For immediate release [Date]

[School Name / Logo]

A little bit of Give and Take is good for everyone

Fancy a chance to declutter your home and take home something ‘new’ for free? Well, you can have it all at one fantastic local event.

[Group Name] will be holding a Great Give and Take on [Date] at [Venue name and address].

Donate your household, garden, travel or kids items, books, toys, sports gear, CDs and DVDs that you no longer need, use or want between 9:30am and 11am. Please make sure that your items are in good condition and in working order. The event cannot accept electrical or gas items, anything dangerous or toxic or items that are too big to fit in a car

From 11am to 1pm, anyone can come and take something away and you don’t have to give to be able to take.

[Quote from organiser…. e.g. [Name] from [Group Name] says

’We have seen successful Give and Takes running in other parts of the county and wanted this event available in our own community. This event gives [Town name] residents a chance to be both planet and people friendly by passing on household items that are no longer wanted or needed – giving items a second life and reducing the need to buy new. We are keen to help people buy less, spend less, use less and throw away less.’

As well as the Give or Take, there will also be [Details about what else is on offer; information stands/displays, special guests, teas & coffees].

For more information or if you would be interested in volunteering at this event, please contact:

[Name and full contact details including email address and phone number]


[Image details & captions]

[A short paragraph about the charity you are supporting]

[District Council Recycling pages]