Walking in Grace

Lesson 5

When You Don’t Feel You Need God’s Grace

Day One: We can learn from the mistakes of people in the past. Read Judges 2:7–23.

  1. The Israelites served the Lord while Joshua was alive,but after his death another generation arose. According to verse 10, what did this new generation not know?
  1. Because they did not know the Lord or the work He had done, this generation didn’t think they needed God’s grace. What did they do in verses 11–13?
  1. What did God do in verses 14–15?
  1. Even though the people disobediently worshiped other gods, how did God show His grace? (verses 16 and 18)
  1. Can you think of times when you have experienced God’s grace even though you didn’t think you needed it?

Day Two: Read John 8:30–47.

  1. Some people think they don’t need God’s grace, butthey will eventually find out they are trusting the wrong thing. Read John 8:30–31. How does John describe the Jews to whom Jesus was speaking?
  1. In verse 31, what does Jesus saythey will do to if they are truly His disciples?
  1. Although verses 30–31 tell us that these Jews believed in Jesus, what were they trusting for their salvation, according to verse 33?
  1. In verse 44, who does Jesus tell these Jews their true father is?
  1. This passage is a warning to take the time to search the Scriptures and your own soul to find out whom you are trusting for your salvation. Write out a prayer on a separate piece of paper, mentioning whom your faith is in and why. If you feel you can’t do this, I suggest that you talk with your table leader or one of the other Every Women’s Grace leaders.

Day Three:Today we will read another passage that warns us to keep us alert until the Lord returns. Read Matthew7:13–27.

  1. According to verses 13–14, where are most people headed?
  1. Verse 21 tells us that not everyone who claims Jesus as Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. Based on verses 21–23, describe what these people think about themselves and what God thinks about them.
  1. Read verses 24–27 and describe how the wise man and foolish man are similar and different.
  2. Challenge: Read James 1:22–25. List the similarities and differencesbetween the two types of people mentioned. Notice the different things they look at.
  1. What warnings and encouragement have you learned from these passages?

Day Four:Read Luke 21:34–36.

  1. The Bible tells us that the Lord will return one day, and we are all looking forward to that day. How does Luke describe that day in verse 34?
  1. What practical suggestions does Luke give in verse 36 and why?
  1. If the Lord were to come back today, would you be ready to face Him? What do you think He would He say about your life?
  1. Describe how you would like the Lord to find you when He comes and what you would like Him to say about your life.

Day Five:Today we will look at Peter’s last day with Jesus. Read Matthew 26:30–46.

  1. Based on verses 33–35, what do you think Peter was willing to do for Jesus at that moment?What were Peter’s good intentions?
  1. If you don’t know the story, read verses 47–68. We will look at what happened to Peter’s good intentions. Read verses 69–75 and describe the differences between his intentions and his actions.
  1. Think about your life.Describe a situation in which your good intentions differedfrom your ultimate actions.
  1. How could Peter have been more prepared? Could these things help you be more prepared for your unexpected trials?
  1. Based on what you have learned this week, how might you need God’s grace even when you don’t know you need it?


Carol Beakley Spring 2006