqn Email() Depending on how many cadets we are able to take there my be a lottery for the cadets that can attend. Kit list and permission forms should be ready next Tuesday.

If you wish to attended the Tri Service Winter FTX you MUST email the Sqn at by midnight Monday Jan 23 to be eligible to attend. This activity is open to all levels.


The original idea for Operation Snow Dragon was to create a fun atmosphere where the cadets would be broken into small teams and a staff member would take part with each team. I was going to hand out the following pages showing the teams and some of the rules as well as inform the cadets of the task for the 1st part of the afternoon. Unfortunately that did not happen so the team make ups are below. The task that was going to be announced is that each team will have 45 minutes to create a sculptor or figure out of snow and items from home. That would have given the teams 2 weeks to get together and discuss what they were going to create. That is now impossible so I will be at the wing both this Saturday and Sunday from 0900 – 1030 hrs for any teams that want to get together.

Mr. Heyman

January 28, 2017

0930 – 1600 hrs

Springer Market Square & 416 Wing Clubrooms

Join us for a fun filled day of skating and some

exciting team challenges outdoors

Hot Chocolate and a hearty hot lunch will be provided.

Teams will comprise of 4 or 5 cadets

With Cadets being cancelled Jan 10 any cadet who has not signed up can do so by emailing Mr. Heyman at

by midnight tonight.(Jan 10)

This will be the same as having tonight to sign up.

Due to the nature of this exercise you must be signed up to take part.

BRANT / 12 / CHAN / A / CDT / 12
ESPEJO / B / Cpl / 13 / DONNELLY / A / Cpl / 14
KELLY / V / FCpl / 14 / McGRAW / N / Cpl / 14
PARKINSON / J / WO2 / 18 / LAFRENIERE / N / WO2 / 18
Capt Osborne / 70 / Capt Peterson / 70
BLOHM (B) / J / Cpl / 13 / CADOTTE / 13
FYFE / A / Cpl / 13 / GRISWOLD / A / cdt / 13
YUZICHUK / L / Cdt / 13 / WAGNER / G / Cpl / 13
MORRIS / A / FCpl / 14 / NIELISSEN / J / FCpl / 14
KRAUSE (B) / E / FSgt / 17 / COOKE (B) / L / FSgt / 17
Capt Barrette / 70 / Ocdt Donnelly / 70
JOHNSON / J / Cpl / 13 / JOHNSON / N / Cpl / 13
VANHUMBECK / M / Cpl / 13 / ROBBINS / J / Cpl / 13
CHIGEDE / I / Cpl / 14 / HAYNES / C / Cpl / 14
PANTING (G) / FCpl / 14 / PEREIRA / A / FCpl / 14
SLACK / FSgt / 16 / MORRIS / S / Sgt / 16
Mr. Thompson / 70 / Miss Brown / 70
VANDALE / Cdt / 12 / SHIPMAN / S / Cpl / 12
KADIAN / V / Cpl / 13 / DONNELLY / F / FCpl / 13
SOO LUM / T / 14 / GLENDINNING / E / Cpl / 15
URZINGER / C / Cpl / 15 / SHIMANS / A / Cpl / 15
DONNELLY (G) / L / Sgt / 16 / WELLBANKS / M / 15
Mrs. Bucci / 70 / Mr. Osborne / 70

Operation Snow Dragon

Rules of the Day

Morning Skate at Springer Market Square – The morning part of the exercise is open to all cadets who are signed up and are skating or not.

Afternoon Games – The afternoon section will be 8 pre-selected teams of 5 cadets and 1 staff member in friendly competition.

For the team building task part of the afternoon the following rules will apply:

1.  The team may use any items from home that they wish in addition to the snow.

2.  Items from home must fit inside a normal backpack or bag that is carried by the cadet. Any larger items will not be allowed.

3.  Items from home can not be dropped off at the wing by parents etc.

4.  Items from home will not be brought by the staff member only cadets.

5.  Judging will be for most unusual, creativity, team participation.

Due to limited spacing at the wing the following condition will apply.

For the safety of the cadets and staff if the temperature is

-10 or a windchill greater than – 15 the events will be cancelled.

The final decision will be made by 0730 on the day of the exercise

And the results will be posted on the web site.


The following outlines the requirements for any cadet who would like to be considered this year. Deadline for forms to be submitted to Lt Parkinson in the Admin office is January 31.

Lord Strathcona Medal

TheLord Strathcona Medal, is the highest award which can be bestowed upon aCanadian cadetin recognition of exemplary performance in physical and military training.

The criteria for the Lord Strathcona Medal are the following:have a high level of physical fitness;

·  have completed at least one senior training course of six weeks for sea and army cadets; or of three weeks duration for Air Cadets;

·  have qualified to a training level of at least:

·  Petty Officer 2nd Class in theRoyal Canadian Sea Cadets;

·  Silver Star in theRoyal Canadian Army Cadets;

·  Level 3 in theRoyal Canadian Air Cadets;

·  have met all requirements of their corps’ mandatory training program;

·  have met all requirements of their corps’ extracurricular support training program;

·  have completed three years as a cadet; and

·  be regarded by peers and supervisors as exemplifying the model cadet.

Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Excellence

The Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence is awarded annually to the cadet having shown a high degree of participation and leadership in the area of citizenship and in meeting and enhancing the aims and objectives of the cadet organization.

1.  The criteria for selection of individual cadets requires that they have fulfilled the following conditions through three years of cadet training:

·  have fulfilled all requirements of the corps local headquarters annual mandatory training program and participated in 75% of the optional training;

·  have participated in at least three community service events, in addition to the corps supported programs;

·  must be seen by peers and superiors to exemplify the model cadet and enhance his/her corps status by:

-co-operation with peers and superiors


-promotion of goodwill and morale within the corps

-supporting and assisting corps members

-enhancing the image of Cadets in the local community

The corps Commanding Officer will if needed, seek the confirmation and recommendations of the various community organizations to which the cadet has provided volunteer time and assistance, in assessing his/her worthiness for the award. A cadet's scholastic record and extracurricular activities at school may also be considered.


The Colonel Robert Perron Fitness Award recognizes outstanding achievement in physical fitness. This award will be presented annually to the Cadet who attains the highest physical fitness test score. Air Cadets who wish to apply for this Award should contact their Commanding Officer or Training Officer, who will provide pertinent information about the Award and, where applicable, arrange for the Cadet to be tested in accordance with established guidelines.



Cadet Name & Rank


I wish to be considered for the following Medal(s) .

Lord Strathcona _____ Legion _____ Perron _____

My justification for being considered is;

Attach 2nd sheet if necessary

National Course Interviews

Practice Interviews for those cadets who have applied for senior training courses will be Wednesday Feb 1, 1900 hrs

at Bayridge Alliance Church 825 Gardiners Road,

The National Course Interviews will be on Saturday February 11.

Timings to be announced later.


Biathlon: All important information has been emailed out, If you have not received it Please contact LT Parkinson at

Exertion: We have secured a location for Practice and will be starting the 2nd week of February Time and location To Be Announced


The 58 Squadron Clothing order is in. Those cadets who did not pick up their t-shirt they will be available on the 1st parade night in the new year. If you did not get sized in Oct/ Nov then yours will be available then as well.

Mr. Heyman


Flight Points

The total points earned by flight are now available at the end of the announcements page (Below). Top Flight for each month is in red



EXTERTION TEAM Will be starting as soon as we can secure a location. In the mean time those that wish to take part please Email the Sqn to get your conditioning work out for Week 1.

DRILL TEAM – Mondays 1830-2100 Starting Jan 9 at Reading Drill Hall

GROUND SCHOOL - Completed for this year. It will resume in September

BIATHLON – All important information has been emailed out, If you have not received it Please contact LT Parkinson at

PIPES & DRUMS - Fridays 1830 – 2200 Armouries

ORIENTEERING – Completed for this year

RANGE TEAM Sunday 1100 -1400 at PWOR armories from .Range team and alternates only at this time

EXERTION - Starting in January

EFFECTIVE SPEAKING Wednesday 416 Wing 1900 – 2030

BRASS & REED Thursdays 1830 Thompson Drill Hall. CANCELLED FOR THIS WEEK


Flight #1 Flight #2 Flight #3

September 2020 1705 2085

October 1675 1725 1845

November 2400 2460 2700

December 1220 1210 1230